USAJOBS connects job seekers with federal employment opportunities across the United States and around the world. As the Federal Government’s official employment site, USAJOBS provides resources to help the right people find the right jobs.

As a part of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), USAJOBS helps recruit, retain, and honor a world-class government workforce for the American people.

Federal agencies use USAJOBS to facilitate their hiring processes and match qualified applicants to job openings. Therefore, USAJOBS serves as the central location to find job openings within hundreds of federal agencies and organizations.

The U.S. Federal Government relies on more than two million Americans and foreign nationals to work in the civil service. Citizens like you help the government fulfill its essential duties in service to the American people. USAJOBS is here to help you find ways to serve.

What's new at USAJOBS

USAJOBS is excited to announce that we have updated our filters to improve the search experience and to help you more easily find the jobs you’re looking for. As a result, we have archived all searches saved before April 8, 2017. To continue to receive saved search notifications, you must unarchive your old saved searches or create new ones. We designed the new filter options to help you more easily find the jobs you’re looking for, so we encourage you to update your saved searches so that they deliver all relevant jobs.


Over 500 agencies posted job announcements on USAJOBS in 2016.

10 million +
Account Holders

USAJOBS has over 10,185,663 account holders to date.


In 2016 USAJOBS announcements marketed opportunities located in over 147 countries.

Job Announcements

364,821 job announcements were open on USAJOBS in 2016.

USAJOBS.gov is available to everyone! Setting up a USAJOBS profile simply requires an email to sign up.

Get Started

Want to learn more?

Visit the Help Center to review frequently asked questions, get step by step instructions on how to complete website tasks, learn about unique hiring paths and about working in the Federal Government.