Frequently Asked Questions

How can I obtain copies of the research papers?

The BLS working papers are available on the website at The Monthly Labor Review articles are available on the MLR website at Many of the published papers are available to subscribers at JSTOR. The unpublished papers can be obtained by contacting Economic Research and Program Development Staff by email or by contacting the authors directly.

Are there opportunities to be a full-time or visiting researcher at BLS?

How can I obtain access to confidential data?

BLS has opportunities available on a limited basis for researchers from colleges and universities, government, and eligible nonprofit organizations to obtain access to BLS data files not available on public-use or the NLS geocode files. These confidential files are available for use only at the BLS National Office in Washington, DC, on statistical research projects approved by BLS. Access to data is subject to the availability of space and resources at BLS.

For more information about how to request access to these and other confidential data files, please see Researcher Access to Confidential Data Files at the Bureau of Labor Statistics at

How can I learn more about the research that is conducted by the staff?

Research economists on the staff are currently conducting research in a wide variety of areas. (Please see the contact page to view each staff member's research area.) Many of the staff present their research at academic conferences, such as the Allied Social Sciences Association meetings, the Society of Labor Economists meetings, and the Joint Statistical Meetings (see the working papers page for a list of recent conference papers).


Last Modified Date: January 09, 2007