Intermediate Care Technician

VA Intermediate Care Technician (ICT) Program

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Intermediate Care Technician (ICT) Program is a program designed to hire former military corpsmen and medics into positions at VA Medical Centers as an integral part of the medical team. An ICT’s Scope of Care permits maximum utilization of the skills, abilities, and experience former corpsmen and medics have acquired during active duty. ICTs are located primarily in Emergency Departments, however VA is now hiring ICTs in virtually every clinical setting that will benefit from ICT skill sets such as Mental Health, Geriatrics, Primary Care, Dermatology, and Surgical services. ICT positions are advertised on the USA jobs website regularly.

The ICT Program is a part of the VA‘s Transitioning Military Personnel initiative.

Learn more about an Intermediate Care Technician, Nurse Assistant or Health Technician opportunity today.

For more information on the ICT program, please contact Kristina Snell,

To apply for an open position please click here.