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Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management
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Departmental Budget Center (DBC)

Mission Statement

The DBC mission is to provide the Department with excellence in leadership, direction, policy advice, technical assistance and related services concerning budget formulation, justification, and execution ; to oversee preparation of all Departmental budget submissions including requests for supplemental appropriations, rescissions, deferrals, reprogrammings and other funding adjustments; and to coordinate the presentation of all budget submissions to the Office of Management and Budget and to the Congress.

Departmental Budget Center Front Office provides policy direction and oversight for all DBC functions, and budget policy guidance, and interpretation to the Department.

Office of Agency Budget Programs provides oversight to Agencies in the preparation of all budget submissions, including requests for supplemental appropriations, rescissions, deferrals, reprogramming and other funding adjustments; and coordinates the presentation of budget submissions to OMB and Congress.

Office of Budget Policy and Systems provides leadership in the establishment, promulgation, and implementation of broad budget policies and processes for the Department and its component agencies, and communicates, integrates and coordinates all formulation, presentation, and apportionments of Departmental budget accounts and support activities for the Department. OBPS also operates and maintains the Departmental E-Business Suite (DEBS) solution.

Budget, Performance & Planning