Office of Fleet Management

color photo of cars

Sign up for GSA Vehicle Purchasing Email Notification System! (A nongovernment website.)

GSA is a mandatory source, under FPMR 101-26.501 [PDF - 184 KB], for purchases of new non-tactical vehicles for DOD and federal executive agencies. Other eligible users may also purchase vehicles from GSA.

Benefits of purchasing vehicles through GSA

  • Vehicle purchases at a savings of over 21 percent below the manufacturer's invoice price;
  • Professional engineering services including technical assistance and vehicle design services;
  • Professional contracting teams;
  • AutoChoice on-line ordering tool;
  • Reasonable pricing;
  • A wide variety of vehicle types; and
  • Program teams dedicated to customer care.

Vehicle Purchasing Overview

GSA’s Vehicle Purchasing Overview [PDF - 334 KB] was designed to serve as an educational tool to walk new customers through the vehicle ordering process, and further assist those who have placed orders previously. The overview provides information on GSA’s vehicle ordering programs, ordering cycle, and vehicle shipment times.

Vehicle Purchasing Programs

To learn about the programs offered by GSA Vehicle Purchasing, please contact us or visit Vehicle Purchasing Vehicle Solutions: Vehicle and Products.

Used Vehicles

Used government vehicles are auctioned to the public. To find out how to buy used vehicles, visit AutoAuctions and GSA Auctions®.

Federal Fleet Management System (FedFMS)

FMR 102-34.340 [PDF - 147 KB] states that a federal agency must have a fleet management information system at the department or agency level that identifies and collects accurate inventory, cost, and use data to cover the complete lifecycle of each motor vehicle. To learn more, please visit FedFMS.

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