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East Asia/Southeast Asia :: Mongolia Print
Page last updated on December 31, 2018
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  • Introduction :: Mongolia
  • Background field listing

    The Mongols gained fame in the 13th century when under Chinggis KHAAN they established a huge Eurasian empire through conquest. After his death the empire was divided into several powerful Mongol states, but these broke apart in the 14th century. The Mongols eventually retired to their original steppe homelands and in the late 17th century came under Chinese rule. Mongolia declared its independence from the Manchu-led Qing Empire in 1911 and achieved limited autonomy until 1919, when it again came under Chinese control. The Mongolian Revolution of 1921 ended Chinese dominance, and a communist regime, the Mongolian People’s Republic, took power in 1924.

    The modern country of Mongolia, however, represents only part of the Mongols' historical homeland; today, more ethnic Mongolians live in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in the People's Republic of China than in Mongolia. Since the country's peaceful democratic revolution in 1990, the ex-communist Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (MPRP) - which took the name Mongolian People’s Party (MPP) in 2010 - has competed for political power with the Democratic Party (DP) and several other smaller parties, including a new party formed by former President ENKHBAYAR, which confusingly adopted for itself the MPRP name. In the country's most recent parliamentary elections in June 2016, Mongolians handed the MPP overwhelming control of Parliament, largely pushing out the DP, which had overseen a sharp decline in Mongolia’s economy during its control of Parliament in the preceding years. Mongolians elected a DP member, Khaltmaa BATTULGA, as president in 2017.

  • Geography :: Mongolia
  • Location field listing
    Northern Asia, between China and Russia
    Geographic coordinates field listing
    46 00 N, 105 00 E
    Map references field listing
    Area field listing
    total: 1,564,116 sq km
    land: 1,553,556 sq km
    water: 10,560 sq km
    country comparison to the world: 20
    Area - comparative field listing
    slightly smaller than Alaska; more than twice the size of Texas
    Land boundaries field listing
    total: 8,082 km
    border countries (2): China 4630 km, Russia 3452 km
    Coastline field listing
    0 km (landlocked)
    Maritime claims field listing
    none (landlocked)
    Climate field listing
    desert; continental (large daily and seasonal temperature ranges)
    Terrain field listing
    vast semidesert and desert plains, grassy steppe, mountains in west and southwest; Gobi Desert in south-central
    Elevation field listing
    mean elevation: 1,528 m
    elevation extremes: 560 m lowest point: Hoh Nuur
    4374 highest point: Nayramadlin Orgil (Khuiten Peak)
    Natural resources field listing
    oil, coal, copper, molybdenum, tungsten, phosphates, tin, nickel, zinc, fluorspar, gold, silver, iron
    Land use field listing
    agricultural land: 73% (2011 est.)
    arable land: 0.4% (2011 est.) / permanent crops: 0% (2011 est.) / permanent pasture: 72.6% (2011 est.)
    forest: 7% (2011 est.)
    other: 20% (2011 est.)
    Irrigated land field listing
    840 sq km (2012)
    Population distribution field listing
    sparsely distributed population throughout the country; the capital of Ulaanbaatar and the northern city of Darhan support the highest population densities
    Natural hazards field listing
    dust storms; grassland and forest fires; drought; "zud," which is harsh winter conditions
    Environment - current issues field listing
    limited natural freshwater resources in some areas; the burning of soft coal in power plants and the lack of enforcement of environmental laws leads to air pollution in Ulaanbaatar; deforestation and overgrazing increase soil erosion from wind and rain; water pollution; desertification and mining activities have a deleterious effect on the environment
    Environment - international agreements field listing
    party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol, Desertification, Endangered Species, Environmental Modification, Hazardous Wastes, Law of the Sea, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Wetlands, Whaling
    signed, but not ratified: none of the selected agreements
    Geography - note field listing
    landlocked; strategic location between China and Russia
  • People and Society :: Mongolia
  • Population field listing
    3,103,428 (July 2018 est.)

    note: Mongolia is one of the least densely populated countries in the world (2 people per sq km); twice as many ethnic Mongols (some 6 million) live in Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol) in neighboring China

    country comparison to the world: 135
    Nationality field listing
    noun: Mongolian(s)
    adjective: Mongolian
    Ethnic groups field listing
    Khalkh 81.9%, Kazak 3.8%, Dorvod 2.7%, Bayad 2.1%, Buryat-Bouriates 1.7%, Zakhchin 1.2%, Dariganga 1%, Uriankhai 1%, other 4.6% (2010 est.)
    Languages field listing
    Mongolian 90% (official) (Khalkha dialect is predominant), Turkic, Russian (1999)
    Religions field listing
    Buddhist 53%, Muslim 3%, Shamanist 2.9%, Christian 2.2%, other 0.4%, none 38.6% (2010 est.)
    Age structure field listing
    0-14 years: 27% (male 427,225 /female 410,579)
    15-24 years: 15.67% (male 246,198 /female 240,040)
    25-54 years: 45.49% (male 683,475 /female 728,149)
    55-64 years: 7.43% (male 105,085 /female 125,502)
    65 years and over: 4.42% (male 55,447 /female 81,728) (2018 est.)
    population pyramid: population pyramid
    Dependency ratios field listing
    total dependency ratio: 48.5 (2015 est.)
    youth dependency ratio: 42.7 (2015 est.)
    elderly dependency ratio: 5.8 (2015 est.)
    potential support ratio: 17.3 (2015 est.)
    Median age field listing
    total: 28.8 years
    male: 28 years
    female: 29.6 years (2018 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 129
    Population growth rate field listing
    1.11% (2018 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 99
    Birth rate field listing
    18.2 births/1,000 population (2018 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 92
    Death rate field listing
    6.3 deaths/1,000 population (2018 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 152
    Net migration rate field listing
    -0.8 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 133
    Population distribution field listing
    sparsely distributed population throughout the country; the capital of Ulaanbaatar and the northern city of Darhan support the highest population densities
    Urbanization field listing
    urban population: 68.4% of total population (2018)
    rate of urbanization: 1.63% annual rate of change (2015-20 est.)
    Major urban areas - population field listing
    1.52 million ULAANBAATAR (capital) (2018)
    Sex ratio field listing
    at birth: 1.04 male(s)/female (2017 est.)
    0-14 years: 1.04 male(s)/female (2017 est.)
    15-24 years: 1.02 male(s)/female (2017 est.)
    25-54 years: 0.94 male(s)/female (2017 est.)
    55-64 years: 0.85 male(s)/female (2017 est.)
    65 years and over: 0.69 male(s)/female (2017 est.)
    total population: 0.96 male(s)/female (2017 est.)
    Mother's mean age at first birth field listing
    20.5 years (2008 est.)

    note: median age at first birth among women 20-24

    Maternal mortality rate field listing
    44 deaths/100,000 live births (2015 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 102
    Infant mortality rate field listing
    total: 20.5 deaths/1,000 live births (2018 est.)
    male: 23.5 deaths/1,000 live births (2018 est.)
    female: 17.3 deaths/1,000 live births (2018 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 80
    Life expectancy at birth field listing
    total population: 70.2 years (2018 est.)
    male: 66 years (2018 est.)
    female: 74.7 years (2018 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 160
    Total fertility rate field listing
    2.04 children born/woman (2018 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 110
    Contraceptive prevalence rate field listing
    54.6% (2013)
    Health expenditures field listing
    4.7% of GDP (2014)
    country comparison to the world: 150
    Physicians density field listing
    3.26 physicians/1,000 population (2015)
    Hospital bed density field listing
    7 beds/1,000 population (2012)
    Drinking water source field listing
    improved: urban: 66.4% of population
    rural: 59.2% of population
    total: 64.4% of population
    unimproved: urban: 33.6% of population
    rural: 40.8% of population
    total: 35.6% of population (2015 est.)
    Sanitation facility access field listing
    improved: urban: 66.4% of population (2015 est.)
    rural: 42.6% of population (2015 est.)
    total: 59.7% of population (2015 est.)
    unimproved: urban: 33.6% of population (2015 est.)
    rural: 57.4% of population (2015 est.)
    total: 40.3% of population (2015 est.)
    HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate field listing
    <.1% (2017 est.)
    HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS field listing
    <1000 (2017 est.)
    HIV/AIDS - deaths field listing
    <100 (2017 est.)
    Obesity - adult prevalence rate field listing
    20.6% (2016)
    country comparison to the world: 96
    Children under the age of 5 years underweight field listing
    1.6% (2013)
    country comparison to the world: 115
    Education expenditures field listing
    5.2% of GDP (2016)
    country comparison to the world: 64
    Literacy field listing
    definition: age 15 and over can read and write (2015 est.)
    total population: 98.4% (2015 est.)
    male: 98.2% (2015 est.)
    female: 98.6% (2015 est.)
    School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education) field listing
    total: 15 years (2015)
    male: 14 years (2015)
    female: 16 years (2015)
    Unemployment, youth ages 15-24 field listing
    total: 20.8% (2016 est.)
    male: 20% (2016 est.)
    female: 22.1% (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 58
  • Government :: Mongolia
  • Country name field listing
    conventional long form: none
    conventional short form: Mongolia
    local long form: none
    local short form: Mongol Uls
    former: Outer Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic
    etymology: the name means "Land of the Mongols" in Latin; the Mongolian name Mongol Uls translates as "Mongol State"
    Government type field listing
    semi-presidential republic
    Capital field listing
    name: Ulaanbaatar
    geographic coordinates: 47 55 N, 106 55 E
    time difference: UTC+8 (13 hours ahead of Washington, DC, during Standard Time)
    daylight saving time: +1hr, begins last Saturday in March; ends last Saturday in September

    note: Mongolia has two time zones - Ulaanbaatar Time (8 hours in advance of UTC) and Hovd Time (7 hours in advance of UTC)

    Administrative divisions field listing
    21 provinces (aymguud, singular - aymag) and 1 municipality* (singular - hot); Arhangay, Bayanhongor, Bayan-Olgiy, Bulgan, Darhan-Uul, Dornod, Dornogovi, Dundgovi, Dzavhan (Zavkhan), Govi-Altay, Govisumber, Hentiy, Hovd, Hovsgol, Omnogovi, Orhon, Ovorhangay, Selenge, Suhbaatar, Tov, Ulaanbaatar*, Uvs
    Independence field listing
    29 December 1911 (independence declared from China; in actuality, autonomy attained); 11 July 1921 (from China)
    National holiday field listing
    Naadam (games) holiday (commemorates independence from China in the 1921 Revolution), 11-15 JulyConstitution Day (marks the date that the Mongolian People's Republic was created under a new constitution), 26 November (1924)
    Constitution field listing
    history: several previous; latest adopted 13 January 1992, effective 12 February 1992 (2017)
    amendments: proposed by the State Great Hural, by the president of the republic, by the government, or by petition submitted to the State Great Hural by the Constitutional Court; conducting referenda on proposed amendments requires at least two-thirds majority vote of the State Great Hural; passage of amendments by the State Great Hural requires at least three-quarters majority vote; passage by referendum requires majority participation of qualified voters and a majority of votes; amended 1999, 2001 (2017)
    International law organization participation field listing
    has not submitted an ICJ jurisdiction declaration; accepts ICCt jurisdiction
    Citizenship field listing
    citizenship by birth: no
    citizenship by descent only: both parents must be citizens of Mongolia; one parent if born within Mongolia
    dual citizenship recognized: no
    residency requirement for naturalization: 5 years
    Suffrage field listing
    18 years of age; universal
    Judicial branch field listing
    highest courts: Supreme Court (consists of the Chief Justice and 24 judges organized into civil, criminal, and administrative chambers); Constitutional Court or Tsets (consists of the chairman and 8 members)
    judge selection and term of office: Supreme Court chief justice and judges appointed by the president upon recommendation by the General Council of Courts - a 14-member body of judges and judicial officials - to the State Great Hural; appointment is for life; chairman of the Constitutional Court elected from among its members; members appointed from nominations by the State Great Hural - 3 each by the president, the State Great Hural, and the Supreme Court; appointment is 6 years; chairmanship limited to a single renewable 3-year term
    subordinate courts: aimag (provincial) and capital city appellate courts; soum, inter-soum, and district courts; Administrative Cases Courts
    Executive branch field listing
    chief of state: President Khaltmaa BATTULGA (since 10 July 2017)
    head of government: Prime Minister Ukhnaa KHURELSUKH (since 4 October 2017); Deputy Prime Minister Ulziisaikhan ENKHTUVSHUN (since 18 October 2017); note - Prime Minister Jargaltulga ERDENEBAT (since 8 July 2016) was voted out of office by the Parliament on 7 September 2017
    cabinet: Cabinet nominated by the prime minister in consultation with the president, confirmed by the State Great Hural (parliament)
    elections/appointments: presidential candidates nominated by political parties represented in the State Great Hural and directly elected by simple majority popular vote for a 4-year term (eligible for a second term); election last held on 26 June 2017 with a runoff held 7 July 2017 (next to be held in 2021); following legislative elections, the leader of the majority party or majority coalition usually elected prime minister by the State Great Hural
    election results: Khaltmaa BATTULGA elected president in second round; percent of vote in first round - Khaltmaa BATTULGA (DP) 38.1%, Miyegombo ENKHBOLD (MPP) 30.3%, Sainkhuu GANBAATAR (MPRP) 30.2%, invalid 1.4%; percent of vote in second round - Khaltmaa BATTULGA 55.2%, Miyegombo ENKHBOLD 44.8%
    Legislative branch field listing
    description: unicameral State Great Hural or Ulsyn Ikh Khural (76 seats; members directly elected in single-seat constituencies by simple majority vote; each constituency requires at least 50% voter participation for the poll to be valid; members serve 4-year terms)
    elections: last held on 29 June 2016 (next to be held in June 2020)
    election results: percent of vote by party - MPP 45.1%, DP 33.1%, MPRP 8.0%, independent 4.8%, other 9.0%; seats by party - MPP 65, DP 9, MPRP 1, independent 1; composition - men 63, women 13, percent of women 17.1%
    Political parties and leaders field listing
    Democratic Party or DP [Sodnomzundui ERDENE]
    Mongolian National Democratic Party or MNDP [Bayanjargal TSOGTGEREL]
    Mongolian People's Party or MPP [Miyegombo ENKHBOLD]
    Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party or MPRP [Nambar ENKHBAYAR]
    International organization participation field listing
    Diplomatic representation in the US field listing
    chief of mission: Ambassador Yondon OTGONBAYAR (since 28 March 2018)
    chancery: 2833 M Street NW, Washington, DC 20007
    telephone: [1] (202) 333-7117
    FAX: [1] (202) 298-9227
    consulate(s) general: New York, San Francisco
    Diplomatic representation from the US field listing
    chief of mission: Ambassador (vacant); Charge d'Affaires Manuel MICALLER (since November 2017)
    embassy: Denver Street #3, 11th Micro Region, Big Ring Road, Ulaanbaatar, 14190 Mongolia
    mailing address: P.O. Box 341, Ulaanbaatar 14192
    telephone: [976] 7007-6001
    FAX: [976] 7007-6016
    Flag description field listing
    three, equal vertical bands of red (hoist side), blue, and red; centered on the hoist-side red band in yellow is the national emblem ("soyombo" - a columnar arrangement of abstract and geometric representation for fire, sun, moon, earth, water, and the yin-yang symbol); blue represents the sky, red symbolizes progress and prosperity
    National symbol(s) field listing
    soyombo emblem; national colors: red, blue, yellow
    National anthem field listing
    name: "Mongol ulsyn toriin duulal" (National Anthem of Mongolia)
    lyrics/music: Tsendiin DAMDINSUREN/Bilegiin DAMDINSUREN and Luvsanjamts MURJORJ

    note: music adopted 1950, lyrics adopted 2006; lyrics altered on numerous occasions

  • Economy :: Mongolia
  • Economy - overview field listing

    Foreign direct investment in Mongolia's extractive industries – which are based on extensive deposits of copper, gold, coal, molybdenum, fluorspar, uranium, tin, and tungsten - has transformed Mongolia's landlocked economy from its traditional dependence on herding and agriculture. Exports now account for more than 40% of GDP. Mongolia depends on China for more than 60% of its external trade - China receives some 90% of Mongolia's exports and supplies Mongolia with more than one-third of its imports. Mongolia also relies on Russia for 90% of its energy supplies, leaving it vulnerable to price increases. Remittances from Mongolians working abroad, particularly in South Korea, are significant.

    Soviet assistance, at its height one-third of GDP, disappeared almost overnight in 1990 and 1991 at the time of the dismantlement of the USSR. The following decade saw Mongolia endure both deep recession, because of political inaction, and natural disasters, as well as strong economic growth, because of market reforms and extensive privatization of the formerly state-run economy. The country opened a fledgling stock exchange in 1991. Mongolia joined the WTO in 1997 and seeks to expand its participation in regional economic and trade regimes.

    Growth averaged nearly 9% per year in 2004-08 largely because of high copper prices globally and new gold production. By late 2008, Mongolia was hit by the global financial crisis and Mongolia's real economy contracted 1.3% in 2009. In early 2009, the IMF reached a $236 million Stand-by Arrangement with Mongolia and it emerged from the crisis with a stronger banking sector and better fiscal management. In October 2009, Mongolia passed long-awaited legislation on an investment agreement to develop the Oyu Tolgoi (OT) mine, among the world's largest untapped copper-gold deposits. However, a dispute with foreign investors developing OT called into question the attractiveness of Mongolia as a destination for foreign investment. This caused a severe drop in FDI, and a slowing economy, leading to the dismissal of Prime Minister Norovyn ALTANKHUYAG in November 2014. The economy had grown more than 10% per year between 2011 and 2013 - largely on the strength of commodity exports and high government spending - before slowing to 7.8% in 2014, and falling to the 2% level in 2015. Growth rebounded from a brief 1.6% contraction in the third quarter of 2016 to 5.8% during the first three quarters of 2017, largely due to rising commodity prices.

    The May 2015 agreement with Rio Tinto to restart the OT mine and the subsequent $4.4 billion finance package signing in December 2015 stemmed the loss of investor confidence. The current government has made restoring investor trust and reviving the economy its top priority, but has failed to invigorate the economy in the face of the large drop-off in foreign direct investment, mounting external debt, and a sizeable budget deficit. Mongolia secured a $5.5 billion financial assistance package from the IMF and a host of international creditors in May 2017, which is expected to improve Mongolia’s long-term fiscal and economic stability as long as Ulaanbaatar can advance the agreement’s difficult contingent reforms, such as consolidating the government’s off-balance sheet liabilities and rehabilitating the Mongolian banking sector.

    GDP (purchasing power parity) field listing
    $39.73 billion (2017 est.)
    $37.81 billion (2016 est.)
    $37.38 billion (2015 est.)

    note: data are in 2017 dollars

    country comparison to the world: 120
    GDP (official exchange rate) field listing
    $11.14 billion (2017 est.) (2017 est.)
    GDP - real growth rate field listing
    5.1% (2017 est.)
    1.2% (2016 est.)
    2.4% (2015 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 48
    GDP - per capita (PPP) field listing
    $13,000 (2017 est.)
    $12,500 (2016 est.)
    $12,600 (2015 est.)

    note: data are in 2017 dollars

    country comparison to the world: 120
    Gross national saving field listing
    26.9% of GDP (2017 est.)
    23.1% of GDP (2016 est.)
    22.4% of GDP (2015 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 46
    GDP - composition, by end use field listing
    household consumption: 49.2% (2017 est.)
    government consumption: 12.3% (2017 est.)
    investment in fixed capital: 23.8% (2017 est.)
    investment in inventories: 12.4% (2017 est.)
    exports of goods and services: 59.5% (2017 est.)
    imports of goods and services: -57.1% (2017 est.)
    GDP - composition, by sector of origin field listing
    agriculture: 12.1% (2017 est.)
    industry: 38.2% (2017 est.)
    services: 49.7% (2017 est.)
    Agriculture - products field listing
    wheat, barley, vegetables, forage crops; sheep, goats, cattle, camels, horses
    Industries field listing
    construction and construction materials; mining (coal, copper, molybdenum, fluorspar, tin, tungsten, gold); oil; food and beverages; processing of animal products, cashmere and natural fiber manufacturing
    Industrial production growth rate field listing
    -1% (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 176
    Labor force field listing
    1.241 million (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 137
    Labor force - by occupation field listing
    agriculture: 31.1%
    industry: 18.5%
    services: 50.5% (2016)
    Unemployment rate field listing
    8% (2017 est.)
    7.9% (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 116
    Population below poverty line field listing
    29.6% (2016 est.)
    Household income or consumption by percentage share field listing
    lowest 10%: 5.7% (2017)
    highest 10%: 5.7% (2017)
    Distribution of family income - Gini index field listing
    34 (2017)
    36.5 (2008)
    country comparison to the world: 104
    Budget field listing
    revenues: 2.967 billion (2017 est.)
    expenditures: 3.681 billion (2017 est.)
    Taxes and other revenues field listing
    26.6% (of GDP) (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 106
    Budget surplus (+) or deficit (-) field listing
    -6.4% (of GDP) (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 187
    Public debt field listing
    91.4% of GDP (2017 est.)
    90% of GDP (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 24
    Fiscal year field listing
    calendar year
    Inflation rate (consumer prices) field listing
    4.6% (2017 est.)
    0.5% (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 169
    Central bank discount rate field listing
    11% (25 December 2017)
    14% (19 December 2016)
    country comparison to the world: 19
    Commercial bank prime lending rate field listing
    20.01% (31 December 2017 est.)
    19.74% (31 December 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 14
    Stock of narrow money field listing
    $1.164 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
    $862.7 million (31 December 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 152
    Stock of broad money field listing
    $1.164 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
    $862.7 million (31 December 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 157
    Stock of domestic credit field listing
    $7.542 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
    $7.312 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 117
    Market value of publicly traded shares field listing
    $632.6 million (31 December 2015 est.)
    $766.1 million (31 December 2014 est.)
    $1.095 billion (31 December 2013 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 109
    Current account balance field listing
    -$1.155 billion (2017 est.)
    -$700 million (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 146
    Exports field listing
    $5.834 billion (2017 est.)
    $4.916 billion (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 105
    Exports - partners field listing
    China 85%, UK 10.7% (2017)
    Exports - commodities field listing
    copper, apparel, livestock, animal products, cashmere, wool, hides, fluorspar, other nonferrous metals, coal, crude oil
    Imports field listing
    $4.345 billion (2017 est.)
    $3.466 billion (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 137
    Imports - commodities field listing
    machinery and equipment, fuel, cars, food products, industrial consumer goods, chemicals, building materials, cigarettes and tobacco, appliances, soap and detergent
    Imports - partners field listing
    China 32.6%, Russia 28.1%, Japan 8.4%, US 4.8%, South Korea 4.6% (2017)
    Reserves of foreign exchange and gold field listing
    $3.016 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
    $1.296 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 109
    Debt - external field listing
    $25.33 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
    $24.63 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 88
    Stock of direct foreign investment - at home field listing
    $18.02 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
    $16.28 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 83
    Stock of direct foreign investment - abroad field listing
    $495 million (31 December 2017 est.)
    $455.2 million (31 December 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 97
    Exchange rates field listing
    togrog/tugriks (MNT) per US dollar -
    2,378.1 (2017 est.)
    2,140.3 (2016 est.)
    2,140.3 (2015 est.)
    1,970.3 (2014 est.)
    1,817.9 (2013 est.)
  • Energy :: Mongolia
  • Electricity access field listing
    population without electricity: 300,000 (2013)
    electrification - total population: 90% (2013)
    electrification - urban areas: 98% (2013)
    electrification - rural areas: 73% (2013)
    Electricity - production field listing
    5.339 billion kWh (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 120
    Electricity - consumption field listing
    5.932 billion kWh (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 115
    Electricity - exports field listing
    51 million kWh (2015 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 87
    Electricity - imports field listing
    1.446 billion kWh (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 62
    Electricity - installed generating capacity field listing
    1.134 million kW (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 125
    Electricity - from fossil fuels field listing
    87% of total installed capacity (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 63
    Electricity - from nuclear fuels field listing
    0% of total installed capacity (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 145
    Electricity - from hydroelectric plants field listing
    2% of total installed capacity (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 140
    Electricity - from other renewable sources field listing
    11% of total installed capacity (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 79
    Crude oil - production field listing
    20,000 bbl/day (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 64
    Crude oil - exports field listing
    14,360 bbl/day (2015 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 56
    Crude oil - imports field listing
    0 bbl/day (2015 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 168
    Crude oil - proved reserves field listing
    NA bbl (1 January 2017)
    Refined petroleum products - production field listing
    0 bbl/day (2015 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 179
    Refined petroleum products - consumption field listing
    27,000 bbl/day (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 124
    Refined petroleum products - exports field listing
    0 bbl/day (2015 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 183
    Refined petroleum products - imports field listing
    24,190 bbl/day (2015 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 109
    Natural gas - production field listing
    0 cu m (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 172
    Natural gas - consumption field listing
    0 cu m (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 176
    Natural gas - exports field listing
    0 cu m (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 153
    Natural gas - imports field listing
    0 cu m (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 158
    Natural gas - proved reserves field listing
    0 cu m (1 January 2014 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 171
    Carbon dioxide emissions from consumption of energy field listing
    19.86 million Mt (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 86
  • Communications :: Mongolia
  • Telephones - fixed lines field listing
    total subscriptions: 292,594 (2017 est.)
    subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 10 (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 114
    Telephones - mobile cellular field listing
    total subscriptions: 3,886,167 (2017 est.)
    subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 127 (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 129
    Telephone system field listing
    general assessment: network is improving with international direct dialing available in many areas; a fiber-optic network has been installed that is improving broadband and communication services between major urban centers with multiple companies providing inter-city fiber-optic cable services (2016)
    domestic: very low fixed-line teledensity; there are four mobile-cellular providers and subscribership is increasing (2016)
    international: country code - 976; satellite earth stations - 7 (2016)
    Broadcast media field listing
    following a law passed in 2005, Mongolia's state-run radio and TV provider converted to a public service provider; also available are 69 radio and 131 TV stations, including multi-channel satellite and cable TV providers; transmissions of multiple international broadcasters are available (2017)
    Internet country code field listing
    Internet users field listing
    total: 674,949 (July 2016 est.)
    percent of population: 22.3% (July 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 143
    Broadband - fixed subscriptions field listing
    total: 285,093 (2017 est.)
    subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 9 (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 98
  • Transportation :: Mongolia
  • National air transport system field listing
    number of registered air carriers: 3 (2015)
    inventory of registered aircraft operated by air carriers: 12 (2015)
    annual passenger traffic on registered air carriers: 541,129 (2015)
    annual freight traffic on registered air carriers: 7,130,148 mt-km (2015)
    Civil aircraft registration country code prefix field listing
    JU (2016)
    Airports field listing
    44 (2013)
    country comparison to the world: 98
    Airports - with paved runways field listing
    total: 15 (2017)
    over 3,047 m: 2 (2017)
    2,438 to 3,047 m: 10 (2017)
    1,524 to 2,437 m: 3 (2017)
    Airports - with unpaved runways field listing
    total: 29 (2013)
    over 3,047 m: 2 (2013)
    2,438 to 3,047 m: 2 (2013)
    1,524 to 2,437 m: 24 (2013)
    under 914 m: 1 (2013)
    Heliports field listing
    1 (2013)
    Railways field listing
    total: 1,815 km (2016)
    broad gauge: 1,815 km 1.520-m gauge (2016)

    note: national operator Ulaanbaatar Railway is jointly owned by the Mongolian Government and by the Russian State Railway

    country comparison to the world: 78
    Roadways field listing
    total: 49,249 km (2013)
    paved: 4,800 km (2013)
    unpaved: 44,449 km (2013)
    country comparison to the world: 79
    Waterways field listing
    580 km (the only waterway in operation is Lake Hovsgol) (135 km); Selenge River (270 km) and Orhon River (175 km) are navigable but carry little traffic; lakes and rivers ice free from May to September) (2010)
    country comparison to the world: 81
    Merchant marine field listing
    total: 261 (2017)
    by type: bulk carrier 8, container ship 5, general cargo 101, oil tanker 67, other 80 (2017)
    country comparison to the world: 59
  • Military and Security :: Mongolia
  • Military expenditures field listing
    0.72% of GDP (2017)
    0.92% of GDP (2016)
    0.87% of GDP (2015)
    0.86% of GDP (2014)
    0.82% of GDP (2013)
    country comparison to the world: 132
    Military branches field listing
    Mongolian Armed Forces (Mongol ulsyn zevsegt huchin): Mongolian Army, Mongolian Air Force (2016)
    Military service age and obligation field listing
    18-27 years of age for compulsory and voluntary military service; 1-year conscript service obligation in army or air forces or police for males only; after conscription, soldiers can contract into military service for 2 or 4 years; citizens can also voluntarily join the armed forces (2017)
  • Transnational Issues :: Mongolia
  • Disputes - international field listing
    Refugees and internally displaced persons field listing
    stateless persons: 17 (2017)