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Research Branches

The Division of Intramural Research is organized into a series of research branches, with each branch specializing in a specific area of genomic research. Information on the faculty and research programs within each branch can be found by following the links below.

Red Cells Cancer Genetics and Comparative Genomics Branch
Investigators in this branch seek to identify and study genes that contribute to cancer susceptibility and progression.

Comb Jelly Computational and Statistical Genomics Branch
This branch focuses on the development and application of computationally intensive approaches to analyze large-scale genetic and genomic data, with a particular focus on identifying genetic contributions to human disease. CSGB investigators specialize in statistical genetics and genetic epidemiology.

Primary mouse neural crest stem cell cultures Genetic Disease Research Branch
Investigators in this branch study the mechanisms by which genetic changes affect the structure and function of gene products leading to human disease.

Mouse Embryos Genetics and Molecular Biology Branch
This branch uses state-of-the-art genetic and genomic technologies to study the genomes of humans and other organisms and disease mechanisms. Their goal is to demonstrate that research findings and opportunities derived from genetic and genomic technologies may be translated into improved diagnosis, treatments and prevention of human diseases.

Eye iris transilllumination showing albinism Medical Genetics Branch
This branch uses clinical genetics to study novel human development disorders, and includes genetic counseling and bioethics sections.

Progeria Cells Medical Genomics and Metabolic Genetics Branch
Investigators in this branch seek to identify and understand inherited disorders of metabolism and of human development.

Stethescope, Scale, Heart Monitor Metabolic, Cardiovascular and Inflammatory Disease Genomics Branch
Investigators in this branch study the genomic and social determinants of complex diseases.

Branding for SBRB Social and Behavioral Research Branch
This branch translates genomic discoveries into interventions that improve health-related decisions and outcomes, and investigates the social, ethical and public policy impact of genomic research.

Circulating blood Translational and Functional Genomics Branch
Investigators in the this branch study how genome structure and function contribute to health.

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Last Updated: March 15, 2018

See Also:

Technology Transfer Office

NHGRI Calendar