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Funding Opportunities


The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) solicits grant applications that relate to its scientific priorities and research interests. For some programs, the NHGRI participates with other Institutes and Centers (IC) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). All NIH solicitations are published weekly as articles in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts [] and archived by date and announcement category. The archive can be browsed, or searched by keyword.

NHGRI welcomes innovative investigator-initiated applications and encourages investigators with novel ideas to discuss potential applications with program staff during the concept development stage of the application. Program staff members are very receptive to discussing your ideas and how they fit within the research mission of NHGRI.

Staff can be contacted at:

Investigator-initiated research applications follow the NIH standard schedule [] for submission, review and award.

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General Solicitations for Grant Applications

Program announcements (PA), which describe new, continuing, or expanded scientific priorities and program areas, follow the standard schedule for submission, review and award and are usually active for three years.

Program announcements with special receipt dates (PAR) provide their own submission schedules and are usually active for three years.

Request for Applications (RFA) describe an institute's or center's interest in receiving applications in specific area(s). These are usually one-time solicitations.

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Funding Opportunities by Category

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Funding Opportunities by Program Area

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NHGRI Funding Opportunities E-Mail List

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Customize a Funding Opportunities Report

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NIH offers a subscription service:

  • Start on the NIH Guide Advanced Search page:
  • Enter search terms and topics of interest to you and then click Search.
  • On the next page, you will be able to save the search and have results sent to you periodically.

To learn more, check out:

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Last Updated: December 17, 2014

See Also:

About the Division of Extramural Operations

On Other Sites:

NIH Office of Extramural Research