Get Involved

Get Involved Whether you are a business, an individual or an organization, there are many ways to Get Involved with CalEPA issues.

Join E-Lists
CalEPA maintains e-mail lists (listservs) for stakeholders interested in the programs listed below. This page allows you to subscribe and unsubscribe to these lists.

Carbon Calculator
Our goal is to provide resources to all Californians so they can take action, reduce their environmental impact, and be part of the climate change solution.

Education Learning about and protecting the environment will be important for the rest of your students’ lives. Environmental teaching can be built into all subject areas and provide real-world relevance to such varied areas as history, literature and science. In addition, students learn more and remember longer when the material relates directly to their lives.

Public Meetings
Find public meetings and link to CalEPA and our board, department and office calendars and events.

Drive Clean
Find and compare low emission vehicles.

Propose a Supplemental Environmental Project
A Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) is an environmentally beneficial project that is included as part of a settlement for environmental violations. Violators can voluntarily agree to undertake such projects in lieu of part of the penalty that they are required to pay for the violations.

Report an Environmental Concern
If you have observed any activity, conduct or physical evidence you suspect to be illegal or unauthorized or have knowledge of suspected illegal or unauthorized conduct impacting, or threatening to impact, California’s environment or the public health, CalEPA would like to know about it.