About FDA

Contact FDA



Write to:

Food and Drug Administration
10903 New Hampshire Ave
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002

Report an emergency

  • If you are experiencing a life-threatening medical emergency, call 9-1-1.
  • To report an emergency involving food, drugs, medical devices, dietary supplements, or cosmetics, call 1-866-300-4374 or 1-301-796-8240.

Report a problem with FDA-regulated products

By phone:

For more details, see How to Report a Problem


  • MedWatch: Use the MedWatch Online Reporting Form to report adverse events with human food and medical products.
  • Safety Reporting Portal: Use this online form to report problems with pet food, dietary supplements, and tobacco products. This form also accepts mandatory reports, such as the Reportable Food Registry for Industry.

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Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

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Send email to webmail@oc.fda.gov. Indicate the web address (URL) where you encountered the problem and the type of issue (such as a broken link, problem downloading a document, etc.).

Page Last Updated: 09/14/2018
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