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Office of Policy & Program Analysis

On behalf of, and in support of the FEMA Administrator, the Office of Policy and Program Analysis (OPPA) fosters strategic coherence; ensures availability of critical resources; leads Agency policy, strategy, and innovation; provides objective analysis; drives strategy, budget, execution, performance integration and accountability.

In 2014, OPPA refined its core functions and re-aligned its strategic priorities to FEMA's strategic priorities. OPPA will continue to promote efficiency and effectiveness across the Agency while strengthening the linkages among strategy, budget, execution, and performance.

OPPA has three core functions and five priorities. The core functions are what OPPA must do well and the priorities are what OPPA must accomplish to drive FEMA forward and deliver on senior leadership expectations.

Core Functions

  1. Ensure FEMA's strategic direction
  2. Inform sound decisions with independent analysis
  3. Facilitate cross-agency interactions

Strategic Priorities

  1. Strategic Integration: Fully integrate the strategy-program-budget-performance processes within FEMA and institutionalize them.
  2. Strategic Direction: Design, develop, and facilitate execution of FEMA's vision and strategy.
  3. Business Intelligence: Build a high-impact, real-time, decision analysis capability within OPPA and across FEMA.
  4. Policy Formulation: Establish consistent and interconnected policy FEMA-wide.
  5. 21st Century Collaboration: Reshape the way we work - within OPPA, across FEMA, the inter-agency and internationally - to take advantage of inter-disciplinary expertise and deliver better services.

OPPA Divisions

  • The Policy Division integrates and oversees policy coordination across the Agency, and works collaboratively with both internal and external stakeholders to shape overall Agency policy.
  • The Enterprise Analytics Division effectively drives FEMA forward by building a high-impact, real-time, decision analysis and business intelligence capability within OPPA and across FEMA. The division includes FEMASTAT, Field Operations, Resource Intelligence, and Capability Building for the data analytics community of practices.
  • The Strategic Planning and Analysis Division facilitates integrated strategic thinking and planning to ensure a common direction and coordinated outcomes across FEMA.
  • The Defense Production Act (DPA) Program Division provides coordination and guidance for the DPA plans and programs of Federal departments and agencies and supports use of DPA authorities by FEMA and other DHS components.
  • The International Affairs Division engages and partners with the international emergency management community to enhance Agency learning and continuous improvement.
  • The Audit Liaison Division is responsible for the internal management of all audits by external entities. The Division provides oversight, monitoring, and coordination of the Agency's responses to audits, inspections, and reviews, which are primarily conducted by the DHS OIG and GAO. The Division also facilitates transparency of the Agency to the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Congress.
  • The Enterprise Resource Planning Division (ERPD) leads the Agency-wide effort to translate strategic guidance into achievable, credible, affordable packages of capabilities, build those packages into the out-year budgets, and successfully defend them through the multiple Federal resource allocation processes.
Last Updated: 
02/22/2018 - 14:04