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Distance Learning Dataset Training

The Distance Learning Dataset Training (DLDT) system is an online, interactive tool that allows you to learn about the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) data products across the education spectrum and evaluate them for your particular purposes. The DLDT modules are designed to introduce you to many NCES datasets, their design, and special considerations for analysis to facilitate effective use.

DLDT Modules are Designed for Use by:

  • Anyone who is interested in education data
  • Researchers
  • Students
  • Policy specialists and analysts
  • Education professionals and practitioners
  • Watch the Introduction to the DLDT video on the NCES YouTube webpage.

How Are The Modules Useful?

The DLDT modules provide information about NCES and specific NCES datasets. They can help users find published reports; acquire, access, and explore data; and create data files for analysis. The modules also explain how to conduct analyses using selected statistical software packages and/or by using data tools provided on the NCES website. Additionally, they provide instruction on how to obtain and successfully use NCES Public-use and Restricted-use datasets. The DLDT allows users to access this information at no cost and is a self-paced system

New User? Start Here

The Common Modules provide information to help users understand NCES data across the education spectrum. They provide general information about the NCES, its research methods, the Center’s surveys, published data products and reports, how to access public- and restricted-use datasets and provides an overview of the many tools that are available on the NCES website to help users locate and make effective use of NCES data.

Know What You’re Looking For?

The dataset-specific modules below provide more detailed information about specific studies conducted by NCES, and how to use and analyze the particular datasets appropriately.


  • Videos

    Distance Learning Dataset Training

    Discover more about the Distance Learning Dataset Training (DLDT) system, an online, interactive tool designed to introduce you to many NCES datasets, their design, and special considerations for analysis to facilitate effective use.

    Explore NHES, PSS, and SSOCS Surveys through the DLDT

    Discover why the NHES, PSS, and SSOCS datasets are useful.


    Discover ALL the products and tools NCES has to offer by going through the Webgateways module in the DLDT.



    This episode is on the EdFacts initiative. EdFacts is a U.S. Department of Education (ED) initiative to collect, analyze, and promote the use of high-quality, pre-kindergarten through grade 12 data.



    This podcast will introduce you to ElSi, the Elementary/Secondary Information System.


    Restricted Use Data

    This podcast explains what constitutes restricted-use data, describes the reasons for NCES having restricted-use data, and provides information related to acquiring restricted-use datasets and their supporting materials.


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