About the National Archives

PIV Credentials Report

Last Updated:  December 31, 2018

The Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Credentials Report is mandated by the Office of Management and Budget to be posted on each agency public website.  The report indicates agency progress toward meeting Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 12 requirements.

PIV Credentials Report for Employees:

Updated Date: Number of Employees requiring PIV credentials* Number of Employees requiring a NACI (or at least equivalent) that have not previously undergone a background check* Number of Employees requiring a NACI (or at least equivalent) with background investigation in process* Number of Employees with completed/ adjudicated NACI (or equivalent background investigation)* Total Number of PIV credentials Issued to Employees*
Mar/2007 3048  190  N/A  N/A 
Jun/2007 3048  199  N/A  N/A 
Sep/2007 3097  124  N/A  N/A 
Dec/2007 3091  800  800  2300 
Mar/2008 3040  400  400  2700  60 
Jun/2008 2595  22  22  3078  505 
Sep/2008 1819  3092  1281 
Dec/2008 983  3100  2117 
Mar/2009 748  3100  2352 
Jun/2009 529  3100  2571 
Sep/2009 291  3100  2809 
Dec/2009 3100  2574 
Mar/2010 2944  2944 
Jun/2010 2633  2633 
Sep/2010 2615  2615 
Dec/2010 2594  2594 
Mar/2011 2566  2566 
Jun/2011 2552  2552 
Sep/2011 2527  2527 
Dec/2011 2517  2517 
Mar/2012 2489  2489 
Jun/2012 2465  2465 
Sep/2012 2449  2449 
Dec/2012 2368  2368 
Mar/2013 2199  2199 
Jun/2013 2238  2238 
Sep/2013 2289  2289 
Dec/2013 2427  2427 
Mar/2014 2408  2408 
Jun/2014 2341  2341 
Sep/2014 2306  2306 
Dec/2014 2290  2290 
Mar/2015 2322  2322 
Jun/2015 2321  2321 
Sep/2015 2267  2267 
Dec/2015 2240  2240 
Mar/2016 424  2921  2497 
Jun/2016 333  2935  2602 
Sep/2016 106  2974  2868 
Dec/2016 247 0 0 2982 2735
Mar/2017 183 0 0 2982 2799
Jun/2017 97 0 0 2912 2815
Sep/2017 78 0 0 2904 2826
Dec/2017 22 0 0 2878 2856
Mar/2018 0 0 0 2837 2837
Jun/2018 0 0 0 2902 2902
Sep/2018 0 0 0 2844 2844
Dec/2018 0 0 0 2824 2824

PIV Credentials Report for Contractors:

Updated Date: Number of Contractors requiring PIV credentials* Number of Contractors requiring a NACI (or at least equivalent) that have not previously undergone a background check* Number of Contractors requiring a NACI (or at least equivalent) with background investigation in process* Number of Contractors with completed/ adjudicated NACI (or equivalent background investigation)* Total Number of PIV credentials Issued to Contractors*
Mar/2007 275  N/A  N/A 
Jun/2007 221  N/A  N/A 
Sep/2007 218  N/A  N/A 
Dec/2007 200  200  1800 
Mar/2008 86  86  1914 
Jun/2008 2000 
Sep/2008 2000 
Dec/2008 2000 
Mar/2009 2000 
Jun/2009 2000 
Sep/2009 2000 
Dec/2009 2000 
Mar/2010 22  2000 
Jun/2010 22  2000 
Sep/2010 20  2000 
Jun/2015 21  21 
Sep/2015 134  134 
Dec/2015 308  308 
Mar/2016 249  584  335 
Jun/2016 95  584  489 
Sep/2016 584  584 
Dec/2016 0 0 0 712 712
March/2017 0 0 0 826 826
Jun/2017 0 0 0 924 924
Sep/2017 0 0 0 1018 1018
Dec/2017 0 0 0 1120 1120
Mar/2018 0 0 0 1233 1233
Jun/2018 0 0 0 1241 1241
Sep/2018 0 0 0 1281 1281
Dec/2018 0 0 0 1367 1367

PIV Credentials Report for Other Individuals:

Updated Date: Number of Other Individuals
requiring PIV credentials*
Number of Other Individuals requiring a NACI (or at least equivalent) that have not previously undergone a background check* Number of Other Individuals requiring a NACI (or at least equivalent) with background investigation in process* Number of Other Individuals with completed/ adjudicated NACI (or equivalent background investigation)* Total Number of PIV credentials Issued to Other Individuals*
Mar/2007 89  N/A  N/A 
Jun/2007 129  N/A  N/A 
Sep/2007 104  N/A  N/A 
Dec/2007 2500 
Mar/2008 2500 
Jun/2008 2500 
Sep/2008 2500 
Dec/2008 2500 
Mar/2009 2500 
Jun/2009 2500 
Sep/2009 2500 
Dec/2009 2500 
Mar/2010 2500 
Jun/2010 2500 
Mar/2016 355  358 
Jun/2016 341  358  17 
Sep/2016 248  358  110 
Dec/2016 229 0 0 358 129
Mar/2017 31 0 0 358 327
Jun/2017 0 0 0 465 465
Sep/2017 0 0 0 561 561
Dec/2017 0 0 0 639 639
Mar/2018 0 0 0 673 673
Jun/2018 0 0 0 730 730
Sep/2018 0 0 0 728 728
Dec/2018 0 0 0 921 921
Implementation Plan Summary
Planned Date of Full Implementation: December 2020 for conversion of all Physical Access Control Systems (PACS) to FIPS 201 compliance and subsequent agency-wide integration of PACS.   Planned Total Number of NACIs to be verified/completed for current  employees and contractors by October 27, 2008: Verified and completed October 2008.


Next Major Milestones: Completed initially planned issuance of PIV credentials, to include during on-boarding, to all employees and contractors requiring PIV credentials March 2010, prior to logical access systems implementation (LACS). In 2014, NARA completed a pilot project which provided PIV enabled multi-factor authentication for a limited number of users. In 2015, NARA began deploying LACS PIV card readers throughout the agency and completed the deployment early March 2016. Changed process to issue a PIV card to all individuals requiring access to NARA IT resources. By December 2016, NARA completed the structure that allows 100% capability for 2 factor authentication to the Network. Mandatory use of PIV credentials for 2 factor authentication to the network has been implemented for users with elevated security responsibility. Mandatory PIV card use began rolling out in July 2018 with a piloted deployment to the Information Services staff. Further deployment began September 2018, with Business Support Services' staff and support contractors located at Archives I and Archives II. Final deployment of 2 factor authentication was completed agency-wide October 1, 2018. In 2017, NARA completed PIV card issuance to all others without LACS access. Currently approximately 92% of all agency PACS card readers are FIPS 201 compliant. Agency plan is to continue replacement of PACS to meet FIPS 201 compliance on a phased implementation based on normal equipment replacement life cycle. Expect all PACS to be FIPS 201 compliant by 2020. The new effort for centralized agency-wide integration of PACS with Identity Management System is planned to begin 2016 with expected completion to be determined once technical expertise is acquired and agency-wide PACS fully assessed.