
Department of Human Resources

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About DCHR


The DC Department of Human Resources (DCHR) provides human resource management services that strengthen individual and organizational performance and enable the District government to attract, develop and retain a well-qualified, diverse workforce.

Who We Are

The DC Department of Human Resources is organized into six administrations and the Office of the General Counsel and all report to the Office of the Director.

Office of the Director

The Office of the Director (OOD) provides executive management and recruitment; policy direction; strategic and financial planning; public relations; resource management; support for DCHR and consultation to the Mayor and members of the Cabinet on human resource issues. The OOD controls and disseminates work assignments and coordinates agency operations to ensure the attainment of the agency’s goals and objectives. The Office of the Director oversees the following administrations:

 Office of the General Counsel 

The Office of the General Counsel (OGC) provides legal support and advice to DCHR and District agencies on a wide variety of personnel matters arising under the Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act (CMPA), District Personnel Manual (DPM), and other federal and District personnel and employment laws.  Additionally, OGC provides litigation support to the Office of the Attorney General and Police and Firefighters’ Retirement and Relief Board (PFRRB) regarding pending legal matters.

Human Resources Solutions Administration

The Human Resources Solutions Administration (HRSA) is responsible for providing a talent acquisition strategy that aids in the department’s mission to attract, develop, and retain a well-qualified and diverse workforce and leverages the District in becoming “Best-In-Class”. HRSA is also responsible for providing IT direction for the department and supports the human resources information system (HRIS). 
The Administration carries out its mission through two teams: (1) talent acquisition and (2) information technology. Through these teams, the administration performs a multitude of functions including position management; classification; recruitment/retention advisement; implementing,  maintaining, and providing help desk support for human capital technology software; continuous  development, implementation, and maintenance of DCHR telecommunications desktop and server infrastructure; and related  policies and procedures.

Strategic Human Capital 

Strategic Human Capital provides oversight and full cycle management of the human capital planning process. This includes promoting and managing employee performance management, developing organizational strategies based on internal and external workforce data; translating strategy into effective and actionable initiatives. Work includes establishing appropriate metrics, providing solutions based on results, and monitoring outcomes to ensure the objectives are achieved. The division’s activities include benchmarking, researching best practices, executing business process improvement initiatives, and recommending changes to enhance targeted human capital goals in support of District priorities. 

Benefits and Retirement Administration

The Benefits and Retirement Administration (BRA) is responsible for the service delivery of the District’s benefits program and policies for 32,000 benefit-eligible employees and retirees (pre- and post-October 1, 1987). This includes the plan management, contracting, and communication for all health, voluntary, and retirement programs. In addition, BRA oversees the Police and Firefighters’ Retirement and Relief Board, which makes determinations and decisions on all retirement and survivor benefit claims and cases.

  • The Police and Firefighters’ Retirement and Relief Board - Members and alternates appointed by the Mayor from among persons who are employees of the District of Columbia Government:  one member and alternate, each from the District of Columbia Department of Human Resources, Office of the Attorney General, Department of Health, Metropolitan Police and Fire Departments; and two (2) members, appointed from among persons who are not officers or employees of the District of Columbia Government.

The Police and Firefighters’ Retirement and Relief Board makes determinations and decisions on all retirement and survivor benefit claims and cases. The Board holds hearing proceedings and executive sessions for such cases and other relief matters concerning members of the D.C. Police and Fire Departments, U.S. Secret Service, Uniformed Division and U.S. Park Police. The Support Staff schedules, plans and prepares all representation, information, documents, materials, agenda and witnesses for all matters that come before the Board, processes all actions and decisions of the Board, maintains the record keeping, write Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law, and prepares the appeal records in all adverse decisions.

 Policy and Compliance Administration 

Policy and Compliance Administration (PCA) designs, implements and oversees unified personnel standards to support a safe, and effective work environment. The Administration carries out its mission by collaborating with District agencies to develop modern and useful personnel practices, developing and supporting government-wide compensation strategies, assisting agencies and employees to achieve success through amicable conflict resolution, and auditing and monitoring personnel standards and practices to achieve strategic personnel goals. 

Center for Learning and Development 

Learning and Development provides training, workforce planning and organizational development programs, and activities that increase the knowledge, skills, and competencies of District government employees, to enable them to provide the highest quality and most cost-effective services to the District of Columbia.