Office of the Chief Information Officer

United States Department of Agriculture

Information Security Services Business Intelligence

Service Description

Business Intelligence (BI) is concerned with how to use that integrated data to make strategic business decisions, the next-generation of data warehousing.  BI focal point is data governance -- the practice of using integrated data to make strategic business decisions about expenditures, workflow and product quality. 

What's Included

  • Data Warehousing
  • Data Mining
  • Data Sharing
  • Business Analytics/Analytical Processing
  • Querying
  • Reporting/External Reporting
  • Agency Risk Management framework
  • Business Performance Management
  • Text Mining
  • Knowledge Management 

How We Charge

Includes the costs for services and support applied to address your Business Intelligence requirement.

Service Level Metrics

Measure Target SLA
System Monitoring 24 x 7
Incident Monitoring 24 x 7
System Availability 99.99% excluding planned downtime*

Cost Saving Tips

  • Improve decision making, cut costs and identify new business opportunities
  • Identify inefficient business processes that are ripe for re-engineering

Additional Information

Services are in compliance with applicable standards from NIST, OMB, FIPS and GAO.