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Yellow Fever Vaccine Course

Important Notice

Beginning 24 July 2018, continuing education (CE) credit for CDC’s online Yellow Fever Vaccination Course will be temporarily unavailable.

We expect CE credit to be available again in early 2019, when CDC releases its new and updated online yellow fever vaccination training. In the meantime, a Certificate of Completion will remain available to those who complete the online course, the post assessment, and the course evaluation.

Recertified to: July 23, 2018

This course is intended for all health care professionals who are interested in learning about the Yellow Fever Vaccine or who may need Continuing Education (CE) credit. CE is available for those who have not taken the course in the past 2 years. A certificate of completion is available to anyone who completes the course, regardless of CE status.

Take the Course

  1. The course is available on CDC TRAIN at:
  2. Select the Register button. You will be prompted to log in or create an account on CDC TRAIN.
  3. In the Content tab select the lessons to register and view the course.
    1. Lesson One: Yellow Fever: History, Epidemiology and Vaccine Information
    2. Lesson Two: The Pre-Travel Consultation and Best Practices for Yellow Fever Vaccination Providers and Clinics
  4. Once completed select the Mark Complete button for the lessons and also then for the overall course.

Please read the instructions in CDC-TRAIN for completing each of the two lessons, the posttest, evaluation and printing a certificate of completion. If CE is desired, be sure to follow the directions to complete requirements for CE.

About the Course

CDC’s Travelers’ Health Branch has revised and recertified its online course "Yellow Fever Vaccine: Information for Health Care Professionals Advising Travelers" that provides comprehensive and up-to-date information on the history and epidemiology of yellow fever, vaccine recommendations, the pre-travel consultation, and how to become a designated yellow fever vaccination provider.

This course is intended for Physicians, Registered Nurses, Pharmacists, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Health Educators, Medical Students, Medical Assistants, Licensed Practical Nurses, Epidemiologists, and Pharmacy Technicians. Participants are eligible for continuing education upon completion of the course.

A certificate of completion is also available via CDC TRAIN.