
Laboratory Methods

Listed below are resources containing some of the methods used by FDA to help ensure food safety. These methods may be utilized by the food industry as well. Also included is the CFSAN Laboratory Quality Assurance Manual which serves as a guide to FDA foods researchers for implementing quality principles and practices throughout their labs.

Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM)

FDA's Bacteriological Analytical Manual (The BAM) is a collection of procedures preferred by analysts in U.S. Food and Drug Administration laboratories for the detection in food and cosmetic products of pathogens (bacterial, viral, parasitic, plus yeast and mold) and of microbial toxins.

Other FDA Microbiological Methods

Additional FDA Microbiological Methods, including environmental testing methods.

Compendium of Analytical Laboratory Methods for Food and Feed Safety

The compendium contains FDA regulatory methods currently being used by the food and feed safety program, including a searchable archive of validated methods and links to other online manuals/compendia of methods. Links to the method development, validation, and implementation (MDVIP) guidelines of FDA’s Office of Foods and Veterinary Medicine (FVM), as well as a list of methods currently undergoing validation can also be found. The compendium is a new FDA resource and FDA will be adding additional methods to it.

Drug & Chemical Residues Methods

FDA's Drug & Chemical Residues Methods lists some of the procedures utilized by analysts in FDA laboratories for the detection in food and cosmetic products of drug and chemical residues including:

  • Acrylamide
  • Benzene
  • Chloramphenicol
  • Diethylene Glycol and Ethylene Glycol
  • Ephedrine Alkaloids
  • Fluoroquinolones
  • Furan
  • Malachite Green and Metabolites; Crystal Violet and Brilliant Green
  • Melamine and Analogues
  • Nitrofuran
  • Perchlorate

Elemental Analysis Manual (EAM)

The Elemental Analysis Manual (EAM) for Food and Related Products provides a repository of the analytical methods used in FDA laboratories to examine food for toxic and nutrient elements. The manual also provides general guidance on related aspects of a laboratory analysis.

Macroanalytical Procedures Manual (MPM)

The Macroanalytical Procedures Manual contains standardized methods of macroscopic analysis which are useful in determining defects in various types of foods.

Pesticide Analytical Manual (PAM)

The Pesticide Analytical Manual (PAM) is published by FDA as a repository of the analytical methods used in FDA laboratories to examine food for pesticide residues.

CFSAN Laboratory Quality Assurance Manual

The CFSAN Laboratory Quality Assurance Manual (LQM), 3rd Edition (2009) contains the policies and instructions related to laboratory quality assurance in CFSAN. The manual is a central resource for understanding CFSAN's quality system and provides guidance on quality concepts, principles, and practices.

Page Last Updated: 11/01/2017
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