Upcoming Changes to May 2018 OES Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Data

Beginning with the May 2018 estimates, the OES program will be making changes to the metropolitan and nonmetropolitan area data. OES will continue to publish data for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas that cover the full geography of the United States. However, there will be some reduction in the level of detail available:

  • Elimination of metropolitan division data:For the 11 large metropolitan areas that are further broken down into metropolitan divisions, OES will no longer publish data for the divisions. OES data for these 11 areas will be available at the Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) or New England City and Town Area (NECTA) level only. For a list of metropolitan divisions and the corresponding MSAs/NECTAs, please see www.bls.gov/oes/divisions_2018.xlsx.
  • Consolidation of some nonmetropolitan areas:Some nonmetropolitan areas published in the May 2017 estimates will be combined to form larger nonmetropolitan areas in the May 2018 estimates. OES will publish data for 134 nonmetropolitan areas in the May 2018 estimates, compared with 167 nonmetropolitan areas in the May 2017 estimates. For a list of the 2018 nonmetropolitan areas, see www.bls.gov/oes/nonmet_2018.xlsx.

A spreadsheet showing all of the new area definitions and names that will be used for the May 2018 OES estimates is available at www.bls.gov/oes/area_definitions_2018.xlsx.


Last Modified Date: October 11, 2018