Program Snapshot

The goal of the Common Fund’s Protein Capture Reagents program is to develop a community resource of renewable, high-quality protein capture reagents, with a focus on the creation of transcription factor reagents and testing next generation capture technologies. The program has developed new resources and tools to understand the critical role the multitude of cellular proteins play in development, health, and disease. These resources will support a wide-range of research and clinical applications by enabling the isolation and tracking of proteins of interest.

The Protein Capture Reagents program issued seven cooperative agreements, beginning in 2010. A 2016 commentary paper published in Nature Methods outlines the accomplishments of the program. The program generated an array of monoclonal antibodies to transcription factor targets in addition to a host of recombinant antibodies. These antibodies are publicly available for purchase and can be located through the PCRP Data Portal. Four administrative supplements were issued in 2017 for functional validation of these reagents, specifically for their binding ability under different experimental conditions and biological contexts. Validation efforts are ongoing.

This page last reviewed on June 12, 2018