New Jersey Health Information Network

The New Jersey Health Information Network (NJHIN) provides the infrastructure for electronic exchange of patient health information among Health Information Organizations and State health data sources.  It also is the primary vehicle for New Jersey to eventually exchange health information nationally with the eHealth Exchange

The secure and accurate matching of patient information makes it possible for health care providers to share electronic health records among different facilities and providers, even when they use dissimilar EHR systems.

NJHIN will leverage NJ-HITEC’s experience with more than 9,600 providers to help enroll providers.

Current Focus

The New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) recently partnered with The New Jersey Innovation Institute (NJII) as the State Designated Entity on an ONC grant to "Advance Interoperable Health Information Technology Services to Support Health Information Exchange“. Beginning with a pilot initiative that includes the Highlander HIO and its participating organizations in the Newark-Metro region, NJDOH and NJII are working to establish an NJHIN Shared Services Platform that will include the following services:

  • A statewide Admission Transfer Notification Service that will send alerts to providers and care management teams on a patient’s status, improving post-discharge outcomes, prompting follow up care, and improving communication among providers

  • A Common Key Service that will provide a consistent and reliable way to match patients across multiple organizations, applications, and services, thereby improving patient safety and data integrity

  • A Health Provider Directory Service that will manage information on organizations and their associated healthcare professionals, including provider preferences for receiving healthcare information

  • A State Health Data Hub that will allow providers of participating HIOs to query health information from, and, in some cases, submit health information to, state health systems
Last Reviewed: 4/4/2016