Drinking Water Programs

The Division of Drinking Water (DDW) regulates public drinking water systems.

The Safe Drinking Water Plan for California includes the State Water Board's assessment of the overall quality of the state's drinking water, the identification of specific water quality problems, an analysis of the known and potential health risks that m ay be associated with drinking water contamination in California, and specific recommendations to improve drinking water quality. All documents are available on the Safe Drinking Water Plan for California page.

Here is a map of FOB districts and office contact information (PDF).

The FOBs are responsible for the enforcement of the federal and California Safe Drinking Water Acts (SDWAs) and the regulatory oversight of ~7,500 public water systems to assure the delivery of safe drinking water to all Californians. In this capacity, FOB staff perform field inspections, issue operating permits, review plans and specifications for new facilities, take enforcement actions for non-compliance with laws and regulations, review water quality monitoring results, and support and promote water system security. In addition, FOB staff are involved in funding infrastructure improvements, conducting source water assessments, evaluating projects utilizing recycled treated wastewater, and promoting and assisting public water systems in drought preparation and water conservation.

FOB staff work with their colleagues in the Waterboards and with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as well as a wide variety of other parties interested in the protection of drinking water supplies. FOB staff work closely with staff of the Division of Financial Assistance on funding for public water systems.

On the local level, FOB staff work with county health departments, planning departments, and boards of supervisors. Primacy has been delegated to certain county health departments for regulatory oversight of small water systems, and FOB staff provides oversight, technical assistance, and training for the local primacy agency personnel.

The Program Management Branch consists of the Quality Assurance Section, the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Section, and the Technical Operations Section.

The Quality Assurance Section

The Quality Assurance Section (QAS) was formed within the Program Management Branch in 2017 to ensure the integrity and validity of the data taken into drinking water data management systems, and to establish procedures to ensure that the data received is valid, legally defensible, and meets expected levels of precision and accuracy. This role includes verification and recommendation of the use of specific analytical methods for drinking water analyses for compliance under the Safe Drinking Water Act.

The Quality Assurance Section supports DDW FOB and LPA compliance determinations and enforcement actions, which are based upon water quality data and information received from laboratories and public water systems.  QAS is also responsible for preparation of reports to USEPA, other agencies and the public; development of Quality Assurance Programs for DDW, development of performance measures documenting program activities; resiliency of water systems in response to disasters and emergencies; and the development of technical, managerial and financial capacity of public water systems.  The Section also coordinates the Drinking Water Source Assessment and Protection (DWSAP) Program and assists the FOBs and LPAs in implementing source water assessment and protection measures.

The Quality Assurance Section administers its programs through the following units:

The Program Liaison Unit (PLU) works in conjunction with the DDW-FOB and Local Primacy Agencies (LPAs) to assist in carrying out an efficient and effective regulatory program in order to protect the health of all Californians.

The PLU is responsible for:

The SDWIS Unit collects, compiles and evaluates water quality analytical results submitted by ELAP accredited laboratories for public water system compliance with the California Safe Drinking Water Act. SDWIS Unit ensures the accuracy and completeness of this data and other information reported by public water systems, which is made available to USEPA to meet State Primacy reporting requirements, and to stakeholders and the public. These responsibilities include managing and tracking public water system compliance with the California Safe Drinking Water Act and ensuring that water quality data are valid, legally defensible, and meets expected levels of precision and accuracy.

The Water Resiliency Unit (WRU) supports and assists DDW and California's water systems with security, preparedness, and emergency response concerns in effort to increase water system resiliency in the face of all-hazards. Earthquakes, Terrorism, Wildfires, Debris flows, Flooding, Accidents, Sabotage, Tsunami, and Cyber-attacks are a few of the natural and man-caused hazards that the Water Sector (one of the 16 Critical Infrastructures) faces regularly. The Water Sector is acutely aware of the vulnerabilities of drinking water systems to these hazards and the imperative to increase and maintain their resilience. The enhancement of security and the ability of water systems to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from all-hazards is key to maintaining a reliable and adequate supply and delivery of safe, clean, wholesome drinking water.

The Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Section

The Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) provides evaluation and accreditation of environmental testing laboratories to ensure the quality of analytical data used for regulatory purposes to meet the requirements of the State's drinking water, wastewater, shellfish, food, and hazardous waste programs. The State agencies that monitor the environment use the analytical data from these accredited laboratories. ELAP-accredited laboratories have demonstrated capability to analyze environmental samples using approved methods.

Technical Operations Section

The Technical Operations Section supports the implementation of a successful drinking water program in California. It ensures the timely adoption of appropriate regulations and standards that provide a foundation for an effective overall regulatory program and protection of public health. The Technical Operations Section administers its programs through the following units. Click on a link for contact information.

The Residential Water Treatment Device Registration Unit is responsible for ensuring that residential water treatment devices sold for purifying water meet appropriate standards.

The Regulatory Development Unit develops regulations pertaining to drinking water and to recycled water, as it relates to drinking water. It also provides templates for public notification for water systems.

The Recycled Water Unit develops water recycling criteria and regulations, evaluates water recycling projects and makes recommendations to RWQCBs about public health implications, and maintains an Alternative Treatment Technology Report for recycled water.

The Treatment Technology Unit reviews and evaluates new treatment technologies or expansion of operations of existing treatment technologies in drinking water and recycled water applications, and assists FOB staff in assessing proposed treatment facilities. Please see more information on the process for approval of treatment technology.
