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Parents Dependency and Indemnity Compensation – Effective 12/1/18


Go to our How to Read Parents DIC Rate Tables to find out how to use these rate tables

Go to the How to Read Pension Benefits Rate Tables page to learn how to read Pension rates pages.

For historic rate charts on this topic click on the date:  
2017   | 2016   | 2014   | 2013   | 2012   | 2011   | 2010-2009   | 2008   | 2007   | 2006   | 2005   | 2004   | 2003   | 2002   | 2001   | 2000   | 1999   | before 1999.

Chart 1: Sole Surviving Parent Unremarried or Remarried Living with Spouse
Chart 2: One of Two Parents Not Living with Spouse
Chart 3: One of Two Parents Living with Spouse or Other Parent


Chart 1

Sole Surviving Parent Unremarried or Remarried Living with Spouse  

Income Not OverMonthly RateEach $1 Decrement
$800 $652 None
900 644 .08
1,000 636 .08
1,100 628 .08
1,200 620 .08
1,300 612 .08
1,400 604 .08
1,500 596 .08
1,600 588 .08
1,700 580 .08
1,800 572 .08
1,900 564 .08
2,000 556 .08
2,100 548 .08
2,200 540 .08
2,300 532 .08
2,400 524 .08
2,500 516 .08
2,600 508 .08
2,700 500 .08
2,800 492 .08
2,900 484 .08
3,000 476 .08
3,100 468 .08
3,200 460 .08
3,300 452 .08
3,400 444 .08
3,500 436 .08
3,600 428 .08
3,700 420 .08
3,800 412 .08
3,900 404 .08
4,000 396 .08
4,100 388 .08
4,200 380 .08
4,300 372 .08
4,400 364 .08
4,500 356 .08
4,600 348 .08
4,700 340 .08
4,800 332 .08
4,900 324 .08
5,000 316 .08
5,100 308 .08
5,200 300 .08
5,300 292 .08
5,400 284 .08
5,500 276 .08
5,600 268 .08
5,700 260 .08
5,800 252 .08
5,900 244 .08
6,000 236 .08
6,100 228 .08
6,200 220 .08
6,300 212 .08
6,400 204 .08
6,500 196 .08
6,600 188 .08
6,700 180 .08
6,800 172 .08
6,900 164 .08
7,000 156 .08
7,100 148 .08
7,200 140 .08
7,300 132 .08
7,400 124 .08
7,500 116 .08
7,600 108 .08
7,700 100 .08
7,800 92 .08
7,900 84 .08
8,000 76 .08
8,100 68 .08
8,200 60 .08
8,300 52 .08
8,400 44 .08
8,500 36 .08
8,600 28 .08
8,700 20 .08
8,800 12 .08
8,887 5.04 .08
8,888 to ** 5 None

If entitled to Aid & Attendance allowance add $353 to the monthly rate.

**If living with spouse: $ 20,692

**If not living with spouse: $ 15,394

Chart 2

One of Two Parents Not Living with Spouse


Income Not OverMonthly RateEach $1 Decrement
$800 $472 None
900 464 .08
1,000 456 .08
1,100 448 .08
1,200 440 .08
1,300 432 .08
1,400 424 .08
1,500 416 .08
1,600 408 .08
1,700 400 .08
1,800 392 .08
1,900 384 .08
2,000 376 .08
2,100 368 .08
2,200 360 .08
2,300 352 .08
2,400 344 .08
2,500 336 .08
2,600 328 .08
2,700 320 .08
2,800 312 .08
2,900 304 .08
3,000 296 .08
3,100 288 .08
3,200 280 .08
3,300 272 .08
3,400 264 .08
3,500 256 .08
3,600 248 .08
3,700 240 .08
3,800 232 .08
3,900 224 .08
4,000 216 .08
4,100 208 .08
4,200 200 .08
4,300 192 .08
4,400 184 .08
4,500 176 .08
4,600 168 .08
4,700 160 .08
4,800 152 .08
4,900 144 .08
5,000 136 .08
5,100 128 .08
5,200 120 .08
5,300 112 .08
5,400 104 .08
5,500 96 .08
5,600 88 .08
5,700 80 .08
5,800 72 .08
5,900 64 .08
6,000 56 .08
6,100 48 .08
6,200 40 .08
6,300 32 .08
6,400 24 .08
6,500 16 .08
6,600 8 .08
6,637 5.04 .08
6,638 to 15,394 5 None


If entitled to Aid & Attendance allowance add $353 to the monthly rate.

Chart 3

One of Two Parents Living with Spouse or Other Parent


Income Not OverMonthly RateEach $1 Decrement
$1,000 $444 None
1,100 441 .03
1,200 438 .03
1,300 435 .03
1,400 431 .03
1,500 427 .03
1,600 423 .04
1,700 419 .04
1,800 414 .04
1,900 409 .04
2,000 404 .05
2,100 399 .05
2,200 393 .05
2,300 387 .05
2,400 381 .05
2,500 375 .06
2,600 369 .06
2,700 362 .06
2,800 355 .06
2,900 348 .06
3,000 341 .07
3,100 333 .07
3,200 325 .07
3,300 317 .08
3,400 309 .08
3,500 301 .08
3,600 293 .08
3,700 285 .08
3,800 277 .08
3,900 269 .08
4,000 261 .08
4,100 253 .08
4,200 245 .08
4,300 237 .08
4,400 229 .08
4,500 221 .08
4,600 213 .08
4,700 205 .08
4,800 197 .08
4,900 189 .08
5,000 181 .08
5,100 173 .08
5,200 165 .08
5,300 157 .08
5,400 149 .08
5,500 141 .08
5,600 133 .08
5,700 125 .08
5,800 117 .08
5,900 109 .08
6,000 101 .08
6,100 93 .08
6,200 85 .08
6,300 77 .08
6,400 69 .08
6,500 61 .08
6,600 53 .08
6,700 45 .08
6,800 37 .08
6,900 29 .08
7,000 21 .08
7,100 13 .08
7,199 5.08 .08
7,200 to 20,692 5 None


If entitled to Aid & Attendance allowance add $353 to the monthly rate.