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Fact Sheets on Science, Research, Ethics and the Institute

Chromosome, DNA double helix, letters of A T C G, base pairs

The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) has produced a series of fact sheets to provide an overview of the institute, explore the social implications of genetic research, and explain complex genetic concepts and research techniques to a non-scientific audience.

Teachers, students and the general public alike will find the materials clearly written and easy to understand.

Fact Sheets About Genetic and Genomic Science

Other Valuable Resources

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Fact Sheets About the Institute

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Fact Sheets About Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Research

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Last Updated: November 9, 2015

En Español:

Guías informativas sobre ciencia, investigación, ética y el instituto

Further Resources:

Guías informativas sobre ciencia, investigación, ética y el instituto