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  5. Find a Detour Around Physical Activity Roadblocks

Find a Detour Around Physical Activity Roadblocks

Having trouble finding time for exercise at this busy time of year? Dr. Rodgers provides tips!

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Are you trying to start a physical activity routine and the reality of life is standing in the way? Today, I’d like to share some tips to help you beat your physical activity roadblocks.

Hi, I’m Dr. Griffin Rodgers, Director of the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases at NIH.

When it’s time to exercise, do you sometimes say to yourself, “well, what about the kids, I don’t have the time, or I really don’t like to exercise?” Here are some tips for pushing these roadblocks out of the way:

  • Be active with your kids – walk, bike, or play tag.
  • Form an exercise group where you live or work.
  • Sneak in exercise throughout the day – take the stairs instead of the elevators and go for short walks a few times a day, if your schedule permits.
  • And, consider playing basketball, line dancing, or mall walking.

To learn more tips about physical activity, follow us on Twitter @NIDDKgov. This is Dr. Griffin Rodgers with the NIH.

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