Federal Records Management

Bimonthly Records and Information Discussion Group (BRIDG)

A Forum Dedicated to the Improvement of Federal Records Management

BRIDG is a public forum where anyone involved in Federal Records Management can share their experiences and discuss the latest developments from NARA Agency Services, comprising the Office of the Chief Records Officer for the U.S. Government, the Federal Records Centers Program, the Information and Security Oversight Office, the National Declassification Center, and the Office of Government Information Services.

The Pre-BRIDG Coffee Hour is an informal networking session where federal agency records managers can discuss current issues and best practices with personnel from NARA's Federal Records Center Program and Appraisal Teams.

Post-BRIDG Meetings, immediately following the main BRIDG session, are hosted by one of NARA's Appraisal Teams, include related FRC Account Managers, and provide an opportunity for federal records managers to talk directly to their assigned appraisal and FRC personnel. Reservations are required.

BRIDG Dates, Times, and Locations

BRIDG Meetings are normally held in the William G. McGowan Theater at the National Archives Building, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20408. The building is directly across Pennsylvania Avenue from the Archives/Navy Memorial stop on the DC Metro Yellow and Green Lines. If BRIDG is to be held at a different location, our meeting announcement will contain location and direction information.


Pre-BRIDG Coffee Hour

BRIDG Meeting

Post-BRIDG Meetings

Wednesday, 12/12/2018


BRIDG Meeting Recordings

BRIDG Meeting 12/12/2018

The December 2018 BRIDG Meeting was canceled.

BRIDG Meeting 10/25/2018: AC 02.2019

View the meeting live on YouTube

Presentation slides are available upon request to RM.Communications@nara.gov

  • Opening Remarks - Laurence Brewer, Chief Records Officer of the U.S. Government
  • WNRC Update - Christopher Pinkney, Division Director Operations - DC
  • ISOO Update - Mark Bradley, Director, Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO)
  • OGIS Update - Alina Semo, Director, Office of Government Information Services (OGIS)
  • ERA 2.0 Update - Sam McClure, Electronic Records Program Director, and David Lake, Program Manager - ERA, Portfolio Management Division, Information Services
  • 2019 Annual Move - Matt Eidson, Supervisor, Permanent Records Capture Team
  • FRC 2020 Transactional Billing Rates - Jeff Lunsford, Chief Financial Analyst, Federal Records Centers Program
  • The New Essential Records Guide - Preston Huff, Archives Specialist, Records Management Policy and Outreach Program
  • Records Management Web Site Changes - Jim Stossel, Outreach Specialist, Records Management Policy and Outreach Program
  • Closing Remarks and Announcements - Laurence Brewer, Chief Records Officer of the U.S. Government

BRIDG Meeting 08/22/2018: AC 25.2018

View the meeting live on YouTube

Presentation slides are available upon request to RM.Communications@nara.gov

  • Opening Remarks - Laurence Brewer, Chief Records Officer of the U.S. Government
  • NARA's Digitization Guidance Plan - Laurence Brewer, Chief Records Officer of the U.S. Government
  • 2017 RMSA Results - Don Rosen and Cindy Smolovik, NARA ACO
  • Training Program Changes - Gary Rauchfuss, NARA ACT
  • Demo of New ARCIS Customer Portal Enhancements - John McEvoy, NARA AFO
  • Closing Remarks and Announcements - Laurence Brewer, Chief Records Officer of the U.S. Government

BRIDG Meeting 06/28/2018: AC 22.2018

View the recorded meeting

Presentation slides are available upon request to RM.Communications@nara.gov

  • Opening Remarks - David Williams, NARA FRCP
  • ERA 2.0 Business Process Improvement Update - Sam McClure, NARA ERM Program Director
  • FERMI Update - Courtney Anderson, NARA ACPP
  • Annual Move Update - Derek Kennedy, NARA Permanent Records Capture Team
  • FRCP Update - David Williams, NARA FRCP

BRIDG Meeting 04/24/2018: AC 18.2018

View the recorded meeting

Presentation slides are available upon request to RM.Communications@nara.gov

  • Opening Remarks - Laurence Brewer, Chief Records Officer of the U.S. Government
  • 2019 Success Criteria - Kyle Douglas, NARA ACPP
  • Our Path to an ERM Solution - Susan Little, U.S. Access Board
  • Strategic Changes in records Management Training - Gary Rauchfuss, NARA ACT
  • ARCIS Customer Portal Disposal Module - John McEvoy, NARA ACF, Rebekah Meservy, DOJ

BRIDG Meeting 02/15/2018: AC 12.2018

View the recorded meeting

Presentation slides are available upon request to RM.Communications@nara.gov

  • Opening Remarks - Gordon Everett, FRCP
  • OGIS Updates - Amy Bennett, OGIS
  • 2018 Agency Disposition Profiles - Scott Roley, FRCP
  • Ambiguous Disposition Codes - Markus Most, OCRO
  • BRIDG Survey Results - Lisa Haralampus, James Stossel, OCRO
  • Panel Discussion of Records Management Priorities - Laurence Brewer, David Weinberg, Gary Rauchfuss, Lisa Haralampus, Maggie Hawkins

BRIDG Meeting 12/12/2017: AC 07.2018

The December 2017 BRIDG Meeting was canceled.

BRIDG Meeting 10/16/2017: AC 01.2018

View the recorded meeting

Presentation slides are available upon request to RM.Communications@nara.gov

  • Opening Remarks, NARA's Draft Strategic Plan - David Ferriero, AOTUS
  • Panel Discussion, NARA's Draft Strategic Plan - Jay Bosanko, Micah Cheatham, Jay Trainer, Laurence Brewer
  • 2018 Federal Records Centers Program rates - Jefferson Lunsford
  • OGIS Update - Amy Bennett
  • FRCP Controlled Unclassified Information Storage Offering - Rashad Shakir
  • Federal Records Centers Program Web Site Updates - Arthur Hawkins
  • Records Management Training Program Update - Gary Rauchfuss

BRIDG Meeting 8/15/2017: AC 34.2017

The August 2017 BRIDG Meeting was canceled.

BRIDG Meeting 6/13/2017: AC 32.2017

View the recorded meeting

Presentation slides are available upon request to RM.Communications@nara.gov

  • National Register and National Historic Landmarks Digitization Project - David Miller
  • Federal Records Centers Program Program Successes - David Weinberg
  • GRS Transmittal Update - Andrea Riley
  • Records Management Oversight and Reporting Activities Update - Don Rosen, Evangela Wimbush-Jeffrey
  • Records Management Training Program Update - Gary Rauchfuss

BRIDG Meeting 4/11/2017: AC 28.2017

View the recorded meeting

Presentation slides are available on the Records Express Blog, or upon request to RM.Communications@nara.gov

  • Update on records management reporting - Cindy Smolovik
  • Mission of Research Services - Ann Cummings
  • 2016 and 2017 Annual Moves - Kate Russ
  • Records Management Training Program Update - Gary Rauchfuss
  • Federal Records Centers Program Update - Gordon Everett
  • Records Management Contract Language - Jennifer Klein and Hannah Bergman

BRIDG Meeting 2/14/2017: AC 21.2017

View the recorded meeting

Presentation slides are available upon request to RM.Communications@nara.gov

  • Introduction of Alina Semo, Director, Office of Government Services (OGIS), and Mark Bradley, Director, Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) - Jay Trainer
  • Update on records management reporting for the RMSA, SAORMs, and email management - Donald Rosen
  • Overview of Civilian Personnel Records Center - Kim Gentile
  • 2016 records management customer satisfaction survey results - Margaret Hawkins

BRIDG Announcements and Agenda Items

BRIDG Meeting announcements are distributed via e-mail prior to each meeting. Send an e-mail to RM.Communications@nara.gov if you would like to be added to our distribution list for BRIDG-related announcements.

If you would like to make a presentation or suggest a topic for BRIDG, please send an e-mail to RM.Communications@nara.gov.

BRIDG Registration

Registration is NOT required to attend BRIDG meetings held at the National Archives; however, if you wish to attend the Post-BRIDG Meet-and-Greet, send an e-mail to the team supervisor identified in the BRIDG meeting announcement or in the Post-BRIDG Meet-and-Greet schedule.

When BRIDG meetings are held at a host agency, our meeting announcement will contain information about registration and security requirements.

BRIDG Cancellation Policy

NARA reserves the right to postpone or cancel a meeting at any time. We will make every effort to notify those on our distribution list as soon as we know of a cancellation. BRIDG meetings WILL BE CANCELLED if the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announces a government closure, or authorizes unscheduled leave, unscheduled telework, or delayed arrival for Federal employees on the day of the scheduled meeting, or if the Department of Homeland Security recommends such action as part of the National Terrorism Advisory System. Official Government closing and leave information is located on the OPM web site at at www.opm.gov. Information about the National Terrorism Advisory System is available at https://www.dhs.gov/national-terrorism-advisory-system

BRIDG Security Information

No special identification or security arrangements are necessary at the National Archives, but you will be required to go through a metal detector similar to airport screening, and all bags will be checked on the way in and out of the building. When BRIDG is held at a host agency, our meeting announcement will contain information about registration and security requirements.

* Please see our Privacy Statement
