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Best Practices

This page contains best practices for IPAWS users (alerting authorities) as well as recommended software functions and features for users to consider when choosing an IPAWS compatible alert origination tool. The monthly IPAWS Tips can also be found here.

IPAWS Best Practices

The IPAWS Program Office created a presentation as an aid for IPAWS users (alerting authorities) to realize the benefits of testing, training, and exercising by providing best practices, considerations, and methodologies. An accompanying presentation focuses on suggested functions, features, and layouts for Alert Origination Tools based on IPAWS subject-matter experts.

Access the IPAWS Best Practices Presentations


The IPAWS Program Management Office distributes a monthly "tip" to emergency managers and software vendors regarding the IPAWS program, software tools, and other relevant issues. The tips will also cover best practices and recommendations for both alerting authorities and the vendor community. After the tips are sent they will be posted for the public here.

Continuity of Broadcast

The "Continuity of Broadcast Operations - Every Station Should Have a Plan" article presents a framework and best-practices for developing a solid Continuity of Broadcast Operations (COBO) plan for companies, clusters or single stations to be prepared for major disasters. Mass media plays a critical role both in the pre-disaster preparation and warning phase, as well as during and after the emergency. However, broadcasters are sometimes directly affected by these disasters and should have a plan in advance to manage any emergency.

Last Updated: 
06/06/2018 - 08:14