Executive Management

Meet the CalEPA executive management team and read their biographies.


Matthew Rodriquez

Secretary for Environmental Protection

Gordon Burns

Undersecretary for Environmental Protection

Business portrait of a male in Sacramento, California

Alex Barnum
Deputy Secretary for
Communications and External Affairs

Ashley Conrad-Saydah
Deputy Secretary for
Climate Policy

Grant Cope
Deputy Secretary for Environmental Policy

Photo of Julie Henderson

Julie Henderson
Deputy Secretary for
Health and Public Policy

Christine Hironaka
Deputy Secretary for
Legislative Affairs

Alexa Kleysteuber
Deputy Secretary for
Border and Intergovernmental Relations

Christiana Tiedemann
Deputy Secretary for
Law Enforcement and Counsel

Yana Garcia
Assistant Secretary for Environmental Justice and Tribal Affairs

Eric Jarvis
Assistant Secretary for
Fiscal and Administrative

Kristin Peer
Assistant General Counsel

Alejandro Rodarte
Assistant Secretary for
Border Affairs

Greg Vlasek
Assistant Secretary for
Local Program Coordination and Emergency Response

John Blue
Manager of Climate Program

Sergio Gutierrez
Agency Chief Information Officer