Library in the News, 4/30/07

A few AP photos are starting to move from the event that ended barely an hour ago, in which German Chancellor Angela Merkel formally transferred the 1507 Waldseemüller Map to the Library of Congress and the American people (represented by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer).

You can see them here, here, here, here, here and here, for starters.

The AP story itself can be found here (via

Here?s a related English-language article from Germany’s “Spiegel.”

I’ll post more news links as I find them.


The webcast is now up.

A link from The Washington Times.

NPR did a nice interview here.

Mapping Out Monday

Wow, in business barely three days, and I already have to apologize for “light blogging.” What a day it has already been! In addition to dealing with a parking glitch that has had me spending far too much time trying to keep from being towed by the good people of the District of Columbia, I […]

Is Blogging Serializing?

I got an email this morning from a colleague in the Office of Communications, who said that she was speaking to our ???guru of ISSN numbers.??? Here is the upshot: Today she told me that after much debate, catalogers had decided that corporate blogs published regularly are in fact serial publications and therefore should have […]

Clock Ticking Down on Webby Nominees

The deadline is fast approaching to vote in the 2007 Webby Awards, the Internet equivalent of the Oscars. (Voting requires registration, to separate the “men from the bots.” “OK, bad joke.)” Fast, as in tomorrow (April 27). The Library is nominated in two “People’s Voice” categories, which are decided by popular vote and will be […]