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Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation

Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

Center for Financial Research

Small Business Lending Survey

Small Business Lending Survey Cover The Small Business Lending Survey is a nationally-representative survey of U.S. banks and their small business lending practices. The report of survey findings offers new information for both small and large banks on many aspects of their small business lending. The results provide context for the implications of current bank consolidation trends on U.S. small businesses.

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CFR Working Paper Series - Most Recent Papers

Reducing Moral Hazard at the Expense of Market Discipline: The Effectiveness of Double Liability Before and During the Great Depression
FDIC Center for Financial Research Working Paper No. 2018-05
Haelim Anderson, Daniel Barth, and Dong Beom Choi

On the Rise of the FinTechs—Credit Scoring using Digital Footprints
FDIC Center for Financial Research Working Paper No. 2018-04
Tobias Berg, Valentin Burg, Ana Gombović, and Manju

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Bank Research Conference Logo

The 18th Annual FDIC/JFSR Bank Research Conference was held on September 6th and 7th, 2018. The Bank Research Conference brings academics, policy decision makers, and industry leaders together to share research on issues of prime importance to policy makers. The conference program is available online.

Meet The Researchers

Researchers conduct and publish empirical and theoretical research on the banking industry and bank regulation. They also develop statistical and financial models to support FDIC operations. Topics studied by researchers include: bank capital, bank supervision, banking industry structure, deposit insurance, executive compensation, lending, and systemic risk.

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Researchers at the Center for Financial Research

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