fishing trawler
animated bubbles turtle

A bouillabaisse of fascinating facts about fish and other marine life

What is the FishFAQ?

The National Marine Fisheries Service (now NOAA Fisheries) annually answers thousands of questions about the oceans and the life that thrives within them. On the basis of a canvass of experienced marine scientists in the Fisheries Service done in 1973, more than a hundred questions have been chosen as most representative. These are the Most Frequently Asked Questions containing some fascinating facts about fish.

Access the original FAQ site here. It was one of our very first web pages in 1993, and won awards back in the day.

Fish FAQs

Assorted Fish FAQs | Salmon FAQs | Shark FAQs

Invertebrate FAQs

Lobster FAQs | Crab FAQs | Shrimp FAQs | Shellfish FAQs

Marine Mammal and Turtle FAQs

Whale / Cetacean FAQs | Seal FAQs | Turtle FAQs

Contact and credits

Contact: NEFSC Webmaster

Taken in part from “Being a bouillabaisse of fascinating facts about fish: the most-asked questions,” NOAA Magazine, April and July of 1973.

Unless otherwise noted all color artwork is © Ray Troll 2002, © Terry Pyles, colorization 2002. These images may not be utilized in whole or in part by any entity other than NMFS without the express permission of NMFS' Office of Constituent Services and the copyright artist, Ray Troll.