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STAR METRICS®has released the Level I Process Guide for interested parties to utilize in their own workforce calculations. This Process Guide is available in the Resources section of this website.

On May 4th, 2015, Dr. Sally Rockey, Ph.D., NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research and Lead Entity Executive of the STAR METRICS Consortium, sent the following announcement to institutions participating in STAR METRICS® Level I activities.

Announcement on Level I Activities

Good afternoon,

After careful consideration of institutional feedback and a great deal of discussion, the STAR METRICS Consortium has decided to redirect STAR METRICS resources towards the ongoing development of Federal RePORTER (http://federalreporter.nih.gov/). This re-allocation of resources will mean that, as of January 1st, 2016, STAR METRICS will halt the federal collection of institution data and subsequent production of Level I reports.

We want to thank you for your participation in Level I. Together we have inspired the community to use administrative data in new and innovative ways to answer interesting research questions and provide fresh insights into the research enterprise. While centralized reports generation will stop, we are happy to hear that similar efforts will continue through individual researchers working with their own organizations, institutional collaborations, and the continued work of the NSF's Science of Science Policy community.

Moving forward we will work to support a smooth transition by continuing to accept institution data and generate Level I reports until January 1, 2016. We will also make the systems coding, methodology, and documentation available on the STAR METRICS website for those institutions and researchers who would like to move forward independently and we would be happy to provide additional clarification to interest parties.

We are enthusiastic that the STAR METRICS Program will continue our efforts to provide empirical data linking scientific input with outputs and outcomes through Federal RePORTER.

We want to thank the many institutions who provided feedback on this important decision. It was very helpful to have your perspective as we deliberated about the future direction of the STAR METRICS program. We look forward to continuing our work together.

The Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) meeting held on January 6, 2014 in Washington DC featured a session on STAR METRICS®. Presentations made by STAR METRICS® FDP Working Group members are available below.

FDP Working Group Presentations

STAR METRICS®: Update & Review of Activities
Presentation by George Chacko, Director, Office of Planning, Analysis, and Evaluation Center for Scientific Review, National Institutes of Health

STAR METRICS®: Data Consistency
Presentation by Marietta L. Harrison, Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Associate Vice President for Research, Purdue University

Communication and Use of STAR METRICS® Data Presentation by Dr. James T. English, Professor of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri


On Nov 12 2013, the STAR METRICS® Interagency Working Group organized a workshop on STAR METRICS® Level I (jobs reporting). The workshop was conducted at Building 45 (Balcony A) on the NIH Campus.
Click here to view the STAR METRICS® Level I Workshop agenda.

The workshop was videocast live and an archived copy is available here:

Follow up comments from participants are welcomed and should be sent to starmetrics@mail.nih.gov.

The Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) national conference on September 16, 2013 in Washington DC featured a session on STAR METRICS®. Presentations made by STAR METRICS® FDP Working Group members are available below.

FDP Working Group Presentations

Presentation by George Chacko, Director, Office of Planning, Analysis, and Evaluation Center for Scientific Review, National Institutes of Health

STAR METRICS®: Data Consistency
Presentation by Marietta L. Harrison, Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Associate Vice President for Research, Purdue University

STAR METRICS®: Statistical Study (Preliminary Data)
Presentation by John King, Senior Advisor for Agricultural Economics and Rural Communities in the Office of the Chief Scientist, US Department of Agriculture

Communication and Use of STAR METRICS® Data Presentation by Dr. James T. English, Professor of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri

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