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  • 2019 National HIV Prevention Conference - Getting to No New HIV Infections - Atlanta, GA March 18-21, 2019
  • Transforming Health: : Patient-Centered HIV Prevention and Care
  • HIV Risk Reduction Tool

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HIV Basics

Information on the virus, its origins, symptoms, and testing.

HIV by Group

Populations most at-risk for HIV including gay men and people of color.

HIV Risk and Prevention

Behaviors that place people at risk of contracting or transmitting HIV.

HIV Testing

Development, implementation, and evaluation of HIV testing science.

Statistics Center

HIV/AIDS statistics and surveillance and how they are used.


The on-going research on HIV prevention at CDC.

HIV in the Workplace

Resources for workplace-based HIV programs and policies.

Policies and Programs

Policy, Planning, and Strategic Communication

CDC HIV progress and strategy reports, HIV prevention initiatives, and state laws.


Program Resources

Resources for state and local organizations working in HIV prevention.



Resources for funding programs.

Guidelines and Recommendations

Guidelines and Recommendations

For clinicians, public health professionals, and providers.

Resource Library

Resource Library

Fact sheets, infographics, slides, reports, awareness day information, and more.

Training and Conferences

Training and Conferences

Learning center, partner materials, and training programs.

About the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevetion

About the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention

Learn more about the Division responsible for HIV prevention in the U.S.