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Leading Health Indicators and Objectives

Leading Health Indicators

Healthy People 2020 contains 42 topic areas, nearly 600 objectives, which encompass 1,200 measures.

A smaller set of Healthy People 2020 objectives, called Leading Health Indicators(LHIs), has been selected to communicate high-priority health issues and actions that can be taken to address them.

Tobacco LHIs

The Tobacco Use Leading Health Indicators are:

  • Adults who are current cigarette smokers
  • Adolescents who smoked cigarettes in the past 30 days
  • Children aged 3 to 11 years exposed to secondhand smoke

More information…

Tobacco Use Objectives

Tobacco Use

  • TU–1: Adult tobacco use
  • TU–2: Adolescent tobacco use
  • TU–3: Initiation of tobacco use
  • TU–4: Smoking cessation attempts by adults
  • TU–5: Adult success in smoking cessation
  • TU–6: Smoking cessation during pregnancy
  • TU–7: Smoking cessation attempts by adolescents

Health Systems Changes

  • TU–8: Medicaid coverage for smoking cessation
  • TU–9: Tobacco screening in health care settings
  • TU–10: Tobacco cessation counseling in health care settings

Social and Environmental Changes

  • TU–11: Exposure to secondhand smoke
  • TU–12: Indoor worksite smoking policies
  • TU–13: Smoke-free indoor air laws
  • TU–14: Smoke-free homes
  • TU–15: Tobacco-free schools
  • TU–16: Preemptive tobacco control laws
  • TU–17: Tobacco tax
  • TU–18: Exposure of adolescents and young adults to advertising and promotion
  • TU–19: Enforcement of illegal sales to minors laws
  • TU–20: Evidence-based tobacco control programs
  • TU–21: Tax stamps

To obtain the full objective text visit the Healthy People 2020 website.

