Shared Services

Getting Started

Collaborative Services with the S.C. Department of Education

Getting Started with Shared Services

The S.C. Department of Education is ready to assist districts in collaborating on shared services, to facilitate agreements, to assist consortia, and to generate ideas on where districts might see the best return on investment from these efforts.

Collaborative Services with the SCDE

The S.C. Department of Education is offering services to districts that wish to collaborate with other districts, contract for services from the SCDE, pool resources for PowerSchool hosting, coordinate technology services, and expand career and technology offerings to students.

Food Services - KPI System

The Office of Health and Nutrition offers access to Key Performance Indicator software that allows school districts to compare food service performance with other districts. 

PowerSchool Hosting Group

Generally, pricing for PowerSchool hosted solutions varies based upon the number of students. The S.C. Department of Education is working with districts wishing to collaborate as a group to increase the number of students in a hosted environment and decrease each district's per student pricing.


The S.C. Department of Education is offering districts participation in group services (backup and recovery, hosted PowerSchool), technical assistance, IT health checks, and use of a Nexpose IT vulnerability scanner.