Due to a lapse in appropriations, the majority of USGS websites may not be up to date and may not reflect current conditions. Websites displaying real-time data, such as Earthquake and Water and information needed for public health and safety will be updated with limited support. Additionally, USGS will not be able to respond to inquiries until appropriations are enacted.  For more information, please see www.doi.gov/shutdown

Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration (BPI)


The Office of Budget, Planning, and Integration (BPI) secures fiscal resources needed for the USGS to perform its scientific mission goals, facilitates information sharing internally and externally, and provides in-depth analysis of budget and program performance data for the USGS to understand, anticipate, and respond to shifts in social and political paradigms.



The Federal funding process begins with the submission of the President’s annual budget request to the Congress. Traditionally, this is done on the first Tuesday in February. Explore USGS Budget Justifications (Greenbooks) and related material.

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Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

Strategic Plans facilitate the integration of programs, the allocation and alignment of resources, and collaboration and coordination with stakeholders to achieve key goals.

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The GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 (PL 111-352) requires agencies to report performance. The Annual Performance Plan and Report (APP&R) presents performance data that aligns to the DOI Strategic Plan.

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Date published: February 12, 2018

President Proposes $860 Million USGS Budget for FY2019

Budget Focuses on Priorities Supporting American Resource Prosperity and Security