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Participating in NAEP?

Why Your Participation Matters

When students, their parents, teachers, and principals participate in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)—also called The Nation’s Report Card—they are helping to inform decisions about how to improve the education system in our country.

NAEP is congressionally mandated and was first administered in 1969 to measure student achievement nationally. It is the largest continuing and nationally representative assessment of how our students are performing in various subject areas and how that performance changes over time.

Since NAEP is not designed to report results for individuals or schools, the assessments are administered only to a sample of students who represent the student population.

It is important that all selected schools and students participate in NAEP. Full participation of all selected students and schools enables NAEP to provide the most accurate and representative picture of student academic performance. Educators, policymakers, and elected officials all use NAEP results to develop ways to improve education.

The Nation’s Report Card describes student achievement in ways that inform policymakers and educators. It’s a really valuable resource.

--Jodi Chesman

Teacher Montgomery County Public Schools, Rockville, MD

Participating in a Digitally Based Assessment

During testing, NAEP provides all necessary equipment (tablets, ear buds, and administrative equipment). The only resources a school is requested to provide is space, desks or tables, and electricity. A tutorial will be provided prior to the assessment to teach students how to use the equipment and tools and to enter their responses. Questionnaires that capture the learning experiences of students in and outside of the classroom will also be administered to students on tablets.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Explore frequently asked questions about participating in NAEP, or download a PDF for viewing and printing.

How is NAEP different from other tests?
How are students and schools selected?
Is participation voluntary?
How does NAEP include students with disabilities and English language learners?
What are students and schools asked to do before and during the assessment?
What kinds of questions will be asked?
Where do I find the results?
Are individual student results reported?
How is my state or district performing?
What if I have more questions?

Schedule of Assessments

See a calendar of upcoming NAEP assessments and activities.

Learn More

Last updated 15 November 2018 (AA)