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The NCES Commissioner

James Woodworth, PhD

Commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics
Commissioner's Remarks for 2017

December 5 2017
NCES Statement on PIRLS 2016  - Today, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is releasing results on the performance of students in the United States from two studies: the Progress in Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) and a companion study known as ePIRLS conducted in 2016.

November 15 2017
Sesquicentennial Celebration of NCES  - On November 15, 2017, the American Educational Research Association, the American Statistical Association, and the Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics hosted a forum on Capitol Hill commemorating the 150th anniversary of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). The event brought together research and policy experts for a discussion of the pioneering work of the second-oldest federal statistical agency, and a thoughtful exploration of NCES’s successes, opportunities, and challenges. Acting NCES Commissioner Peggy G. Carr delivered opening remarks.

April 25 2017
Eighth-Graders' Arts Scores Remain Steady Since 2008  - Overall achievement in music and visual arts for the nation's eighth-graders has remained the same since 2008, according to The Nation's Report Card released today by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES).

January 25 2017
NCES Statement on Integrity, Independence, and Innovation: The Future of NCES  - In 2015, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) commissioned the National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS) to perform a review of all aspects of the Center's performance as a Federal statistical agency. It had been three decades since the last comprehensive review of the Center, a review which produced the landmark National Academy of Sciences report, Creating a center for education statistics: A time for action (1986). In the intervening years, rapid technological and economic change has heightened the need for clear, accurate, credible, and easily accessible data—and changed many things about the way we do our business.

December 6 2016
NCES Statement on PISA 2015  - Overall, the results show no measurable change in U.S. 15-year-olds’ average scores in science or reading literacy between 2015 and any of the previous PISA cycles to which comparison can be made. Mathematics scores, however, have declined since 2009. Additionally, U.S. students scored below the OECD average score in mathematics literacy, but were not measurably different from the OECD average in science and reading literacy.

November 29 2016
NCES Statement on TIMSS 2015  - TIMSS assesses the mathematics and science knowledge and skills of fourth- and eighth-graders and is designed to align broadly with mathematics and science curricula in the participating countries. The results, therefore, suggest the degree to which students have learned mathematics and science concepts and skills likely taught in school. TIMSS also collects background information on students, teachers, and schools to allow cross-national comparison of educational contexts that may be related to student achievement.

November 15 2016
NCES Statement on PIAAC 2014 Prison Study  - The Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) is an international large-scale assessment developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (the OECD). The U.S. PIAAC Survey of Incarcerated Adults follows two earlier studies, conducted by NCES in the 1990s and early 2000s, which assessed the skills of incarcerated adults in the United States.

April 27 2016
NAEP 2015 Twelfth-Grade Mathematics and Reading Results  - Nationally representative samples of twelfth-graders from public and private schools across the nation participated in NAEP administered assessments from January through March of 2015. Approximately 13,200 students were assessed in mathematics and 18,700 students were assessed in reading. National results from the 2015 assessment are compared to results from the last assessment in 2013 and to the first assessment year for each subject, which was 2005 for mathematics and 1992 for reading.

March 10 2016
NCES Statement on PIAAC 2012/2014  - Overall, the U.S. adult population performed on par with the international average in literacy and below the international average in numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments. While the United States ranked higher in literacy compared to other countries than it did in numeracy or problem solving in technology-rich environments (also called "digital problem solving"), the biggest differences between U.S. adults and their international peers were among low performers. The United States had a higher percentage of low performers than the international average in all subject areas. The percentage of top performers in the United States in numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments was slightly lower than the international average in those domains.

October 28 2015
2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Grades 4 and 8 Mathematics and Reading  - The NAEP assessments were administered in early 2015 to 279,000 fourth-graders and 273,000 eighth-graders. The results for the nation include both public and private school students. At the state level, results are for public schools only, for all 50 states, along with the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense Education Activity, which are treated as states for comparison purposes.

July 9 2015
Mapping State Proficiency Standards Onto NAEP Scales: Results from the 2013 NAEP Reading and Mathematics Assessments  - For more than a decade, stakeholders in U.S. education have been asking important questions about what it means to be proficient academically. How does our state assessment measure up to other state assessments? Are my state’s expectations of proficiency different from those in other states, or from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)?

April 29 2015
The Nation's Report Card: 2014 U.S. History, Geography, and Civics at Grade 8  - Today I am releasing the results of the 2014 U.S. history, geography, and civics assessments of eighth-graders from the National Assessment of Educational Progress„oThe Nation's Report Card. The NAEP social science assessments help us measure students¡¦ understanding of the origins and evolution of the nation; their ability to seek and systematically apply the knowledge and skills of geography in life situations; and their understanding of American government and the workings of a civil society. The last time NAEP assessed students in these three subjects was 2010. For the first time these results and more are available in an online interactive report.

March 12 2015
NAEP Mathematics in Puerto Rico: 2013  - In 2013, representative samples of approximately 4,600 fourth-grade students from 150 public schools and 5,200 eighth-grade students from 120 public schools in Puerto Rico participated in a Spanish-language version of the NAEP mathematics assessment. In both 2011 and 2013, the regular operational sections of the mathematics assessment were augmented with special sections of mathematics questions to better measure — both more precisely and reliably — the full range of mathematical abilities. Fourth- and eighth-grade students in Puerto Rico also participated in NAEP mathematics assessments in 2003, 2005, and 2007. Because of issues such as relatively large portions of omitted responses and incorrect responses, results from these earlier assessments cannot be compared to 2011 and 2013.

July 9 2014
NCES Statement on PISA 2012 Financial Literacy Results  - Today, the National Center for Education Statistics is releasing results from the 2012 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) financial literacy assessment, conducted in 18 education systems, including the United States.

May 7 2014
National Assessment of Educational Progress 2013 Grade 12 Reading and Mathematics   - The grade 12 results being released include both national results and our second set of results at the state level. Our pilot grade 12 program began in 2009 with 11 states (Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, South Dakota and West Virginia). In 2013, Michigan and Tennessee also participated. The pilot is examining the feasibility of conducting NAEP grade 12 assessments at the state level for all states, as is done for grades 4 and 8.

December 18 2013
NAEP 2013 Mathematics and Reading TUDA Results  - TUDA assesses the performance of public school students at the district level using the same NAEP assessments that were administered at the national and state levels. It is a collaboration involving the National Center for Education Statistics, or NCES, along with the National Assessment Governing Board, and the Council of the Great City Schools.

December 3 2013
NCES Statement on PISA 2012  - Today, the National Center for Education Statistics is releasing results from the 2012 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). Overall, the results show no measurable change in U.S. average scores in mathematics, science, or reading literacy between 2012 and any of the previous U.S. PISA results.

November 7 2013
NAEP 2013 Mathematics and Reading  - We are very pleased to release the results of the 2013 Grades 4 and 8 mathematics and reading assessments from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)The Nation’s Report Card. This is the first of several reports we will be releasing in the coming months. Today’s results are for fourth- and eighth- graders in the nation and the states. We also assessed mathematics and reading in 21 large urban districts around the country and those results will be released later this year. In addition, we assessed mathematics and reading at grade 12 in 2013, both nationally and in a pilot program at the state level involving 13 states. Results for the Grade 12 assessments will be released next year.

October 24 2013
2011 NAEP-TIMSS Linking Study  - Today I am pleased to release the findings from the NAEP-TIMSS Linking Study. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) initiated this special study in an effort to link scores of two assessments—the mathematics and science components of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)—that were administered in 2011 to assess the proficiency of eighth-grade students.

October 18 2013
NCES Statement on PIAAC 2012  - Today, the National Center for Education Statistics is releasing results from the 2012 Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC).

June 27 2013
NAEP 2012 Trends in Academic Progress   - Today I am pleased to release the results of the 2012 NAEP Long-Term Trend Reading and Mathematics Assessments, the first long-term trend assessments we’ve conducted since 2008. These assessments were first administered in the early 1970s, giving us about 40 years of trend data.

April 24 2013
NAEP 2012 Economics Assessment  - Today I am pleased to release the results of the 2012 12th Grade Economics Assessment, conducted as part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP. This was our second economics assessment. NAEP first added economics to its list of assessment subjects in 2006 due to the growing emphasis on economics instruction at the high school level. In 2012, over two-thirds of students reported that they had taken either an advanced or a general economics course. About 90 percent of students said they had some form of economics-related instruction.

March 12 2013
Algebra I and Geometry Curricula: Results from the 2005 High School Transcript Mathematics Curriculum Study  - This is the first study from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to explore the content and level of challenge of high school algebra I and geometry courses in public schools across the Nation. The study uses data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) High School Transcript Study and the NAEP mathematics assessment.

February 21 2013
The Nation's Report Card: Mega-States  - Today, we release our new report, Mega-States, which examines the educational performance of students in the five most heavily populated states. The Mega-States are California, Florida, Illinois, New York, and Texas. Data are from the NAEP assessments in reading, mathematics, and science from 1990 to 2011.

December 11 2012
NCES Statement on PIRLS 2011 and TIMSS 2011  - Today, the National Center for Education Statistics is releasing results on the performance of U.S. students on two international studies: the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Both of these cross-national comparative studies are coordinated by the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College, under the auspices of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), an international organization of national research institutions and governmental research agencies.

December 6 2012
Vocabulary Results From the 2009 and 2011 NAEP Reading Assessments  - Good morning. I am here today to share with you results from our new report, Vocabulary Results From the 2009 and 2011 NAEP Reading Assessments. This report is the first NAEP report to present vocabulary results.

September 14 2012
NAEP 2011 Writing Assessment  - The assessment was administered in early 2011, at grades 8 and 12. Our samples included 24,100 eighth-graders and 28,100 twelfth-graders. The 2011 assessment was conducted at the national level only. Both public and private school students were assessed.

June 19 2012
NAEP 2009 Science Assessment—Interactive Computer Tasks and Hands-on Tasks  - In 2009, students at grades 4, 8, and 12 took the NAEP science assessment. During this exam, they responded to questions not only via paper-and-pencil, but also different science tasks—hands on tasks and interactive computer tasks. Through these tasks, students performed both real and simulated scientific experiments. Today, we will be focusing on this new generation of testing by exploring the types of tasks with which students were presented, how the students performed, and some common themes across the tasks.

May 10 2012
2011 Science Grade 8 National and State Results  - I am here to share with you the results of the NAEP 2011 science assessment that were released today in the Science Report Card. Students were assessed at the 8th grade only, with a sample of 122,000 students. We have national results for public and private school students, along with results for public school students only in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Department of Defense schools. This was the first time all 50 states and the District of Columbia agreed to participate in the NAEP science assessment.

December 7 2011
2011 Reading and Mathematics Trial Urban District Assessment  - Today I am releasing the results of the NAEP 2011 Trial Urban District Assessment for reading and mathematics—what we call TUDA. TUDA assesses the performance of public school students at the school district level. It is a collaboration involving the National Center for Education Statistics, or NCES, along with the National Assessment Governing Board, and the Council of the Great City Schools.

November 1 2011
2011 Reading and Mathematics Report Card  - Today I am releasing the results of the 2011 reading and mathematics assessments from the National Assessment of Educational Progress—the Nation's Report Card. This assessment was given earlier this year to fourth- and eighth-grade students across the country. Today's results are for the nation and the states. We also assessed reading and mathematics in 21 large urban districts around the country and those results will be released soon. In addition, we assessed writing at grades 8 and 12 in 2011 and science at grade 8 and will have the results from those assessments in 2012.

September 26 2011
Major Findings from Student Reports of Bullying and Cyber-Bullying: Results From the 2009 School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey  - On September 21, 2011, Jack Buckley, the Commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) presented some major findings from the most recent national data on bullying in schools and cyber-bullying anywhere at the second annual Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention Summit in Washington, DC. This two-day event was hosted by the U.S. Department of Education in partnership with eight other federal agencies. Both government and nongovernmental organizations discussed recent efforts to identify the next steps for continued progress in combating bullying in schools.

August 10 2011
Mapping State Proficiency Standards Onto the NAEP Scales: Variation and Change in State Standards for Reading and Mathematics, 2005-2009  - Good morning. Today I am presenting our new report on mapping state proficiency standards onto NAEP scales. This is our fourth report on state mapping. We have released three earlier reports, using state data for reading and mathematics at grades 4 and 8 from 2003, 2005, and 2007. The current report is based on data from 2009. I will give you an overview of the mapping procedure and the overall results for 2009, and also discuss the states that made changes in their assessments from 2005 or 2007 to 2009 and the results of those changes. In all cases, our results are for public school students only.

July 19 2011
The Nation's Report Card: Geography 2010  - This is our first Geography assessment since 2001. The assessment measures students’ geography knowledge and skills, and is organized around content areas that describe specific geography subject matter and cognitive areas that reflect different levels of understanding geography.

June 23 2011
Achievement Gaps: How Hispanic and White Students in Public Schools Perform in Mathematics and Reading on the National Assessment of Educational Progress  - Today we’re releasing our report on achievement gaps—the differences in performance of Hispanic and White students as they have changed over time, using national and state data for mathematics and reading from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP. As this report will show, scores for both Hispanic and White students have improved over time, but for the most part the gaps remain significant, at both the state and national levels.

June 14 2011
The Nation's Report Card: History 2010  - I am here today to release the results of the 2010 U.S. History assessment. This is our first U.S. History assessment since 2006. This assessment measures how well students know the specific facts of American history, how well they evaluate historical evidence, and how well they understand change and continuity over time.

May 26 2011
Briefing on The Condition of Education 2011  - The Condition of Education is a congressionally mandated report that is produced by the National Center for Education Statistics by June 1st of each year. The role of the Federal government in collecting and reporting statistics dates back to 1867. Today, this report brings together information from our own statistical surveys, as well as data from other sources, to allow us to take a big-picture look at the condition of all areas of American education. Although many of the findings we discuss in the report focus on national or regional trends, there are indicators that feature state-level data as well.

May 4 2011
The Nation's Report Card: Civics 2010  - Today, I am releasing the results of the NAEP 2010 Civics assessment. This is the first NAEP civics assessment since 2006. The civics assessment measures students' knowledge of the American constitutional system and of the workings of our civil society. It also requires them to demonstrate a range of intellectual skills—identifying and describing important information, explaining and analyzing it, and evaluating information and defending positions with appropriate evidence and careful reasoning.

April 13 2011
NAEP High School Transcript Study 2009  - I am here today to present the results from the 2009 High School Transcript Study, or HSTS, conducted periodically as part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP. The NAEP High School Transcript Study report provides detailed information on the academic experiences and performance of America's high school graduates.

February 24 2011
The Nation's Report Card: Science 2009 - Trial Urban District Assessment  - Good morning. I am here today to release the results of the NAEP Science 2009 Trial Urban District Assessment—or as we call it, Science TUDA. Last month the results of the 2009 science assessment for the nation and the states were released. Today I am releasing the science results for public school students in selected urban school districts. The TUDA program is a collaboration involving the National Center for Education Statistics, or NCES, along with the National Assessment Governing Board and the Council of the Great City Schools.

January 25 2011
The Nation's Report Card: Science 2009  - Today I am releasing the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress science results. Students were assessed at the fourth, eighth, and twelfth grades. Over 156,000 students at grade 4, 151,000 at grade 8, and 11,000 at grade 12 took the assessment. We have national results for public and private school students at all three grades. At grades 4 and 8, we also have results for public school students in 46 states and the Department of Defense schools.

December 7 2010
NCES Statement on PISA 2009  - Today, the National Center for Education Statistics is releasing results on the performance of students in the United States on an international study, the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). PISA measures 15-year-old students' literacy in reading, mathematics, and science every three years. PISA, first implemented in 2000, is coordinated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an intergovernmental organization of 34 highly industrialized countries.

November 18 2010
The Nation's Report Card: 12th Grade Reading and Mathematics 2009  - Today I am releasing the results of the 2009 grade 12 reading and mathematics assessments from the National Assessment of Educational Progress—the Nation’s Report Card. NAEP administered reading and mathematics assessments in 2009 to students across the country at grades 4, 8, and 12. Results for students in grades 4 and 8 were released earlier this year.

May 27 2010
Briefing on The Condition of Education 2010  - The Condition of Education is a congressionally mandated report produced by the National Center for Education Statistics that brings together new and recently released information from our statistical surveys. This annual report allows us to take a big-picture look at the condition of American education. Many of the findings we discuss focus on national or regional trends, although some of the indicators in the report feature state-level data as well. In addition, this year, we have added a special section that focuses on high-poverty schools in the United States. These are schools in which more than 75 percent of the students qualify for free or reduced-price lunch.

May 20 2010
The Nation's Report Card: Reading 2009 - Trial Urban District Assessment  - Today I am releasing the results of the NAEP 2009 Trial Urban District Assessment for reading—what we call TUDA. TUDA assesses the performance of public school students at the district level. It is a collaboration involving the National Center for Education Statistics, or NCES, along with the National Assessment Governing Board, and the Council of the Great City Schools.

March 24 2010
The Nation's Report Card: Reading 2009  - Today I am releasing the results of the 2009 reading assessment from the National Assessment of Educational Progress—the Nation's Report Card. This assessment was given from late January through early March one year ago to fourth- and eighth-grade students across the country. Close to 179,000 fourth-graders and 161,000 eighth-graders participated in the reading assessment. Mathematics and science were also assessed during the same time period as reading. The mathematics report card for grades 4 and 8 was released late last year, while the science report card and the twelfth-grade reading and mathematics results will be released later this year.

December 8 2009
The Nation's Report Card: Mathematics 2009 - Trial Urban District Assessment  - Today I am releasing the results of the NAEP 2009 Trial Urban District Assessment for mathematics—what we call TUDA.

TUDA assesses the performance of public school students at the district level. It is a collaboration involving the National Center for Education Statistics, or NCES, along with the National Assessment Governing Board, and the Council of the Great City Schools.

October 14 2009
The Nation’s Report Card: Mathematics 2009  - Today I am releasing the results of the 2009 mathematics assessment from the National Assessment of Educational Progress—the Nation's Report Card. This is the first of many reports we will be releasing in the coming months.

This assessment was given from late January through early March this year to fourth- and eighth-grade students across the country. Reading and science were also assessed during the same time period as mathematics, and reports detailing the results of those assessments will be coming out in 2010.

July 14 2009
Achievement Gaps: How Black and White Students perform on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)  - Good morning. Today I am releasing the National Center for Education Statistics report on achievement gaps. This report, using data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), describes the differences in performance for Black and White students as they have changed over time, using national and state data for mathematics and reading.

June 15 2009
NAEP Arts 2008: Music and Visual Arts  - Good morning. I'm here today to release the results of the 2008 NAEP Arts Assessment. This is our first arts assessment since 1997. Like the 1997 assessment, the 2008 assessment covered eighth-grade students only. We assessed students in two arts disciplines, music and the visual arts. Our representative samples included over 3,900 students in each discipline. We conducted the assessment early last year.

May 28 2009
Briefing on The Condition of Education 2009  - Good morning, it is my pleasure to brief you today on The Condition of Education 2009. Let's begin with some background about the report.

The Condition of Education is a congressionally mandated report produced by the National Center for Education Statistics that brings together new and recently released information from our statistical surveys. This annual report allows us to take a big-picture look at the condition of American education. Many of the findings we discuss focus on national or regional trends, although some of the indicators in the report feature state-level data as well.

April 28 2009
NAEP 2008 Trends in Academic Progress  - Today I am releasing the results of the 2008 NAEP Long-Term Trend Reading and Mathematics Assessments. For nearly four decades, we've used Long-Term Trend to chart changes in academic progress. Since it's been four years since the last results were released, I want to give you a brief overview of NAEP.

December 10 2008
NCES Statement on NAEP 2007 Puerto Rico Mathematics Assessment  - In 2007 the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) conducted the third National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics assessment in Puerto Rico, following two earlier assessments in 2003 and 2005. The assessment was given in early 2007 to fourth- and eighth-grade public school students. About 76 percent of Puerto Rico students at grade 4 and about 78 percent at grade 8 attend public schools, while the remaining students attend private schools. Approximately 3,000 students were assessed in each grade.

December 9 2008
NCES Statement on TIMSS 2007  - Today the National Center for Education Statistics is releasing results on the performance of students in the United States on the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). The 2007 TIMSS is the fourth administration since 1995 of this cross-national comparative study. Developed through the auspices of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), TIMSS assesses the mathematics and science knowledge and skills of fourth- and eighth-graders.

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