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Event logo with the text National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week: Shatter the Myths

Teens often get conflicting or inaccurate information about drugs and alcohol from friends, family, and the media. Help these youth stay safe and reach their goals by setting the facts straight. Take part in this year’s National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week.


Teenage girl sitting on sidewalk alone.

January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, which increases awareness of human trafficking as a global crisis that is also affecting people here in the United States. Although human traffickers target both adults and minors, youth are particularly vulnerable.

Teenage girl standing alone outside looking at her phone.

Teen sexting can carry with it harmful and lasting consequences, and most teens are unaware of the legal implications of sending a sext without consent. This infographic highlights what sexting is, why it is risky, and how teens can protect themselves and others from the harmful effects of sexting. 

Girl holding out hand

This brand-new online training covers everything you need to know when trying to identify and prevent youth human trafficking, including peer-to-peer exploitation, in your community. 

Group of teens

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Vulnerable Youth Remain at Greatest Risk for Teen Pregnancy

Youth in foster care are 2x more likely to become pregnant by age 19 than other youth.
Hispanic and black teen girls are about 2-3 time more likely to give birth than white teen girls
Lesbian and bisexual teens have 2x the risk of unintended pregnancy than their heterosexual peers.
430,000 youth in 2014 were served by Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program grantees

You can help  Prep Teens for the Future

Teens talking and using phones and laptops

Project Description

Empowering Youth to Make Healthy Decisions: National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month Webinar

Engaging youth to make healthy decisions about their lives and futures is an important cornerstone of any adolescent pregnancy prevention program. This webinar helps grantees, community-based organizations, and any person or group that works with youth learn effective strategies to engage youth and empower them to make the best choices for their lives. 

Page last updated: December 12, 2018
students in classroom

Project Description

PREP Performance Indicators: Youth Participants’ Characteristics and Outcomes

This brief summarizes key characteristics of youth participants in programs funded through the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP), which aims to reduce teen pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, and associated risk behaviors. The research questions addressed in the brief include:

  1. Whom did PREP programs serve?
  2. Where did PREP implement programming for youth?
  3. How did youth respond to the PREP programs?


Page last updated: November 14, 2018
Photo of diverse family members

Project Description

Inputs and Outcomes: PREP Programs Serving Youth in Foster Care - PREP Snapshot

This brief summarizes key characteristics of programs funded through the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) that reported at least half of the youth they served were in foster care. 

Page last updated: August 14, 2018
Woman standing in middle of road

Project Description

Adolescent Suicide Prevention: An Introduction to the Risk Factors of Suicide and Resources for Vulnerable Youth

Suicide is the third leading cause of death for adolescents aged 15-24, and almost 20% of high school students have reported thinking about suicide. This webinar provides an overview of the risk factors that can contribute to suicide, particularly among Native American and vulnerable populations of youth, and what resources are available to help prevent suicide among vulnerable youth. 

Page last updated: October 30, 2018

Red Ribbon Week

Page last updated: October 18, 2018
Teens in group discussion

Project Description

The Power of Peer Mentoring

Strength in Action: Supporting Our Nation's Most Vulnerable Youth is a podcast series by the FYSB APP Program. In the podcast, we talk with people who are implementing programs that prevent teen pregnancy and help teens prepare for adulthood.

In this episode, Elycia Cook, Executive Director of Friends First in Denver, Colorado, joins us for a discussion on the power of investing in our youth through peer-to-peer mentoring. We talk about how setting positive examples for youth helps them plan for a bright future. 

Page last updated: October 9, 2018