Food Additives

Additives in Meat and Poultry Products

USDA. Food Safety and Inspection Service.

Learn about food additives in meat and poultry products, including their definition, history, regulation and more. A glossary of commonly used additives and terms is also provided.

Consumer Info About Additives & Ingredients

DHHS. FDA. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

Find information from the FDA on benzene, color additives, fat substitutes, food irradiation, preservatives, sweeteners, sulfites, and more.

MedlinePlus: Food Additives

DHHS. NIH. National Library of Medicine.

Read general information about food additives, including functions and side effects. Also in Spanish.

How Safe are Color Additives?

DHHS. FDA. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

Facts you should know about color additive safety.

Artificial Sweeteners and Cancer: Questions and Answers

DHHS. NIH. National Cancer Institute.

Learn about artificial sweeteners, their regulation, and relationship to cancer.

What's in a Name? What Every Consumer Should Know About Foods and Flavors

DHHS. FDA. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

Many foods or beverages are flavored—but how can you tell where those flavors come from?