L&I; Forms and Publications

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Browse By Subject  |  Most Requested  |  Required L&I; Workplace Posters

Title Number / Language
1,2, and Multifamily Dwelling Residential Electrical Fee Worksheet
 F500-133-000 (English)
2017 Workplace Safety and Health Calendar: Safety and Health Management Never Goes Out of Style
 F417-262-000 (English)
2018 Workplace Safety and Health Calendar: Working Together to Keep Washington Safe and Working
 F417-270-000 (English)
2019 Workplace Safety and Health Calendar: Working Together to Keep Washington Safe and Working
 F417-280-000 (English)
3 Things to Know about L&I's Medical Provider Network
 F242-406-000 (English)
 F242-406-999 (Spanish)
A Guide to Workers' Compensation Benefits For Employees of Self-Insured Businesses
 F207-085-000 (English)
 F207-085-999 (Spanish)
A Guide to Workplace Safety and Health in Washington State
 F416-132-000 (English)
 F416-132-999 (Spanish)
A Parents' Guide to Apprenticeships
 F100-530-000 (English)
A Safe and Healthy Workplace Begins with You
 F417-210-000 (English)
Access Authorization for External Access to Apprenticeship Registration and Tracking System (ARTS)
 F100-535-000 (English)
Account Deposit for Contractor's or Miscellaneous Account Holder's
 F500-080-000 (English)
Account Deposit for Factory Assembled Structures Account Holders
 F622-081-000 (English)
Accountability Agreement
 F280-016-000 (English)
 F280-016-999 (Spanish)
Acknowledgement of Security Interest
 F207-143-000 (English)
Actions at Law for Injury or Death - RCW 51.24
 F249-031-000 (English)
 F249-031-999 (Spanish)
Activity Coaching Flyer for Providers
 F280-062-000 (English)
Activity Diary
 F245-444-000 (English)
Activity Prescription Form (APF)
 F242-385-000 (English)
Add Group Packet - Network Provider Account and Credentialing
 F245-449-000 (English)
Address Change Request for Injured Workers
 F242-388-000 (English)
 F242-388-999 (Spanish)
Address Change Request for Pensioners
 F242-107-000 (English)
 F242-107-999 (Spanish)
Administrator / Electrician / Master Electrician Certificate Renewal
 F500-045-000 (English)
Adult Tuberculosis Screening Tool for Workers Exposed to Respirable Crystalline Silica
 F252-113-000 (English)
Affidavit for Amusement Rides
 F500-066-000 (English)
Affidavit for Time Loss Compensation Benefits
 F242-395-294 (Russian)
 F242-395-303 (Somali)
 F242-395-000 (English)
 F242-395-999 (Spanish)
Affidavit of Continuity Medical Gas Installation
 F627-043-000 (English)
Affidavit of Experience - Asbestos Supervisor Certification
 F413-078-000 (English)
Affidavit of Experience - Plumbers
 F627-004-000 (English)
Affidavit of Experience for 100% Supervision Specialties
 F500-137-000 (English)
Affidavit of Experience for 75% Supervision Specialties
 F500-043-000 (English)
Affidavit of Wages Paid - Public Works Contract and Instructions
 F700-007-000 (English)
Affidavit of Wages Paid Addendum A Additional List of Crafts
 F700-161-000 (English)
Affidavit of Wages Paid Addendum B List of Next Tier Subcontractors - Public Works Contract
 F700-143-000 (English)
Affidavit of Wages Paid Addendum C Additional Information
 F700-162-000 (English)
Affidavit of Wages Paid Addendum D
 F700-165-000 (English)
Affidavit of Wages Paid EHB 2805 Addendum
 F700-164-000 (English)
Affidavit to Release Public Records
 F625-066-000 (English)
Agency Requested FAS Inspection Application
 F622-090-000 (English)
Agency Requested Inspection
 F500-025-000 (English)
Agency Snapshot
 F101-172-000 (English)
Agreement of Assumption and Guarantee of Workers' Compensation Liabilities (Certified Self-Insurer)
 F207-040-001 (English)
Agreement of Assumption and Guarantee of Workers' Compensation Liabilities - Application of Certification
 F207-040-000 (English)
Agriculture Safety and Health Pocket Guide
 F417-255-000 (English)
 F417-255-999 (Spanish)
Air Conditioner/Heat Pump Pre-Inspection Checklist and Start Up Affidavit
 F622-014-000 (English)
Alleged Safety Or Health Hazards (DOSH Complaint Form)
 F418-052-000 (English)
 F418-052-999 (Spanish)
 F418-052-214 (Cambodian)
 F418-052-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F418-052-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F418-052-255 (Korean)
 F418-052-294 (Russian)
 F418-052-303 (Somali)
 F418-052-319 (Vietnamese)
Alteration Fire Safety Pre-Inspection Checklist
 F622-011-000 (English)
 F622-011-999 (Spanish)
Alteration Polybutylene Re-Pipe Pre-Inspection Checklist
 F622-053-000 (English)
Alteration Re-Roofing for Low Slope Roofing
 F622-039-000 (English)
Always Wear Eye Protection
 FSP0-940-999 (Spanish)
 FSP0-941-000 (English)
 FSP0-940-000 (English)
 FSP0-941-999 (Spanish)
Amendment of Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit
 F207-112-111 (English)
An Annual Electrical Permits Saves Time and Money. Would it Work for You?
 F500-123-000 (English)
An Employer's Intro to L&I
 F101-101-000 (English)
Annual Authorization for Public Works Project - 4/10 Work Agreement
 F700-176-000 (English)
Annual Supplemental Surety Information
 F207-125-000 (English)
Application / Renewal for an Electrical Training Certificate
 F626-048-000 (English)
Application for a 0% Supervision Modified Electrical Training Certificate & Specialty Examination
 F500-097-000 (English)
Application for Accreditation Cranes/Derricks and other Material Handling Devices
 F416-063-000 (English)
Application for Accreditation of Engineer to Approve Industrial Utilization Equipment
 F500-101-000 (English)
Application for Agent On-Line Insurance Entry Account
 F625-110-000 (English)
Application for Amusement Ride Inspector Certification
 F500-065-000 (English)
Application for Amusement Ride or Air Supported Structure Operating Permit
 F500-010-000 (English)
Application for an Explosives License (Company)
 F447-030-000 (English)
Application for an Explosives License - Individual
 F447-015-000 (English)
Application for Apprenticeship
 F100-033-000 (English)
Application for Backflow Specialty Exam
 F627-035-000 (English)
Application for Backflow Trainee Certificate
 F627-033-000 (English)
Application for Benefits - Homicide Claims
 F800-120-000 (English)
 F800-120-999 (Spanish)
Application for Benefits - Injury Claims
 F800-042-000 (English)
 F800-042-999 (Spanish)
 F800-042-214 (Cambodian)
 F800-042-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F800-042-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F800-042-255 (Korean)
 F800-042-294 (Russian)
 F800-042-319 (Vietnamese)
 F800-042-303 (Somali)
Application for Certificate of Competency as an Inspector of Pressure Retaining Items
 F620-040-000 (English)
Application for Charter Boat Operators License
 F416-034-000 (English)
Application for Construction Contractor Registration
 F625-001-000 (English)
 F625-001-214 (Cambodian)
 F625-001-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F625-001-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F625-001-255 (Korean)
 F625-001-303 (Somali)
 F625-001-319 (Vietnamese)
 F625-001-999 (Spanish)
Application for Construction Contractors Registration
 F625-001-294 (Russian)
Application for Copies of Citation and Notice
 F418-023-000 (English)
Application for Elective Coverage - Sole Proprietor, Partners, For-Profit Corporate Officers, or Member/Managers of Limited Liability Company (LLC)
 F213-042-000 (English)
Application for Elective Coverage of Excluded Employments
 F213-112-000 (English)
Application for Electrical Contractors License
 F500-018-000 (English)
Application for Electrician Examination
 F626-001-000 (English)
Application for Exclusion/Inclusion - Mandatory Coverage (Family Farm)
 F213-113-000 (English)
Application for Farm Internship
 F700-158-000 (English)
Application for Group Membership & Authorization for Release of Insurance Data
 F250-016-000 (English)
Application for Group Retrospective Rating
 F250-004-000 (English)
Application for House to House Sales Sales Employer Registration Certificiate
 F700-121-000 (English)
Application for Inclusion on List of Eligible Attorneys
 F249-017-000 (English)
Application for Insignia Conversion Vendor/Medical Units
 F623-021-000 (English)
Application for Insignia for Commercial Coaches
 F623-019-000 (English)
Application for Insignia for Factory Assembled Structures
 F623-014-000 (English)
Application for Licensure as an Elevator Mechanic
 F621-067-000 (English)
Application for Limited Elective Coverage for Licensed Pony Riders
 F250-026-000 (English)
Application for Loss of Earning Power (LEP) - Compensation Medical
 F242-208-000 (English)
 F242-208-909 (English/Spanish)
 F242-208-999 (Spanish)
 F242-208-218 (Chuukese)
 F242-208-201 (Amharic)
 F242-208-203 (Arabic)
 F242-208-211 (Bosnian)
 F242-208-213 (Burmese)
 F242-208-214 (Cambodian)
 F242-208-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F242-208-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F242-208-223 (Croatian)
 F242-208-232 (French)
 F242-208-233 (Farsi/Persian)
 F242-208-255 (Hindi)
 F242-208-255 (Korean)
 F242-208-261 (Laotian)
 F242-208-272 (Marshallese)
 F242-208-274 (Mien)
 F242-208-280 (Nepali/Nepalese)
 F242-208-283 (Oromo/Afaan Oromo)
 F242-208-290 (Portuguese)
 F242-208-291 (Punjabi/Panjabi)
 F242-208-294 (Russian)
 F242-208-297 (Samoan)
 F242-208-303 (Somali)
 F242-208-305 (Swahili)
 F242-208-307 (Tagalog/Filipino)
 F242-208-310 (Thai)
 F242-208-312 (Tigrinya/Tigrigna)
 F242-208-316 (Ukrainian)
 F242-208-319 (Vietnamese)
 F242-208-317 (Urdu)
Application for Loss of Earning Power (LEP) - Vocational
 F242-209-000 (English)
 F242-209-909 (English/Spanish)
 F242-209-999 (Spanish)
Application for Manufactured Home Installer Certification Renewal
 F622-085-000 (English)
Application for Manufactured Home Installer Training and Certification
 F622-086-000 (English)
Application for Master Electrician Certification Examination
 F500-088-000 (English)
Application for Membership Vocational Technical Stakeholder Group
 F280-049-000 (English)
Application for out of State Supplemental Reporting
 F212-234-000 (English)
Application for Permit to Operate Radio System in Designated Area
 F416-087-000 (English)
Application for Plumber Examination, Reciprocal, Medical Gas Endorsement, or Temporary Permit
 F627-008-000 (English)
Application for Plumber Trainee Certificate
 F627-003-000 (English)
Application for Pump Installer Combination General Contractor Registration and Electrical Contractor License
 F500-104-000 (English)
Application for Replacement of Asbestos Certification Card
 F413-068-000 (English)
Application for Self-Insurance Certification
 F207-001-000 (English)
Application for Special Certificate to Employ A Vocationally Handicapped Worker at at Subprevailing Wage Rate
 F700-122-000 (English)
Application for Specialty Electrician Certificate
 F500-098-000 (English)
Application for State Plan Insignia for Recreational Vehicles and Recreational Park Trailers
 F622-021-000 (English)
Application for Structured Settlement
 F240-002-291 (Punjabi/Panjabi)
 F240-002-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F240-002-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F240-002-233 (Farsi/Persian)
 F240-002-255 (Korean)
 F240-002-294 (Russian)
 F240-002-319 (Vietnamese)
 F240-002-26 (Laotian)
 F240-002-312 (Tigrinya/Tigrigna)
 F240-002-000 (English)
 F240-002-999 (Spanish)
Application for Telecommunications Contractor's License
 F503-008-000 (English)
Application or Renewal for Farm Labor Contractor License
 F700-014-000 (English)
Application to Access L&I's Electrical Permit and Inspection System (EPIS) from SecureAccess Washington and Utilize Contractor Deposit Account via the Internet
 F500-055-000 (English)
Application to Employ Student/Learner/Apprentice at a Subminimum Wage
 F700-183-000 (English)
Application to Employ Workers with a Disability at a Subminimum Wage
 F700-182-000 (English)
Application to Establish an Account and Access to L&I's Electrical Permit & Inspection System (EPIS) with L&I's Miscellaneous Accounts
 F500-054-000 (English)
Application to Establish an Factory Assembled Structure Deposit Account with the Dept. of Labor and Industries
 F120-116-000 (English)
Application to Reopen Claim Due to Worsening Condition
 F242-079-315 (Turkish)
 F242-079-309 (Telugu/Telegu)
 F242-079-233 (Farsi/Persian)
 F242-079-000 (English)
Application to Reopen Claim due to Worsening Condition
 F242-079-999 (Spanish)
 F242-079-909 (English/Spanish)
Application to Reopen Claim Due to Worsening Condition
 F242-079-200 (Albanian)
 F242-079-293 (Romanian)
 F242-079-307 (Tagalog/Filipino)
 F242-079-232 (French)
 F242-079-201 (Amharic)
 F242-079-211 (Bosnian)
 F242-079-213 (Burmese)
 F242-079-214 (Cambodian)
 F242-079-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F242-079-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F242-079-255 (Korean)
 F242-079-294 (Russian)
 F242-079-303 (Somali)
 F242-079-312 (Tigrinya/Tigrigna)
 F242-079-319 (Vietnamese)
Application to Reopen Crime Victim Claim Due to Worsening of Condition
 F800-031-999 (Spanish)
Application to Reopen Crime Victims Claim Due to Worsening Condition
 F800-031-000 (English)
Application to Reopen to Crime Victim Claim Due to Worsening of Condition
 F800-031-214 (Cambodian)
 F800-031-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F800-031-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F800-031-255 (Korean)
 F800-031-294 (Russian)
 F800-031-303 (Somali)
 F800-031-319 (Vietnamese)
Application to Utilize Contractor Deposit (CD) Account
 F621-094-000 (English)
Apply To Be an Electrical Inspector
 F500-141-000 (English)
Applying for Your Washington Business License: A Step-by-Step Guide
 F101-079-999 (Spanish)
 F101-079-000 (English)
Apprentice Work Progress Record
 F100-002-000 (English)
Apprenticeship Advantage poster
 F100-526-000 (English)
Apprenticeship Agreement
 F100-016-000 (English)
Apprenticeship Applicant Register
 F100-045-000 (English)
Apprenticeship Committee Representative Qualification Information Experience & Education History
 F100-528-000 (English)
Apprenticeship Complaint (Not for Apprenticeship Appeals)
 F100-505-000 (English)
Apprenticeship Related Supplemental Instruction (RSI) Plan Revew Review Criteria
 F100-521-000 (English)
Apprenticeship Related Supplemental Instruction (RSI) Plan Review
 F100-520-000 (English)
Apprenticeship Related Supplemental Instruction (RSI) Plan Review Glossary of Terms
 F100-519-000 (English)
Apprenticeship Transfer Agreement
 F100-503-000 (English)
Apprenticeships For Tribal Members
 F100-532-000 (English)
Approved Independent Medical Examiner (IME) Update
 F245-051-000 (English)
Approved Training Agent
 F100-508-000 (English)
Are You an Employer Who Can Provide On-the-Job Training?
 F280-033-000 (English)
Asbestos Contractor - New Application for Certification
 F413-007-000 (English)
Asbestos Contractor Application for Certification - Renewal
 F413-079-000 (English)
Asbestos Factsheet
 F413-077-000 (English)
Asbestos Project Notice of Intent
 F413-025-000 (English)
ASME A18.1 Equipment Permit Application
 F621-121-000 (English)
Assessing Your Ability to Work: Your Rights and Responsibilities
 F280-017-000 (English)
 F280-017-999 (Spanish)
Assessment Eligible Quality Assurance Review Form
 F280-008-000 (English)
Assigned Savings Account
 F625-008-000 (English)
Assignment of Account Agreement
 F207-058-000 (English)
Assignment of Account or Time Deposit for Insurance - Bodily Injury - WA State Banks Only
 F625-082-000 (English)
Assignment of Account or Time Deposit for Insurance - Property Damage - WA State Banks Only
 F625-083-000 (English)
Attending Doctor's Handbook
 F252-004-000 (English)
Attending Provider's Referral Form
 F252-098-000 (English)
Attending Provider's Return-to-Work Desk Reference
 F200-002-000 (English)
Audit Reference Card
 F214-020-000 (English)
Authorization for a Specific Public Works Project ? 4/10 Work Agreement
 F700-177-000 (English)
Authorization of Signature
 F100-500-000 (English)
Authorization to Access on Behalf of Employer
 F242-431-000 (English)
Authorization to Release Claim Information
 F101-010-000 (English)
 F101-010-999 (Spanish)
 F101-010-214 (Cambodian)
 F101-010-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F101-010-233 (Farsi/Persian)
 F101-010-255 (Korean)
 F101-010-294 (Russian)
Authorization to Release Confidential Records
 F101-173-000 (English)
Authorization to Release Information
 F262-005-000 (English)
 F262-005-999 (Spanish)
 F262-005-297 (Samoan)
 F262-005-317 (Urdu)
 F262-005-214 (Cambodian)
 F262-005-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F262-005-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F262-005-255 (Korean)
 F262-005-294 (Russian)
 F262-005-303 (Somali)
 F262-005-319 (Vietnamese)
 F262-005-246 (Ilocano)
 F262-005-206 (Azeri/Azerbaijani)
 F262-005-200 (Albanian)
 F262-005-201 (Amharic)
 F262-005-203 (Arabic)
 F262-005-211 (Bosnian)
 F262-005-212 (Bulgarian)
 F262-005-213 (Burmese)
 F262-005-226 (Dari)
 F262-005-232 (French)
 F262-005-233 (Farsi/Persian)
 F262-005-236 (German)
 F262-005-243 (Hmong)
 F262-005-244 (Hungarian)
 F262-005-257 (Kurdish)
 F262-005-261 (Laotian)
 F262-005-272 (Marshallese)
 F262-005-274 (Mien)
 F262-005-280 (Nepali/Nepalese)
 F262-005-283 (Oromo/Afaan Oromo)
 F262-005-289 (Polish)
 F262-005-290 (Portuguese)
 F262-005-291 (Punjabi/Panjabi)
 F262-005-293 (Romanian)
 F262-005-307 (Tagalog/Filipino)
 F262-005-310 (Thai)
 F262-005-311 (Tibetan)
 F262-005-312 (Tigrinya/Tigrigna)
 F262-005-315 (Turkish)
 F262-005-316 (Ukrainian)
Avoid Liability for Your Farm Labor Contractor's Unpaid Debts
 F700-154-909 (English/Spanish)
Avoid Liability for Your Subcontractor's Unpaid Workers' Comp Premiums
 F262-262-000 (English)
 F262-262-999 (Spanish)
Before Electrical Sign Work Begins: What Electrical Sign Contractors and Electricians Should Know
 F500-111-000 (English)
Beneficiary Application for Claim Benefits
 F242-056-303 (Somali)
 F242-056-000 (English)
 F242-056-999 (Spanish)
Bicycle Safety: Delivery, couriers, and messengers
 F417-250-000 (English)
Billing Guidelines for Sexual Assault Examinations: Crime Victims Compensation Program
 F800-100-000 (English)
Board of Boiler Rules Extension of Inspection Frequency Request Form
 F620-055-000 (English)
Board of Boiler Rules Interpretation and Revision Request Form
 F620-017-000 (English)
Board of Boiler Rules Washington State Specials Request Form
 F620-057-000 (English)
Boiler / Pressure Vessel Water Heater Installation or Reinstallation Permit
 F620-032-000 (English)
Boiler/Pressure Vessel Clearance Variance Request
 F620-041-000 (English)
Boiler/Pressure Vessel/Water Heater Form Instructions
 F620-032-000_Inst (English)
Borrower Agreement Form Safety and Health Video Library
 F417-205-000 (English)
Botulinum Toxins for Non-Migraine Indications
 F252-122-000 (English)
Bulk Cargo Spouts, Suckers, and Similar Equipment for Maritime Operations
 F416-052-000 (English)
Buprenorphine Transdermal Patch Authorization Request Form
 F252-110-000 (English)
Business Buyer Beware Fact Sheet
 F101-183-000 (English)
Cancellation of Elective Coverage - Sole Proprietors/Partner, Member of Limited Liability Company (LLC), Member of Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) or For-Profit Corporate Officers
 F213-004-000 (English)
Cancellation of Elective Coverage for Excluded Employments
 F213-005-000 (English)
Carrying Out Your Vocational Plan: Your Rights and Responsibilities During Plan Implementation
 F280-019-000 (English)
 F280-019-999 (Spanish)
Caution: Hard Hat Area
 FSP0-928-000 (English)
 FSP0-928-999 (Spanish)
Certificate of Coverage - SAMPLE ONLY
 F211-141-000 (English)
 F211-141-999 (Spanish)
Certified Payroll Project
 F700-065-000 (English)
Challenges and Change: Managing and Innovating through The Great Recession - L&I from 2005-2012
 F101-102-000 (English)
Change Assignment of Administrator/Master Certificate
 F503-009-000 (English)
Change Assignment of Primary Point of Contact
 F621-095-000 (English)
Chapter 19.28 RCW for Electrician and Electrical Installations
 F500-143-000 (English)
Chapter 296-131 WAC Agriculture Employment Standard
 F700-085-000 (English)
 F700-085-999 (Spanish)
Chapter 51.24 RCW Actions at Law for Injury or Death - Spanish Capítulo 51.24 Acciones Legales por Lesiones o Fallecimiento
 F242-138-999 (Spanish)
Charter Vessel Inspection
 F416-058-000 (English)
Checklist for IME Facilities
 F245-421-000 (English)
Chemical Exposure Questionnaire Packet
 F242-409-000 (English)
 F242-409-999 (Spanish)
Chief Inspector Clarification and Interpretation Request Form
 F620-056-000 (English)
Cholinesterase Blood Testing Choice
 F413-064-000 (English)
 F413-064-999 (Spanish)
Cholinesterase Monitoring Health Care Provider Recommendations
 F413-070-000 (English)
 F413-070-999 (Spanish)
Cholinesterase Monitoring Reimbursement Request
 F413-062-000 (English)
Chronic Opioid Request Form
 F252-091-000 (English)
Claim for Pension By Dependents
 F242-062-000 (English)
 F242-062-999 (Spanish)
Claim Suppression Complaint
 F262-024-000 (English)
 F262-024-999 (Spanish)
 F262-024-214 (Cambodian)
 F262-024-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F262-024-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F262-024-255 (Korean)
 F262-024-294 (Russian)
 F262-024-303 (Somali)
 F262-024-319 (Vietnamese)
Class B Labels: What You Should Know
 F500-112-000 (English)
CMS 1500
 F245-127-000 (English)
CMS 1500 Billing Manual
 F245-423-000 (English)
Commercial Diving Operations, Chapter 296-37 WAC
 F414-039-000 (English)
Commerical/Industrial Electrical Fee Worksheet
 F500-130-000 (English)
Common Errors on the Interpretive Services Appointment Record (ISAR)
 F245-436-000 (English)
Communicating with workers who do not speak English well
 F245-455-000 (English)
Communication Tower Operations: A Guide to Workplace Safety and Health
 F417-281-000 (English)
Comparing Career Pathways
 F100-531-000 (English)
Competent Person Evaluation - Excavation & Trenching
 F417-104-000 (English)
Competent Person Evaluation - Fall Restraint & Fall Arrest
 F417-102-000 (English)
Complete Stay at Work Guide for Employers, The
 F243-005-000 (English)
Computer Workstation Checklist
 F417-274-000 (English)
Computing Worker Hours
 F214-014-000 (English)
Congratulations! You've been approved to hire minors
 F700-136-000 (English)
Construction Checklist - Safety
 F418-055-000 (English)
Construction Contractor's Application for Workers' Compensation Account with No Workers or Hours
 F625-077-000 (English)
Construction Contractors - Steps for Success
 F625-115-999 (Spanish)
 F625-115-000 (English)
Construction Elevator Installation Application and Inspection Data Report
 F621-001-000 (English)
Construction Industry Classification Guide
 F213-008-999 (Spanish)
 F213-008-000 (English)
Construction Lien Notice
 F625-054-000 (English)
Construction Lien Summary
 F625-055-000 (English)
Consultation Services (No-fee assistance)
 F417-209-000 (English)
Content Manager Request Form
 F252-071-000 (English)
Continuous Contractor's Surety Bond
 F625-003-000 (English)
Contract: Report By Contractor - Forest, Range & Timber Industry
 F213-011-000 (English)
Contract: Report By Landowner - Forest, Range & Timber Industry
 F213-010-000 (English)
Contractor Complaint Form
 F625-033-000 (English)
Contractor Electrical Work Permit Application
 F500-093-000 (English)
Contractor Financial Information
 F625-061-000 (English)
Contractor Registration Officers/Members Addendum
 F625-109-000 (English)
 F625-109-214 (Cambodian)
 F625-109-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F625-109-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F625-109-255 (Korean)
 F625-109-294 (Russian)
 F625-109-303 (Somali)
 F625-109-319 (Vietnamese)
 F625-109-999 (Spanish)
Contractor Registration Request for Duplicate License or Address Change
 F625-108-000 (English)
Contractors: What if You Get a Notice of Infraction?
 F625-097-000 (English)
Conveyance Installation Approval by Building Official
 F621-056-000 (English)
Copper Tubing Gas Line Pre-Inspection Checklist
 F622-046-000 (English)
Corporate Officers
 F214-010-000 (English)
Court Form Granting Permission for Employment of Minors
 F700-119-000 (English)
Coverage Agreement
 F212-044-000 (English)
Cranes, Derricks and Material Handling Devices Worksheet for Maritime Industry
 F416-051-000 (English)
Crime Victim Compensation Program Sexual Assault Exam Report
 F800-098-000 (English)
Crime Victims Address Change Request
 F800-112-000 (English)
Crime Victims Compensation Physical Abuse/Neglect Exam Report
 F800-121-000 (English)
Crime Victims Compensation Program Initial Response and Assessment: Form I
 F800-080-000 (English)
Crime Victims Compensation Program Initial Response and Assessment: Form II
 F800-081-000 (English)
Crime Victims Compensation Program Progress Note: Form III
 F800-082-000 (English)
Crime Victims Compensation Program Termination Report: Form VI
 F800-085-000 (English)
Crime Victims Compensation Program Treatment Report: Form IV
 F800-083-000 (English)
Crime Victims Compensation Program Treatment Report: Form V
 F800-084-000 (English)
Crime Victims Compensation Subacute Opioid Request Form
 F800-119-000 (English)
Crime Victims Direct Entry Billing Manual
 F800-118-000 (English)
Crime Victims Provider's Request for Adjustment
 F800-064-000 (English)
Crime Victims Statement for Home Nursing Services
 F800-070-000 (English)
Crime Victims Statement for Pharmacy Services
 F800-058-000 (English)
Crime Victims' Statement for Compound Prescription
 F800-067-000 (English)
Crime Victims’ Application for Benefits – Homicide Claims
 F800-120-214 (Cambodian)
 F800-120-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F800-120-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F800-120-255 (Korean)
 F800-120-294 (Russian)
 F800-120-303 (Somali)
 F800-120-319 (Vietnamese)
CVCP Opioid Progress Report Chronic, Non-Cancer Pain and Treatment Agreement.
 F800-116-000 (English)
Dairy Farm Safety: Key Hazards and Solutions
 F417-261-000 (English)
 F417-261-999 (Spanish)
 FSP1-030-000 (English)
 FSP1-030-999 (Spanish)
Danger! Minimum Clearance for Counter Balance - Construction
 FSP0-974-000 (English)
Danger, Construction Area Authorized Personnel Only
 FSP1-013-000 (English)
 FSP1-013-999 (Spanish)
Danger, Workers Above
 FSP1-012-000 (English)
 FSP1-012-999 (Spanish)
Decertification of Manufactured and Mobile Homes
 F622-063-000 (English)
Declaration of Entitlement - Disabled Child or Guardian Benefits
 F242-421-000 (English)
 F242-421-999 (Spanish)
Declaration of Entitlement - Surviving Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner
 F242-420-000 (English)
 F242-420-999 (Spanish)
 F242-420-291 (Punjabi/Panjabi)
 F242-420-255 (Korean)
Declaration of Entitlement for Dependent of Deceased Worker Benefits Under Industrial Insurance
 F242-422-000 (English)
 F242-422-999 (Spanish)
Declaration of Entitlement for Totally Disabled Worker Benefits Under Industrial Insurance
 F242-423-000 (English)
 F242-423-999 (Spanish)
 F242-423-294 (Russian)
 F242-423-233 (Farsi/Persian)
 F242-423-203 (Arabic)
 F242-423-211 (Bosnian)
 F242-423-255 (Korean)
 F242-423-261 (Laotian)
 F242-423-274 (Mien)
 F242-423-289 (Polish)
 F242-423-291 (Punjabi/Panjabi)
 F242-423-303 (Somali)
 F242-423-307 (Tagalog/Filipino)
 F242-423-319 (Vietnamese)
 F242-423-201 (Amharic)
 F242-423-223 (Croatian)
 F242-423-249 (Japanese)
 F242-423-237 (Greek)
 F242-423-312 (Tigrinya/Tigrigna)
Demounting and Mounting Procedures for Tube-type Truck and Bus Tires
 F417-237-000-B (English)
Demounting and Mounting Procedures for Tubeless Truck and Bus Tires
 F417-237-000-A (English)
Department of Employment Security Tax Compliance Certification
 F700-099-000 (English)
Department of Labor & Industries Organizational Chart
 F101-170-000 (English)
Department of Labor and Industries Home Modification Acknowledgement of Responsibilities
 F247-003-000 (English)
Department of Revenue Tax Compliance Certification
 F700-100-000 (English)
Development of the plan: What are my rights and responsibilities? Vocational Rehabilitation Services
 F280-018-999 (Spanish)
Direct Entry Billing Manual
 F245-437-000 (English)
Direct-Acting Antiviral for Hepatitis C Prior Authorization Form
 F252-112-000 (English)
Disclosure Statement Farm and Labor Contractor
 F700-046-000 (English)
 F700-046-999 (Spanish)
 F700-046-214 (Cambodian)
 F700-046-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F700-046-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F700-046-255 (Korean)
 F700-046-294 (Russian)
 F700-046-303 (Somali)
 F700-046-319 (Vietnamese)
Dispute Resolution Options Fact Sheet
 F625-116-000 (English)
Disruptive Behavior in Health Care (SHARP)
 F310-002-000 (English)
Doctor's Worksheet for Rating Cervical and Cervico-Dorsal Impairment
 F252-056-000 (English)
Doctor's Worksheet for Rating Dorso-Lumbar & Lumbo-Sacral Impairment
 F252-006-000 (English)
Doing Business with the State of Washington: A Guide to Washington State Bid Opportunities
 F101-087-000 (English)
Domestic Violence Leave
 F700-202-909 (English/Spanish)
Drywall Contractors
 F214-024-000 (English)
Drywall Industry - Owner/Sub-Contractor Report
 F212-050-000 (English)
Electric / Gas Conversion Pre-Inspection Checklist
 F622-013-000 (English)
Electric Elevator Layout Requirements
 F621-108-000 (English)
Electric Elevator Periodic Test Record
 F621-116-000 (English)
Electrical / Telecommunication Contractor's License Renewal Notice
 F500-077-000 (English)
Electrical Education Course Application
 F500-068-000 (English)
Electrical Education Instructor Application
 F500-090-000 (English)
Electrical Inspection Witness Statement
 F500-087-000 (English)
Electrical Installation Variance Application
 F500-063-000 (English)
Electrical Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Chapter 296-45 WAC Pocket Version
 F414-158-000 (English)
Electrical Program Contacts
 F500-114-000 (English)
Electrical Safety Standards, Administration and Installation WAC 296-46B
 F500-142-000 (English)
Electrical Safety Tips for Your Home: Protect Your Family and Your Property
 F500-115-000 (English)
Electrical Telecommunication Principal Member Owner Update Request
 F500-124-000 (English)
Electrical Work on Commercial Property: What You Should Know Before Work Begins
 F500-109-000 (English)
Electrical Work on Residential Property: What You Should Know Before Work Begins
 F500-078-000 (English)
Electrical/Telecommunications Contractor Assignment of Savings Account
 F500-020-000 (English)
Electrical/Telecommunications Contractor's Bond to the State of WA
 F500-019-000 (English)
Electronic Billing Authorization
 F248-031-000 (English)
Elevator Continuing Education Course Application
 F621-077-000 (English)
Elevator Continuing Education Provider / Instructor Application
 F621-078-000 (English)
Elevator Five-Year Safety Test Report
 F621-051-000 (English)
Elevator Installation Variance Application
 F621-048-000 (English)
Elevator Permit Application
 F621-005-000 (English)
Elevator Rule Development Form
 F621-113-000 (English)
Employee Misconduct: Information for Employers
 F417-254-000 (English)
Employee Notice for Use of Paid Sick Leave
 F700-192-000 (English)
 F700-192-999 (Spanish)
Employee Notification of Frontloaded Paid Sick Leave
 F700-190-000 (English)
 F700-190-999 (Spanish)
Employee Paid Sick Leave Benefits Notification
 F700-191-000 (English)
 F700-191-999 (Spanish)
Employee Request to Donate Paid Sick Leave
 F700-194-000 (English)
 F700-194-999 (Spanish)
Employee Request to Receive Shared Paid Sick Leave
 F700-195-000 (English)
 F700-195-999 (Spanish)
Employee Rights to Equal Pay and Opportunities
 F700-201-909 (English/Spanish)
Employee Safety Orientation Checklist
 F417-276-000 (English)
Employee Verification for Authorized Use of Paid Sick Leave for Absences Exceeding 3 Days
 F700-193-000 (English)
 F700-193-999 (Spanish)
Employer Petition to The Court for Minor Work Permit Under Age 14
 F700-118-000 (English)
Employer Rights - Wages Paid
 F700-058-000 (English)
Employer's Guide to the Hazard Communication Rule
 F413-012-999 (Spanish)
 F413-012-000 (English)
Employer's Job Description
 F252-040-000 (English)
Employer's Return-to-Work Guide
 F200-003-000 (English)
 F200-003-999 (Spanish)
Employers' Guide to Self-Insurance in Washington State
 F207-079-000 (English)
Employers' Guide to Workers' Compensation Insurance in Washington State
 F101-002-999 (Spanish)
 F101-002-000 (English)
Employing Children Under Age 14 in Non-Agricultural Jobs
 F700-117-000 (English)
Employing teens under 18 in food service? - L&I's fact sheet of permitted and prohibited work activities for youth ages 14 to 17 in food service
 F700-167-000 (English)
Employment History Form
 F242-109-000 (English)
 F242-109-999 (Spanish)
 F242-109-335 (Mongolian Traditional)
 F242-109-220 (Chinese Simplified)
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Resource & Referral Update Form
 F100-513-000 (English)
Equal Pay Opportunity Act Complaint
 F700-200-000 (English)
Ergonomics Consultation: Free, Confidential, Powerful Impact on Your Bottom Line
 F417-233-000 (English)
Evaluating Retro Groups
 F225-019-000 (English)
Example Only
 F999-999-000 (English)
Exception to Three-Day Limit of Opioids for Dental Procedures Prior Authorization Request
 F252-118-000 (English)
Excluded and Exempt Employments
 F214-013-000 (English)
Explosives Dealer's Records
 F447-013-000 (English)
Explosives License - Change of Responsible Person (Company)
 F447-032-000 (English)
Extension Request
 F621-053-000 (English)
Eye On Safety Card
 F417-222-000 (English)
Facts About Construction Liens
 F625-017-000 (English)
Facts about Medical Gas Piping Installer Endorsement
 F627-026-000 (English)
Facts about State Certification for Plumbers
 F627-022-000 (English)
Fall Hazards: Standing Walls - Highlights of Fall Protection Requirements
 F417-252-000 (English)
Fall Protection Basics for Construction Activities
 F414-154-999 (Spanish)
 F414-154-000 (English)
Fall Protection Work Plan
 F417-272-000 (English)
 F417-272-999 (Spanish)
Fall Protection: Responding to Emergencies
 F417-208-000 (English)
Farm Internship Agreement
 F700-157-000 (English)
Farm Internship Flyer
 F700-188-000 (English)
Farm Internship Project Complaint Form
 F700-172-000 (English)
Farm Internships: Teach Farming From the Ground Up
 F700-175-000 (English)
Farm Labor Contractor Application/Renewal Packet
 F700-170-000 (English)
Farm Labor Contractor Assignment of Account or Time Deposit
 F700-060-000 (English)
Farm Labor Contractor Certified Payroll
 F700-147-000 (English)
Farm Labor Contractor Checklist
 F700-112-000 (English)
 F700-112-999 (Spanish)
Farm Labor Contractor Complaint Form
 F700-109-000 (English)
 F700-109-999 (Spanish)
Farm Labor Contractor Registration
 F700-088-000 (English)
 F700-088-999 (Spanish)
Farm Labor Contractors Bond
 F700-066-000 (English)
Faulty Water Heaters and Kids Don't Mix
 F620-059-000 (English)
FileFast postcard handout for workers
 F242-398-000 (English)
FileFast poster for workers
 F242-399-000 (English)
FileFast wallet card for workers
 F242-400-000 (English)
Filing Suit Against an Electrical Contractor
 F625-053-000 (English)
Financial Statement - Sole Proprietor and Individuals
 F215-042-000 (English)
Financial Statement Businesses
 F215-040-000 (English)
Financial Statement Sole Proprietors and Individuals
 F215-039-000 (English)
Firm Vocational Provider Account Change
 F252-022-000 (English)
First Aid
 FSP1-005-000 (English)
Flood Damaged Manufactured Home Checklist
 F622-040-000 (English)
Food Truck / Trailers / Temporary Structures
 F623-037-000 (English)
Forklift Safety Guide
 F417-031-000 (English)
Forklift Safety: Training requirements and helpful tips
 F417-202-000 (English)
Four Steps to Proper Lifting
 FSP0-918-000 (English)
Frequently Asked Questions about Job Modifications
 F245-057-000 (English)
Fryer Safety
 FSP0-905-000 (English)
Functional Capacity Summary
 F245-434-000 (English)
Functional Recovery Interventions (RFI) Tracking Sheet
 F245-420-000 (English)
Gas Piping Test Affidavit
 F622-048-000 (English)
Gas Room Heaters Pre-Inspection Checklist
 F622-045-000 (English)
General Provider Billing Manual
 F248-100-000 (English)
Getting Back to Work: It's Your Job and Your Future
 F200-001-000 (English)
 F200-001-999 (Spanish)
Getting up-to-speed on regulations for Washington businesses?
 F101-174-000 (English)
Green Power Generation System Installation: What You Should Know Before Doing Any Electrical Work
 F500-116-000 (English)
Grinding Wheel - Prevent Accidents
 FSP1-000-999 (Spanish)
 FSP1-000-000 (English)
Group vs. Individual Retrospective Rating Participation
 F225-016-000 (English)
Guidelines for Selecting Reserve Trees
 F417-092-000 (English)
Have you been injured at work?
 F242-404-999 (Spanish)
Health and Safety awareness for Working Teens wallet card
 F700-187-909 (English/Spanish)
Hearing Aid Repair/Durable Medical Equipment Provider Hotline Service Authorization Request
 F245-418-000 (English)
Hearing Aid Replacement Form
 F242-414-000 (English)
Hearing Impairment Calculation Worksheet
 F252-007-000 (English)
Hearing Services Worker Information
 F245-049-000 (English)
Heat-related Illness Education Card
 F417-218-909 (English/Spanish)
Help for Crime Victims (large poster)
 F800-041-000 (English)
 F800-041-999 (Spanish)
Help for Crime Victims (small poster)
 F800-104-000 (English)
 F800-104-999 (Spanish)
Help for Injured Workers of Self-Insured Employers
 F207-213-000 (English)
 F207-213-999 (Spanish)
Help for Victims of Crime
 F800-006-909 (English/Spanish)
Helpful Tips for Medical Services Providers
 F248-040-000 (English)
Helping Providers Understand the Crime Victims Compensation Program
 F800-102-000 (English)
High Noise Area, Wear Hearing Protection
 FSP1-065-000 (English)
Hiring a Plumber? Hire Smart!
 F627-044-000 (English)
Hiring teens?
 F700-142-909 (English/Spanish)
Historical Boilers Inspection Guideline
 F620-043-000 (English)
Home Health Services Billing Manual
 F245-424-000 (English)
Home Modification for Workers with Catastrophic Injuries
 F252-060-999 (Spanish)
 F252-060-000 (English)
Home Modification for Workers with Catastrophic Injuries - Questions and Answers for Contractors
 F252-061-000 (English)
 F252-061-999 (Spanish)
Homeowners Manufactured / Mobile Home Variance Request
 F622-054-000 (English)
Hospital Services Billing Manual
 F245-425-000 (English)
How Social Security Benefits May Reduce Your Workers' Compensation Payments
 F242-427-999 (Spanish)
 F242-427-000 (English)
How to Become a Certified Electrician: What You Need to Know about Certification in Washington State
 F500-117-000 (English)
How to Bill for an Occupational Disease History Report (Code 1055M)
 F242-432-000 (English)
How to Protest a Department of Labor & Industries Decision
 F242-363-909 (English/Spanish)
 F242-363-227 (Dinka)
 F242-363-269 (Malay)
 F242-363-304 (Soninke/Soninkeh)
 F242-363-338 (Tamil)
 F242-363-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F242-363-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F242-363-255 (Korean)
 F242-363-294 (Russian)
 F242-363-303 (Somali)
 F242-363-319 (Vietnamese)
 F242-363-214 (Cambodian)
How to Ride Safely on Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks
 F621-084-000 (English)
Hydraulic Overpressure Test
 F621-052-000 (English)
Hydraulic/ Roped Hydraulic Elevator Layout Requirements
 F621-109-000 (English)
If Family Members Work for You, Know Your Obligations
 F101-077-909 (English/Spanish)
IME Firm Provider Account Application
 F245-451-000 (English)
IME Provider Renewal Application
 F245-435-000 (English)
Incident Report Boiler or Pressure Vessel
 F620-044-000 (English)
Independent Contractor Guide: A Step-by-Step Guide to Hiring Independent Contractors in Washington State
 F101-063-000 (English)
 F101-063-999 (Spanish)
Independent Contractor or Covered Worker? - Your rights to workers' compensation, minimum wage and overtime
 F212-250-999 (Spanish)
 F212-250-000 (English)
Independent Contractors
 F214-012-000 (English)
Independent Medical Exam Comments
 F245-053-000 (English)
 F245-053-999 (Spanish)
Independent Medical Exam Doctor's Estimate of Physical Capacities
 F242-387-000 (English)
Independent Medical Exam Template
 F245-058-000 (English)
Independent Medical Examination (IME) Provider Exam Sites
 F245-047-000 (English)
Independent Medical Examination Fax Cover Sheet
 F245-383-000 (English)
Individual Retrospective Rating Plan Agreement
 F250-003-000 (English)
Individual Vocational Provider Account Change Form
 F252-021-000 (English)
Indoor Air Quality Questionnaire
 F242-435-319 (Vietnamese)
 F242-435-000 (English)
 F242-435-999 (Spanish)
Industrial Insurance Discrimination Complaint Form
 F262-009-214 (Cambodian)
 F262-009-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F262-009-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F262-009-255 (Korean)
 F262-009-294 (Russian)
 F262-009-303 (Somali)
 F262-009-319 (Vietnamese)
 F262-009-000 (English)
 F262-009-999 (Spanish)
Injured by a third party?
 F249-008-000 (English)
 F249-008-999 (Spanish)
Injured Workers: Leaving Washington, But Still Need Treatment
 F242-412-909 (English/Spanish)
Inquiry for Assessment of Damages
 F242-067-000 (English)
Inservice Inspection checklist
 F620-060-000 (English)
Insignia Continuation Sheet Recreational Vehicles and Park Trailers
 F622-021-111 (English)
Instructions for completing the Workers' Compensation Employer's Quarterly Report
 F212-239-000 (English)
Instructor's Report of Accident / Incident
 F100-509-000 (English)
Interested Party Checklist for the Filing of Prevailing Wage Complaints
 F700-129-000 (English)
Internal Revenue Service Tax Compliance Certification
 F700-098-000 (English)
International Travel for Work
 F242-419-000 (English)
Interpreter Services for Injured Workers and Crime Victims
 F245-412-000 (English)
 F245-412-999 (Spanish)
 F245-412-214 (Cambodian)
 F245-412-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F245-412-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F245-412-255 (Korean)
 F245-412-294 (Russian)
 F245-412-303 (Somali)
 F245-412-319 (Vietnamese)
Interpretive Services Appointment Record (ISAR)
 F245-056-000 (English)
Investigation Report
 F500-076-000 (English)
Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit
 F207-112-000 (English)
Is it a Manufactured / Mobile Home?
 F622-043-000 (English)
Is Retrospective Rating Right for You?
 F250-006-000 (English)
Job Analysis
 F252-072-000 (English)
Job Analysis Summary
 F252-101-000 (English)
Job Modification Assistance Application
 F245-346-999 (Spanish)
 F245-346-000 (English)
 F245-346-214 (Cambodian)
 F245-346-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F245-346-255 (Korean)
 F245-346-294 (Russian)
 F245-346-319 (Vietnamese)
Job Safety and Health Law
 F416-081-909 (English/Spanish)
Job Site Safety: Wear Your Hard Hat
 FSP0-907-000 (English)
Jorge's New Job: Cholinesterase Testing in Washington State
 F417-213-909 (English)
Journey Level Wage Rate from which apprentices' wages rates are computed.
 F100-050-000 (English)
Keep Your Water Heater Safe
 F620-048-000 (English)
Keys to Retro Success
 F225-018-000 (English)
Keys to Safety
 FSP0-954-000 (English)
Know What to Expect: How Recoveries and Settlements May Impact Your Crime Victim Claim
 F800-074-000 (English)
Know Your Lockout Tagout Safety Procedures
 FSP1-063-000 (English)
L&I Benefits for Workers Who Are Terminally Ill
 F252-094-000 (English)
L&I Chiropractic Consultant Application
 F245-393-000 (English)
L&I Medical Provider Network Credentialing Checklist
 F245-445-000 (English)
L&I Workers' Compensation: We're Here for You
 F242-429-000 (English)
 F242-429-999 (Spanish)
Labor and Industries Facility Use Application and Agreement for Government Agencies
 F120-097-000 (English)
Labor and Industries Prosthetic Device Request Form
 F245-340-000 (English)
Ladder Safety
 FSP0-951-000 (English)
Ladder Safety Checklist
 F417-266-000 (English)
Ladder Safety Guide
 F417-268-000 (English)
Legal Representation Notification
 F242-425-000 (English)
 F242-425-999 (Spanish)
 F242-425-214 (Cambodian)
 F242-425-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F242-425-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F242-425-255 (Korean)
 F242-425-294 (Russian)
 F242-425-303 (Somali)
 F242-425-319 (Vietnamese)
Legal Representative Payment Method Authorization Form
 F120-212-000 (English)
Letter of Intent for School Enrollment
 F242-382-999 (Spanish)
 F242-382-000 (English)
 F242-382-294 (Russian)
Licensed Elevator Contractor (LC) Operation
 F621-069-000 (English)
Limited Liability Companies (LLC)
 F214-021-000 (English)
Log of Good Faith Effort Documentation
 F100-515-000 (English)
Logger Safety Initiative Jobsite Notification
 F417-249-000 (English)
Logging Emergency Medical Plan
 F417-014-000 (English)
Low Voltage Fire / Intrusion Alarm Checklist
 F622-038-000 (English)
Lyrica (pregabalin) Prior Authorizatin Request Form
 F252-119-000 (English)
Manufactured Home Installation Certificate
 F622-104-000 (English)
Manufactured Home Installation Certification
 F622-084-000 (English)
Manufactured Home Installation Permit
 F622-083-000 (English)
Manufactured Home Installer Certification Tag Order form
 F622-077-000 (English)
Manufactured Home Installer Certification Tag Transfer Request form
 F622-079-000 (English)
Manufactured Home Installer's Monthly Certification Tag Report
 F622-078-000 (English)
Manufactured/Mobile Home Permit Application
 F622-036-000 (English)
Maritime Coverage
 F212-034-000 (English)
Massage Therapist: Independent Contractor or Covered Worker?
 F212-248-000 (English)
Master Business Application
 BLSF-700-028 (English)
Master Level Counselor Provider Account Application for Crime Victims
 F800-053-000 (English)
Mechanized Logging Supplemental Quarterly Report
 F212-223-000 (English)
Medical Device Review Request
 F252-013-000 (English)
Medical Examiners' Handbook
 F252-001-000 (English)
Medical Payment Guidance
 F248-366-000 (English)
Memorandum of Understanding
 F207-129-000 (English)
Memorandum of Understanding Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit
 F207-113-000 (English)
Mental Health Fee Schedule and Billing Guidelines
 F800-105-000 (English)
Mental Health Services Fee Schedule
 F245-422-000 (English)
Minimum Header Structural Requirements for Manufactured Home Alterations
 F622-080-000 (English)
Minimum Header Structural Requirements for Manufactured Home Alternations
 F622-080-999 (Spanish)
Minimum wage card for workers
 F700-185-909 (English/Spanish)
Minimum Wage Law Exemptions
 F700-051-000 (English)
Miscellaneous Services Billing Manual
 F245-431-000 (English)
Mobile Cranes/Derricks Worksheet for Construction Industry
 F416-043-000 (English)
Model Disclosure Statement Notice to Customer
 F625-030-999 (Spanish)
 F625-030-000 (English)
Monthly Supplemental Report for Manual Logging
 F212-246-000 (English)
Multi-piece Rim Matching Chart
 F417-237-000-C (English)
Nail Gun Safety: A Guide for Construction Contractors
 F417-232-000 (English)
Nail Salon Worker Rights
 F700-179-319 (Vietnamese)
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
 F252-114-000 (English)
Network Provider Application Packet
 F245-447-000 (English)
New Elevator Installation Checklist
 F621-057-000 (English)
New Employee Packet
 F140-109-000 (English)
New/Update Elevator Company Primary Point of Contact
 F621-086-000 (English)
Non-Compliance Report - Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspection
 F620-012-000 (English)
Nonagricultural Employment of Minors Chapter 296-125 WAC
 F700-084-000 (English)
Notice of Completion of Public Works Contract
 F215-038-000 (English)
Notice of Contest or Objection to Proposed Standards of Apprenticeship
 F100-516-000 (English)
Notice of Deficiencies (Crane/Derrick Certification Examination)
 F416-054-000 (English)
Notice of Independent Medical Exam No-Show or Late Cancellation
 F245-382-000 (English)
Notice of Occupational Disease or Infection
 F242-243-000 (English)
Notice to Attending Physician of Apprentice / On-the-Job-Training Accident / Incident
 F100-511-000 (English)
Notice to Employees - If a Job Injury Occurs
 F207-037-909 (English/Spanish)
Notice to Employees -- If a Job Injury Occurs
 F242-191-261 (Laotian)
 F242-191-291 (Punjabi/Panjabi)
 F242-191-909 (English/Spanish)
 F242-191-319 (Vietnamese)
 F242-191-221 (Chinese Traditional)
Notification to Local Enforcement Agency
 F623-013-000 (English)
Nurse Case Management Initial Care Management Plan
 F245-442-000 (English)
Nurse Case Management Progress Report
 F245-439-000 (English)
Nurse Case Management Qualis Progress Report
 F245-441-000 (English)
Occupational Disease Claims in Workers' Compensation
 F252-117-000 (English)
Occupational Disease Employment History Hearing Loss
 F262-013-999 (Spanish)
 F262-013-000 (English)
Occupational Disease Work History
 F242-071-000 (English)
 F242-071-999 (Spanish)
 F242-071-317 (Urdu)
 F242-071-297 (Samoan)
 F242-071-206 (Azeri/Azerbaijani)
 F242-071-246 (Ilocano)
 F242-071-200 (Albanian)
 F242-071-201 (Amharic)
 F242-071-203 (Arabic)
 F242-071-214 (Cambodian)
 F242-071-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F242-071-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F242-071-226 (Dari)
 F242-071-232 (French)
 F242-071-236 (German)
 F242-071-243 (Hmong)
 F242-071-244 (Hungarian)
 F242-071-255 (Korean)
 F242-071-257 (Kurdish)
 F242-071-280 (Nepali/Nepalese)
 F242-071-283 (Oromo/Afaan Oromo)
 F242-071-289 (Polish)
 F242-071-291 (Punjabi/Panjabi)
 F242-071-294 (Russian)
 F242-071-303 (Somali)
 F242-071-310 (Thai)
 F242-071-311 (Tibetan)
 F242-071-312 (Tigrinya/Tigrigna)
 F242-071-315 (Turkish)
 F242-071-319 (Vietnamese)
Occupational Hearing Loss Questionnaire
 F262-016-000 (English)
 F262-016-999 (Spanish)
Occupational Lead Exposure: An Alert for Employers
 F310-004-000 (English)
Occupational Lead Exposure: An Alert for Health Care Providers
 F310-005-000 (English)
Occupational Lead Exposure: An Alert for Workers
 F310-003-000 (English)
 F310-003-999 (Spanish)
Office Ergonomics: Computer Workstation and Mobile Computing
 F417-275-000 (English)
Office Locations Map
 F101-100-000 (English)
OJT Information Request and Recommendation form
 F280-032-000 (English)
On-the-Job Training
 F200-021-000 (English)
On-the-Job Training Agreement Card
 F100-019-000 (English)
On-The-Job Training Work Hours
 F100-229-000 (English)
OnabotulinumtoxinA for Prevention of Chronic Migraine
 F252-123-000 (English)
Online Electrical Services: Tools for Property Owners, Contractors and Electricians
 F500-113-000 (English)
Operating Boilers Safely
 F620-025-000 (English)
Operating Power Lawn and Yard-care Equipment: Safety for Teen Workers
 F700-010-000 (English)
Opioid Treatment Agreement
 F252-095-000 (English)
 F252-095-999 (Spanish)
Option 1 Plan Modification Accountability Agreement
 F280-056-000 (English)
 F280-056-999 (Spanish)
Option 2 Training Application
 F280-024-214 (Cambodian)
 F280-024-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F280-024-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F280-024-255 (Korean)
 F280-024-294 (Russian)
 F280-024-303 (Somali)
 F280-024-319 (Vietnamese)
 F280-024-999 (Spanish)
 F280-024-000 (English)
Option 2: What You Need to Know, Vocational Rehabilitation Services
 F280-036-000 (English)
 F280-036-999 (Spanish)
Out of Country Provider Account Application
 F248-361-232 (French)
 F248-361-236 (German)
Out of Country Provider Application
 F248-361-000 (English)
 F248-361-999 (Spanish)
Out of State Application for Electrician Examination
 F626-009-000 (English)
Overhead Crane Bridge, Monorail, Gantry Worksheet for Construction
 F416-141-000 (English)
Overpayment Reimbursement Fund Request Coversheet
 F207-212-000 (English)
Owner Requested/Red Tag Decommission Form
 F621-063-000 (English)
Paid Sick Leave Increments of Use Variance Application
 F700-196-000 (English)
Paid Sick Leave Law
 F700-197-000 (English)
 F700-197-999 (Spanish)
 F700-197-214 (Cambodian)
 F700-197-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F700-197-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F700-197-255 (Korean)
 F700-197-294 (Russian)
 F700-197-303 (Somali)
 F700-197-319 (Vietnamese)
Panel Load Calculations
 F623-017-000 (English)
Parent / School Authorization
 F700-002-000 (English)
 F700-002-214 (Cambodian)
 F700-002-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F700-002-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F700-002-255 (Korean)
 F700-002-294 (Russian)
 F700-002-303 (Somali)
 F700-002-319 (Vietnamese)
 F700-002-999 (Spanish)
Parent Authorization for Summer Work
 F700-168-214 (Cambodian)
 F700-168-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F700-168-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F700-168-255 (Korean)
 F700-168-294 (Russian)
 F700-168-303 (Somali)
 F700-168-319 (Vietnamese)
 F700-168-999 (Spanish)
 F700-168-000 (English)
Payment Authorization Method
 F120-211-312 (Tigrinya/Tigrigna)
Payment Method Authorization
 F120-211-201 (Amharic)
 F120-211-261 (Laotian)
 F120-211-238 (Gujarati)
 F120-211-000 (English)
 F120-211-999 (Spanish)
 F120-211-214 (Cambodian)
 F120-211-303 (Somali)
 F120-211-294 (Russian)
 F120-211-319 (Vietnamese)
 F120-211-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F120-211-255 (Korean)
 F120-211-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F120-211-317 (Urdu)
Payment of Wages - RCW 49.48.010 and 49.52.050
 F700-064-000 (English)
Pension and Survivor Benefits in Washington State's Workers' Compensation Program
 F242-352-909 (English/Spanish)
Pension Benefits Questionnaire
 F242-393-000 (English)
 F242-393-999 (Spanish)
 F242-393-238 (Gujarati)
 F242-393-203 (Arabic)
 F242-393-211 (Bosnian)
 F242-393-214 (Cambodian)
 F242-393-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F242-393-223 (Croatian)
 F242-393-249 (Japanese)
 F242-393-255 (Korean)
 F242-393-261 (Laotian)
 F242-393-294 (Russian)
 F242-393-319 (Vietnamese)
 F242-393-312 (Tigrinya/Tigrigna)
Pension Bond Rider
 F207-120-000 (English)
Performance Based Physical Capacities Evaluation
 F245-023-000 (English)
Permit Refund Request
 F621-105-000 (English)
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Guide
 F417-207-000 (English)
Pharmacy Billing Manual
 F245-433-000 (English)
Pharmacy Companion Guide
 F245-400-000 (English)
Physical Exam - Charter Boat Operators License
 F416-056-000 (English)
Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy Progress Report to Claim Managers
 F245-059-000 (English)
Physical/Occupational/Massage Therapy Provider Hotline Service Authorization Request
 F245-417-000 (English)
Plan Approval Request - Conversion Vendor / Medical Units
 F622-035-000 (English)
Plan Approval Request - Factory Built Structures and Commercial Coaches
 F623-006-000 (English)
Plan Approval Request - Recreational Vehicles and Recreational Park Trailers
 F622-006-000 (English)
Plan Development Quality Assurance Review Form
 F280-007-000 (English)
Plan Development: What Are My Rights & Responsibilities?
 F280-018-000 (English)
Plan for and Pay Your Taxes DVD
 F101-091-034 (English)
Plan Room and Board Cost Encumbrance
 F245-372-000 (English)
Plumber Continuing Education Course Application
 F627-037-000 (English)
Plumber Request for Change of Address
 F627-039-000 (English)
Plumber, Medical Gas, or Trainee Renewal
 F627-019-000 (English)
Plumbers Examination Dates and Locations
 F627-027-000 (English)
Pocket Guide to Caution Zone Jobs
 F417-195-000 (English)
Pocket Guide to Worker Rights
 F101-165-909 (English/Spanish)
 F101-165-000 (English)
Poison Oak Poster
 F413-045-000 (English/Spanish)
Popular websites for employers
 F101-177-000 (English)
Poster - An Unprotected Trench is an Early Grave
 FSP0-912-000 (English)
Power of Attorney for Electronic Remittance Advice
 F248-355-000 (English)
Pre-Audit Questionnaire
 F213-177-000 (English)
Pre-Inspection Checklist for High Pressure Boilers
 F620-053-000 (English)
Pre-Inspection Checklist for Hot Water Heating or Hot Water Supply Boilers
 F620-050-000 (English)
Pre-Inspection Checklist for Low Pressure Steam Boilers
 F620-052-000 (English)
Pre-Inspection Checklist for Potable Water Heaters - ASME "HLW" Stamped Water Heaters
 F620-051-000 (English)
Pre-Job Accommodation Assistance Application
 F245-350-000 (English)
Preauthorization Request for Services for State Fund Workers' Compensation Patients
 F242-397-000 (English)
Preferred Drug Line Prescription Authorization Request
 F245-419-000 (English)
Preferred Worker Continuous Employment Incentive Application for Employers
 F280-065-000 (English)
Preferred Worker Expense Reimbursement - Application for Employers (Tools & Clothing)
 F280-058-000 (English)
Preferred Worker Program
 F280-021-000 (English)
 F280-021-999 (Spanish)
Preferred Worker Request
 F280-060-000 (English)
Preferred Worker Wage Reimbursement Application for Employers
 F280-059-000 (English)
Preparing for Your Self-Insurance Audit
 F207-110-000 (English)
Prevailing Wage Complaint and Instructions
 F700-146-000 (English)
 F700-146-999 (Spanish)
 F700-146-214 (Cambodian)
 F700-146-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F700-146-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F700-146-255 (Korean)
 F700-146-294 (Russian)
 F700-146-303 (Somali)
 F700-146-319 (Vietnamese)
Preventing Lead Poisoning at Indoor Firing Ranges: An Alert for Workers and Employers
 F310-006-000 (English)
Preventing Lead Poisoning in Bridge and Steel Structure Repair Work: An Alert for Workers
 F310-007-000 (English)
Preventing Lead Poisoning in Scrap Metal Recycling: An Alert for Workers and Employers
 F310-008-000 (English)
Preventing Slips and Falls
 FSP0-904-000 (English)
Program Equal Employment Opportunity Activity Documentation
 F100-012-000 (English)
Property Owner Electrical Work Permit Application
 F500-094-000 (English)
Protect My Home Hire Smart Worksheet
 F625-111-999 (Spanish)
 F625-111-000 (English)
Protect Yourself and Your Family from Lead Poisoning
 F417-214-000 (English)
Protected Leave Complaint
 F700-144-999 (Spanish)
 F700-144-000 (English)
 F700-144-214 (Cambodian)
 F700-144-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F700-144-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F700-144-255 (Korean)
 F700-144-294 (Russian)
 F700-144-303 (Somali)
 F700-144-319 (Vietnamese)
Protecting Yourself and Your Workers from Poison Oak and Ivy
 F413-047-000 (English/Spanish)
Protesting Retro Adjustments
 F250-027-000 (English)
Provider Account Application
 F248-011-000 (English)
Provider Account Application - Independent Medical Examiner (IME)
 F245-046-000 (English)
Provider Change Form for Crime Victims Compensation
 F800-089-000 (English)
Provider General Billing Manual
 F245-432-000 (English)
Provider Network Agreement
 F245-397-000 (English)
Provider Payment Account Change Form
 F245-365-000 (English)
Provider Supplemental Requirements for Non-Accredited or Unlicensed Training Providers
 F280-045-000 (English)
Provider's Initial Report (PIR)
 F207-028-000 (English)
Provider's Request for Adjustment
 F245-183-000 (English)
PT/OT Referral Form
 F252-099-000 (English)
Put This Guard Back - 5 1/2 x 2 1/8 inches
 FSP0-993-001 (English)
 FSP0-993-991 (Spanish)
Put This Guard Back - 8 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches
 FSP0-993-999 (Spanish)
 FSP0-993-000 (English)
Q&A: Cranes, Rigging and Personnel Lifting Rule, Chapter 296-155 WAC, Part L
 F417-245-000 (English)
Q&A: Emergency Washing Requirements for Pesticide Handlers
 F417-257-000 (English)
 F417-257-999 (Spanish)
Q&A: Hazard Communication Standard
 F417-242-999 (Spanish)
 F417-242-000 (English)
Q&A: Stay of Abatement Date
 F417-235-000 (English)
Q&A: Workplace Safety Requirements at Dairy Farms
 F417-282-000 (English)
 F417-282-999 (Spanish)
Quarterly Report for Self-Insured Business
 F207-006-000 (English)
Quarterly Reporting for Drywall
 F212-224-999 (Spanish)
 F212-224-000 (English)
Quarterly Statement of Supplemental Benefits Paid for Self-Insured Employers
 F207-011-000 (English)
Questions and Answers about Electrical Safety
 F500-110-000 (English)
Quick Reference Card for Providers 2016
 F245-414-000_2016 (English)
Quick Reference Card for Providers 2017
 F245-414-000_2017 (English)
Quick Reference Card for Providers 2018
 F245-414-000_2018 (English)
Quick Tips for Lifting
 F417-055-909 (English/Spanish)
QuickFile: Workers' Compensation Quarterly Report Filing Made Easy!
 F212-244-000 (English)
RCW 43.22.380 Exemptions Fire and Safety Checklist for Vendor/Medical Conversion Units
 F622-073-000 (English)
Reassignment of Savings Account or Time Deposit - Construction Contractors
 F625-011-000 (English)
Reassignment of Savings Account or Time Deposit - Electrical Contractor
 F500-072-000 (English)
Record Keeping
 F214-011-000 (English)
Record Keeping Provisions - Employment Standards
 F700-009-000 (English)
Recordkeeping and Reporting - WAC 296-27
 F414-037-000 (English)
Referral for Activity Coaching Program
 F245-413-000 (English)
Referral to Labor and Industries /WorkSource Partnership Services
 F280-046-000 (English)
Reforestation Contract Supplemental Report - Forest, Range and Timber Industry
 F213-013-000 (English)
Reforestation Industry Continuation Sheet (Over $10,000)
 F213-015-000 (English)
REFUND NOTIFICATION Refunding Money to L&I to correct your account?
 F245-043-000 (English)
Registered Apprenticeship in the Construction Industry
 F100-533-000 (English)
Registered Apprenticeship Program Address/Mailing Information Update
 F100-512-000 (English)
Registered Contractor Card
 F625-069-000 (English)
Related Supplemental Instruction / On-the-Job Training Hours
 F100-518-000 (English)
Related Supplemental Instruction Hours
 F100-228-000 (English)
Renewal of Contractor Elevator License
 F621-082-000 (English)
Renewal of Elevator Mechanic License
 F621-080-000 (English)
Rental Boiler Operating Permit - Good at this Location Only
 F620-042-000 (English)
Report All Injuries Promptly
 FSP1-004-000 (English)
 FSP1-004-999 (Spanish)
Report of a Workplace Hazard
 F417-277-000 (English)
Report of Accident (ROA) Workplace Injury, Accident or Occupational Disease
 F242-130-000 (English)
Report of Accident - Injured Worker Instructions
 F242-134-999 (Spanish)
Report of Accident – Injured Worker Instructions
 F242-134-201 (Amharic)
 F242-134-203 (Arabic)
 F242-134-211 (Bosnian)
 F242-134-214 (Cambodian)
 F242-134-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F242-134-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F242-134-233 (Farsi/Persian)
 F242-134-255 (Korean)
 F242-134-291 (Punjabi/Panjabi)
 F242-134-294 (Russian)
 F242-134-303 (Somali)
 F242-134-307 (Tagalog/Filipino)
 F242-134-319 (Vietnamese)
Report of an Injury, Illness, or Close Call
 F417-278-000 (English)
Request for Approval of Proposed Standards
 F100-049-000 (English)
Request for Archive Records - Contractor Registration
 F625-094-000 (English)
Request for Assistance in Obtaining Certified Payroll Records
 F700-141-000 (English)
Request for Cancellation of New Apprenticeship Committee
 F100-510-000 (English)
Request for Cancellation of Program
 F100-303-000 (English)
Request for Change of Address
 F500-044-000 (English)
Request for Change of Status - Apprenticeship/Training Agreements and Training Agents
 F100-021-000 (English)
Request for Claim Information
 F242-430-000 (English)
Request for Confidentiality
 F140-098-000 (English)
 F416-016-000 (English)
Request for Discretionary Over 7/10 Disability Benefits
 F242-428-000 (English)
 F242-428-999 (Spanish)
Request for Duplicate Elevator Certificate
 F621-065-000 (English)
Request for Duplicate Elevator Mechanic License
 F621-099-000 (English)
Request for Duplicate or Replacement Certificate
 F627-014-000 (English)
Request for Duplicate or Replacement License or Certificate
 F500-032-000 (English)
Request for Letter of Good Standing
 F500-128-000 (English)
Request for Public Records
 F101-009-000 (English)
Request for Recognition of Apprenticeship Committee
 F100-504-000 (English)
Request for Revision of Standards
 F100-030-000 (English)
Request for Survivor Counseling Benefits
 F800-057-909 (English/Spanish)
Request to Update Contact Information
 F621-050-000 (English)
Reservation Form Safety and Health Video Library
 F417-206-000 (English)
Residential Care Assessment Tool
 F245-377-000 (English)
Resource Utilization Group (RUG) Residential Care Services for L&I Injured Workers (In place of MDS 3.0 beginning October 1, 2010.)
 F245-392-000 (English)
Restaurant Employee Safety Orientation Checklist
 F700-140-000 (English)
Resume Cover Sheet
 F242-418-000 (English)
Retaliation Complaint Form (Minimum Wage Act & Paid Sick Leave)
 F700-199-000 (English)
 F700-199-214 (Cambodian)
 F700-199-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F700-199-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F700-199-255 (Korean)
 F700-199-294 (Russian)
 F700-199-303 (Somali)
 F700-199-319 (Vietnamese)
 F700-199-999 (Spanish)
Retraining and Job Modification Billing Manual
 F245-427-000 (English)
Retrospective Rating Adjustment Protest
 F250-024-000 (English)
Retrospective Rating Business and Industry Category Guide
 F250-025-000 (English)
Retrospective Rating Enrollment Decisions
 F225-017-000 (English)
Rigging Safety: Construction Rigging Requirements
 F417-253-000 (English)
Risk Management Consultation
 F417-246-000 (English)
Robberies and Abusive Customers: Tips for Preventing Injuries
 FSP0-919-999 (Spanish)
 FSP0-919-000 (English)
Roof Affidavit and Structural Inspection Request
 F622-076-000 (English)
Safe Ways - Fork Lift Safety
 FSP0-978-000 (English)
Safety and Health Discrimination Complaint
 F416-011-000 (English)
 F416-011-999 (Spanish)
 F416-011-214 (Cambodian)
 F416-011-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F416-011-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F416-011-255 (Korean)
 F416-011-294 (Russian)
 F416-011-303 (Somali)
 F416-011-319 (Vietnamese)
Safety and Health Discrimination in the Workplace
 F417-244-294 (Russian)
 F417-188-909 (English/Spanish)
 F417-244-000 (English)
 F417-244-999 (Spanish)
Safety and Health Investment Projects (SHIP) Grant Program
 F417-224-000 (English)
Safety and Health Program Assessment Worksheet
 F417-227-000 (English)
Safety and Health Video Library Rack Card
 F417-260-000 (English)
Safety Checklist for Dairy Farms
 F417-267-000 (English)
Safety Comes Thru Job Training
 FSP0-901-000 (English)
Safety Committees and Meetings
 F417-043-000 (English)
 F417-043-999 (Spanish)
Safety for Commercial Dive Teams
 F417-226-000 (English)
Safety Meeting Notes or Minutes
 F417-279-999 (Spanish)
 F417-279-000 (English)
Safety Standards - WAC 296-32 Telecommunication - Pocket Version
 F414-159-000 (English)
Safety Standards - WAC 296-833 - Temporary Housing for Workers
 F414-115-000 (English)
Safety Standards for Ethylene Oxide WAC 296-855
 F414-132-000 (English)
Safety Standards for Forklifts and Other Powered Industrial Trucks WAC 296-863
 F414-126-000 (English)
Safety Standards for Laundry Machinery and Operations WAC 296-303
 F414-012-000 (English)
Safety Standards for Possession, Handling, and Use of Explosives WAC 296-52
 F414-038-000 (English)
Safety Standards for Shipbuilding, Ship Repairing and Shipbreaking Chapter 296-304 WAC
 F414-025-000 (English)
Safety Standards for WAC 296-115, Charter Boats
 F414-050-000 (English)
Safety Standards for WAC 296-32, Telecommunications
 F414-017-000 (English)
Safety Standards for WAC 296-45 & Electrical Workers
 F414-032-000 (English)
Safety Standards for WAC 296-59, Ski Area Facilities & Operations
 F414-048-000 (English)
Safety Standards for WAC 296-62, General Occup Health
 F414-042-000 (English)
Safety Standards for WAC 296-811, Fire Brigades
 F414-134-000 (English)
Safety Standards for WAC 296-835, Dip Tanks
 F414-109-000 (English)
Safety Standards for WAC 296-843, Hazardous Waste Operations
 F414-120-000 (English)
Safety Standards for WAC 296-849, Benzene
 F414-129-000 (English)
Safety Standards for WAC 296-901 - Global Harmonized System for Hazard Communication
 F414-155-000 (English)
Safety Steps for Supervisors and Employees in Restaurants
 F700-139-000 (English)
Sample Format for Vocational Evaluation Testing Plan
 F252-052-000 (English)
Sample Format for Vocational Testing Report
 F252-051-000 (English)
Sample Self-Employment Agreement
 F252-032-000 (English)
Schedule of Future Payments for the Balance of the Permanent Partial Disability Award
 F207-162-000 (English)
Self Insurance Continuing Education Report of Course Completion
 F207-191-000 (English)
Self Insurance Continuing Education Sponsor/Instructor Application for Course Approval
 F207-192-000 (English)
Self-Insurance Accident Report (SIF-2) Instructions for Workers
 F207-214-214 (Cambodian)
 F207-214-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F207-214-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F207-214-255 (Korean)
 F207-214-294 (Russian)
 F207-214-303 (Somali)
 F207-214-319 (Vietnamese)
 F207-214-999 (Spanish)
Self-Insurance Certification Questionnaire
 F207-176-000 (English)
Self-Insurance Continuing Education Application for Course Approval and Attendance
 F207-206-000 (English)
Self-Insurance Electronic Data Reporting System (SIEDRS) Enrollment Form
 F207-193-000 (English)
Self-Insurance Electronic Data Reporting System (SIEDRS): Enrollment Package 2.0
 F207-194-000 (English)
Self-Insurance Medical Provider Billing Dispute Form
 F207-207-000 (English)
Self-Insurance Option 2 Vocational Services Summary
 F280-064-000 (English)
Self-Insurance Report of Occupational Injury or Disease (SIF-5)
 F207-005-000 (English)
Self-Insurance Vocational Reporting Form
 F207-190-000 (English)
Self-Insurance Vocational Services Closing Cover Sheet
 F207-171-000 (English)
Self-Insured Employer Certificate of Excess Insurance
 F207-095-000 (English)
Self-Insured Employers' Medical Only Claim Closure Order and Notice
 F207-020-111 (English)
 F207-020-999 (Spanish)
Self-Insured Employers' Permanent Partial Disability Closure Order and Notice - PPD-NTL
 F207-164-999 (Spanish)
 F207-165-999 (Spanish)
 F207-165-000 (English)
Self-Insured Employers' Permanent Partial Disability Closure Order and Notice - PPD-TL
 F207-164-000 (English)
Self-Insured Employers' Time Loss Claim Closure Order and Notice
 F207-070-000 (English)
 F207-070-999 (Spanish)
Self-Insurer Accident Report (SIF-2)
 F207-002-000 (English)
Self-Insurer's Bond - Existing Liabilities
 F207-068-000 (English)
Self-Insurer's Pension Bond
 F207-065-000 (English)
Settling your injured worker's L&I claim: A new option for injured workers 50 and older
 F240-004-000 (English)
Settling your L&I claim might be right for you: An option for injured workers 50 or older
 F240-003-000 (English)
 F240-003-999 (Spanish)
Shop and Field Inspection Report
 F620-027-000 (English)
SIEDRS (Self-Insurance Electronic Data Reporting System) Data Change Request
 F207-197-000 (English)
SIF-4 Self Insured Employer's Request for Denial of Claim
 F207-163-000 (English)
SIF-5A Cover Sheet: Wage Calculations
 F207-156-000 (English)
Small Business Liaison Info Card
 F101-088-000 (English)
Special Escrow Account - Amendment Agreement
 F207-137-000 (English)
Special Escrow Agreement
 F207-039-000 (English)
Sports Player Coverage Agreement
 F212-242-000 (English)
Sports Teams and Youth Workers
 F700-130-909 (English/Spanish)
Sports Teams Coverage Agreement
 F212-196-000 (English)
Standard Exception Classification
 F214-016-000 (English)
Standard Hand Signals for Cranes
 FSP0-910-000 (English)
START Program (Safety through Achieving Recognition Together)
 F417-229-000 (English)
State Fund Option 2 Vocational Services Summary
 F280-063-000 (English)
Statement for Compound Prescription
 F245-010-000 (English)
Statement for Crime Victim Miscellaneous Services
 F800-076-000 (English)
Statement for Crime Victims Mental Health Services
 F800-025-000 (English)
Statement for Home Nursing Services
 F248-160-000 (English)
Statement for Miscellaneous Services
 F245-072-000 (English)
 F245-072-999 (Spanish)
Statement for Option 2 Training
 F245-446-255 (Korean)
 F245-446-294 (Russian)
 F245-446-319 (Vietnamese)
 F245-446-000 (English)
 F245-446-999 (Spanish)
Statement for Pharmacy Services
 F245-100-999 (Spanish)
 F245-100-294 (Russian)
 F245-100-317 (Urdu)
 F245-100-000 (English)
Statement for Retraining and Job Modification Services
 F245-030-000 (English)
 F245-030-999 (Spanish)
Statement of Fact
 F242-017-291 (Punjabi/Panjabi)
 F242-017-315 (Turkish)
 F242-017-261 (Laotian)
 F242-017-309 (Telugu/Telegu)
 F242-017-000 (English)
 F242-017-214 (Cambodian)
 F242-017-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F242-017-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F242-017-232 (French)
 F242-017-255 (Korean)
 F242-017-294 (Russian)
 F242-017-303 (Somali)
 F242-017-312 (Tigrinya/Tigrigna)
 F242-017-319 (Vietnamese)
 F242-017-999 (Spanish)
 F242-017-293 (Romanian)
 F242-017-233 (Farsi/Persian)
 F242-017-200 (Albanian)
Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages - Public Works Contract
 F700-029-000 (English)
Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages Addendum A
 F700-160-000 (English)
Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages Addendum C
 F700-163-000 (English)
Statewide Payee and W-9 Form for Accounts Payable
 F120-115-000 (English)
Statewide Payee Registration
 F248-036-000 (English)
 F248-036-236 (German)
Statewide Payee Registration and W-9 Form for Crime Victims
 F800-065-000 (English)
Stay at Work Exam Room Card
 F243-009-000 (English)
Stay at Work Expense Reimbursement Application for Employers Tools, Clothing, Training.
 F243-003-000 (English)
Stay at Work Wage Reimbursement Application for Employers
 F243-001-000 (English)
Stay at Work: A new program to help employers keep injured workers on the job--pays half the wage plus expenses
 F243-006-999 (Spanish)
 F243-006-000 (English)
Stay Clear of Suspended Loads
 FSP0-908-000 (English)
Steel or Wrought-Iron Gas Line Pre-Inspection Checklist
 F622-044-000 (English)
Stop illegal contracting: See it? Report it.
 F625-114-000 (English)
 F625-114-999 (Spanish)
Stop Work Payroll Report
 F262-043-000 (English)
Stop Workplace Bullying (SHARP)
 F310-001-000 (English)
Strategic Plan 2014-2020
 F101-171-000 (English)
Structural Inspection Request Questionnaire
 F622-075-000 (English)
Structured Settlement Income and Expense Worksheet
 F240-007-000 (English)
 F240-007-291 (Punjabi/Panjabi)
 F240-007-261 (Laotian)
 F240-007-312 (Tigrinya/Tigrigna)
 F240-007-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F240-007-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F240-007-233 (Farsi/Persian)
 F240-007-255 (Korean)
 F240-007-294 (Russian)
 F240-007-319 (Vietnamese)
 F240-007-999 (Spanish)
Student Volunteers and Workers' Compensation Coverage
 F213-023-000 (English)
Subacute Opioid Request Form
 F252-097-000 (English)
Submission of Provider Credentials for Interpretive Services
 F245-055-000 (English)
Subscription Request for Construction Contractor and Electrical Basic - CD
 F625-051-000 (English)
Supervisor's Report of an Accident
 F417-048-000 (English)
Supplemental Agreement Third Party Pharmacy Provider
 F249-021-000 (English)
Supplemental Provider Application for the Orthopedic & Neurological Surgeon Quality Project
 F245-379-000 (English)
Supplemental Quarterly Report for the Drywall Industry
 F212-051-000 (English)
Surety Rider
 F207-134-000 (English)
Teens at Work: Facts for Employers, Parents and Teens
 F700-022-319 (Vietnamese)
 F700-022-000 (English)
 F700-022-999 (Spanish)
Temporary Licensed Elevator Mechanic
 F621-068-000 (English)
Ten Safe Handling Hints for Knives
 FSP0-903-000 (English)
Ten Steps for Avoiding Burns
 FSP0-906-000 (English)
Termination of Agreement (Rescission)
 F245-050-000 (English)
Test of Escalator Safety Devices
 F621-055-000 (English)
The ABCs of Classifications in Washington
 F213-022-000 (English)
The Apprenticeship Advantage: Earn While You Learn!
 F100-022-000 (English)
The Best Accident Insurance - To observe all safety regulations
 FSP0-915-000 (English)
The DOSH Consultation Manual
 F414-151-000 (English)
Third Party Recovery Worksheet
 F249-006-111 (English)
Time Encumbrance Form
 F245-376-000 (English)
Tips for completing the Activity Prescription Form
 F242-436-000 (English)
 F242-436-000 (English)
Tower Crane Worksheet for Construction Industry
 F416-044-000 (English)
Tractor Safety: Rollover Protection and Seatbelts
 F417-234-000 (English)
 F417-234-999 (Spanish)
Training Agent Agreement and Understanding of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Requirements of the Apprenticeship Committee - Alternate Selection Process
 F100-523-000 (English)
Training Plan Cost Encumbrance
 F245-374-000 (English)
Transfer of Attending Provider Form for Self Insured Workers
 F207-114-000 (English)
 F207-114-999 (Spanish)
Transfer of Care
 F245-037-233 (Farsi/Persian)
 F245-037-000 (English)
 F245-037-999 (Spanish)
 F245-037-214 (Cambodian)
 F245-037-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F245-037-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F245-037-255 (Korean)
 F245-037-294 (Russian)
 F245-037-303 (Somali)
 F245-037-319 (Vietnamese)
 F245-037-218 (Chuukese)
 F245-037-249 (Japanese)
Transportation Cost Encumbrance
 F245-375-000 (English)
Travel Reimbursement Request
 F245-145-000 (English)
 F245-145-999 (Spanish)
 F245-145-201 (Amharic)
 F245-145-214 (Cambodian)
 F245-145-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F245-145-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F245-145-255 (Korean)
 F245-145-294 (Russian)
 F245-145-303 (Somali)
 F245-145-307 (Tagalog/Filipino)
 F245-145-310 (Thai)
 F245-145-316 (Ukrainian)
 F245-145-319 (Vietnamese)
Travel Reimbursement Request - Crime Victims
 F800-049-000 (English)
UB04 HCFA 1450
 F245-367-000 (English)
Understanding Your Functional Capacity Evaluation
 F245-416-999 (Spanish)
 F245-416-000 (English)
Unpaid Internships 101
 F700-173-000 (English)
Upgrade from Specialty Contractor to General Contractor
 F625-113-000 (English)
Using Apprentices on Public Works and Other Projects
 F100-529-000 (English)
Variance Application - Employment Standards
 F700-089-000 (English)
Variance Application - Industrial Safety and Health
 F414-157-000 (English)
Variance Application - Minor Work
 F700-076-000 (English)
Variance Application - Seasonal Group Minor Work
 F700-135-000 (English)
Variance Application - Theatrical Minor Work
 F700-186-000 (English)
Variance Application - Student Learner Exemption Minor Work
 F700-166-000 (English)
Vendor / Medical Conversion Units Pre-Inspection Checklist
 F622-072-000 (English)
Verification of School Enrollment
 F242-055-999 (Spanish)
 F242-055-000 (English)
 F242-055-203 (Arabic)
 F242-055-294 (Russian)
Victim Outreach Rack Card
 F700-180-909 (English/Spanish)
Victim Verification Form
 F800-110-999 (Spanish)
 F800-110-000 (English)
Vocational Dispute Form
 F280-066-000 (English)
 F280-066-999 (Spanish)
Vocational Plan On-the-Job Training Agreement
 F280-039-000 (English)
 F280-039-999 (Spanish)
Vocational Provider Application
 F252-088-000 (English)
Vocational Questionnaire/Work History
 F280-038-000 (English)
 F280-038-999 (Spanish)
Vocational Training Plan Ownership Agreement for Tools and Equipment
 F245-351-999 (Spanish)
 F245-351-000 (English)
Voluntary Protection Program (VPP)
 F417-221-000 (English)
VRC Primary Contact Form
 F252-105-000 (English)
WAC 296-63 - Right to Know Fee Assessment
 F414-049-000 (English)
Wage Transcription and Computation Sheet
 F700-024-000 (English)
Wage-and-Hour Questions Employers Often Ask
 F700-150-999 (Spanish)
 F700-150-000 (English)
Waiver of Lien by Contractor, Subcontractor(s) and Supplier
 F625-029-000 (English)
Walk, Don't Run
 FSP1-051-000 (English)
Washington Contractor's License Bond Address Change Rider
 F625-104-000 (English)
Washington Contractor's License Bond Bond Amount Rider
 F625-102-000 (English)
Washington Contractor's License Bond Date Change Rider
 F625-101-000 (English)
Washington Contractor's License Bond Entity Change Rider
 F625-103-000 (English)
Washington Contractor's License Bond License Number Change Rider
 F625-100-000 (English)
Washington Contractor's License Bond Name Change Rider
 F625-099-000 (English)
Washington Contractor's License Bond Validation Rider
 F625-098-000 (English)
Washington Practitioner Application
 F245-411-000 (English)
Washington State Apprenticeship Programs Catalog
 F100-041-000 (English)
Washington State Deduction Laws
 F700-097-000 (English)
Washington State Prevailing Wage Law
 F700-032-000 (English)
 F700-032-999 (Spanish)
Washington State Top 25 Hazardous Industries, 2006 to 2010
 F417-243-000 (English)
Washington State Top 25 Hazardous Industries, 2008 to 2012
 F417-258-000 (English)
Washington Workers Insured Out-of-State: Employer's Supplemental Quarterly Report for Workers' Compensation
 F212-233-000 (English)
Watch Where You Step
 FSP1-055-000 (English)
Well...My Daddy Wears 'Em
 FSP1-010-000 (English)
What Are Your Rights as a Worker?
 F101-061-909 (English/Spanish)
 F101-061-404 (English/Russian)
 F101-061-505 (English/Vietnamese)
 F101-061-606 (English/Cambodian)
 F101-061-707 (English/Korean)
What Are Your Rights When You Work for a Farm Labor Contractor?
 F700-067-909 (English/Spanish)
What to Do if You Want to File Suit Against Your Construction Contractor
 F625-088-000 (English)
 F625-088-999 (Spanish)
What You Need to Know if You Don't Get Paid: A Worker's Guide to the Washington State Wage Payment Act
 F700-153-909 (English/Spanish)
What you need to know: Changes to your manufactured or mobile home
 F622-091-000 (English)
What You Should Know About Hiring a Contractor, Remodeler, or Handyman
 F625-084-999 (Spanish)
 F625-084-000 (English)
What You Should Know: Adding an addition, deck, awning, or porch to your manufactured or mobile home
 F622-095-000 (English)
What You Should Know: Adding or changing the openings in the exterior or centerline walls of your manufactured or mobile home
 F622-096-000 (English)
 F622-096-999 (Spanish)
What You Should Know: Installing sheetrock/drywall on the walls or ceiling of your manufactured or mobile home
 F622-099-999 (Spanish)
 F622-099-000 (English)
What You Should Know: Installing solar panels on your manufactured or mobile home
 F622-098-000 (English)
 F622-098-999 (Spanish)
What You Should Know: Repairing damaged trusses or rafters on your manufactured or mobile home
 F622-094-999 (Spanish)
 F622-094-000 (English)
What You Should Know: Repairing the floors in your manufactured or mobile home
 F622-100-000 (English)
 F622-100-999 (Spanish)
What You Should Know: Replacing the roof on your manufactured or mobile home
 F622-092-999 (Spanish)
 F622-092-000 (English)
What You Should Know: Replacing the siding on your manufactured or mobile home
 F622-093-000 (English)
 F622-093-999 (Spanish)
When a Loved One Dies at Work
 F417-240-999 (Spanish)
 F417-240-000 (English)
Window Cleaning Service and Recovery Plan
 F417-273-000 (English)
WISHA 10 for Agriculture
 F416-147-999 (Spanish)
 F416-147-000 (English)
WISHA 10 for Agriculture Training of Trainers (TOT)
 F416-148-000 (English)
WISHA 10 for Agriculture Workers - Class Host Application
 F417-264-000 (English)
WISHA 10 for Agriculture Workers - Registration Information
 F417-263-000 (English)
 F417-263-999 (Spanish)
WISHA 10 for Agriculture Workers - Training for Trainers (TOT)
 F417-265-000 (English)
Wood / Pellet Stove / Fireplace Pre-Inspection Checklist
 F622-015-000 (English)
Work Status Form (formerly Worker Verification Form)
 F242-052-287 (Pashto/Pushtu/Afghan)
 F242-052-206 (Azerbaijani Cyrillic)
 F242-052-336 (Azerbaijani Latin)
 F242-052-000 (English)
 F242-052-999 (Spanish)
 F242-052-201 (Amharic)
 F242-052-203 (Arabic)
 F242-052-211 (Bosnian)
 F242-052-212 (Bulgarian)
 F242-052-213 (Burmese)
 F242-052-214 (Cambodian)
 F242-052-218 (Chuukese)
 F242-052-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F242-052-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F242-052-223 (Croatian)
 F242-052-232 (French)
 F242-052-233 (Farsi/Persian)
 F242-052-242 (Hindi)
 F242-052-243 (Hmong)
 F242-052-246 (Ilocano)
 F242-052-249 (Japanese)
 F242-052-255 (Korean)
 F242-052-261 (Laotian)
 F242-052-272 (Marshallese)
 F242-052-274 (Mien)
 F242-052-280 (Nepali/Nepalese)
 F242-052-283 (Oromo/Afaan Oromo)
 F242-052-290 (Portuguese)
 F242-052-291 (Punjabi/Panjabi)
 F242-052-294 (Russian)
 F242-052-297 (Samoan)
 F242-052-303 (Somali)
 F242-052-304 (Soninke/Soninkeh)
 F242-052-305 (Swahili)
 F242-052-311 (Tibetan)
 F242-052-312 (Tigrinya/Tigrigna)
 F242-052-316 (Ukrainian)
 F242-052-317 (Urdu)
 F242-052-328 (Isoko)
 F242-052-335 (Mongolian Traditional)
 F242-052-238 (Gujarati)
 F242-052-282 (Nuer)
 F242-052-293 (Romanian)
 F242-052-307 (Tagalog/Filipino)
 F242-052-310 (Thai)
 F242-052-313 (Tongan)
 F242-052-315 (Turkish)
 F242-052-319 (Vietnamese)
Worker and Community Right-to-Know Program
 F413-075-000 (English)
Worker Request for Union Dispatch Records
 F242-410-000 (English)
 F242-410-999 (Spanish)
 F242-410-214 (Cambodian)
 F242-410-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F242-410-255 (Korean)
 F242-410-294 (Russian)
 F242-410-319 (Vietnamese)
Worker Rights Complaint Form
 F700-148-000 (English)
 F700-148-999 (Spanish)
 F700-148-214 (Cambodian)
 F700-148-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F700-148-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F700-148-255 (Korean)
 F700-148-294 (Russian)
 F700-148-303 (Somali)
 F700-148-319 (Vietnamese)
Workers' Comp Fraud Hurts YOU
 F262-279-000 (English)
Workers' Compensation Benefits: A Guide for Injured Workers
 F242-104-000 (English)
 F242-104-999 (Spanish)
Workers' Compensation Coverage for Wineries
 F212-249-000 (English)
Workers' Compensation Discrimination
 F262-249-909 (English/Spanish)
Workers' Compensation Employer's Quarterly Report
 F212-055-000 (English)
Workers' Compensation Filing Information
 F207-155-000 (English)
 F207-155-999 (Spanish)
Workers' Compensation Record Keeping and Reporting Guides
 F212-222-999 (Spanish)
 F212-222-000 (English)
Workers' Compensation Requirements for the Marijuana Industry
 F242-415-000 (English)
Workers' Guide to Hazardous Chemicals
 F413-014-909 (English/Spanish)
Workers: Activity coaching can help you get back to doing what you love
 F280-061-000 (English)
 F280-061-999 (Spanish)
Working Safely with Asbestos in Brake and Clutch Linings
 F413-049-000 (English)
Workplace Hazards & Solutions Worksheet
 F417-271-000 (English)
Workplace Safety and Health Pocket Guide
 F417-241-000 (English)
Workplace Violence: Awareness and Prevention for Employers and Employees
 F417-140-000 (English)
You must have your food truck or food trailer inspected for safety
 F623-038-909 (English/Spanish)
Young Workers in Agriculture
 F700-096-909 (English/Spanish)
Your Body, Your Job: Preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Other Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Disorders
 F413-024-000 (English)
 F413-024-999 (Spanish)
Your Daily Record of Hours and Units Worked - For Agricultural Workers
 F700-169-909 (English/Spanish)
Your Daily Record of Hours Worked
 F700-105-909 (English/Spanish)
Your Independent Medical Exam
 F245-224-000 (English)
 F245-224-999 (Spanish)
 F245-244-243 (Hmong)
 F245-224-243 (Hmong)
 F245-224-305 (Swahili)
 F245-224-289 (Polish)
 F245-224-249 (Japanese)
 F245-224-315 (Turkish)
 F245-224-272 (Marshallese)
 F245-224-297 (Samoan)
 F245-224-290 (Portuguese)
 F245-224-293 (Romanian)
 F245-224-316 (Ukrainian)
 F245-224-317 (Urdu)
 F245-224-280 (Nepali/Nepalese)
 F245-224-310 (Thai)
 F245-224-203 (Arabic)
 F245-224-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F245-224-233 (Farsi/Persian)
 F245-224-255 (Korean)
 F245-224-328 (Isoko)
 F245-224-261 (Laotian)
 F245-224-291 (Punjabi/Panjabi)
 F245-224-303 (Somali)
 F245-224-294 (Russian)
 F245-224-307 (Tagalog/Filipino)
 F245-224-319 (Vietnamese)
 F245-224-201 (Amharic)
 F245-224-312 (Tigrinya/Tigrigna)
 F245-224-232 (French)
 F245-224-213 (Burmese)
 F245-224-211 (Bosnian)
 F245-224-214 (Cambodian)
 F245-224-220 (Chinese Simplified)
Your Independent Medical Exam (IME): Crime Victims Compensation Program
 F800-115-000 (English)
Your Independent Medical Exam: For Employees of Self-Insured Businesses
 F207-202-000 (English)
 F207-202-999 (Spanish)
Your Lungs, Your Work, Your Life: What You Should Know about Work-related Asthma
 F413-060-000 (English)
 F413-060-999 (Spanish)
 F413-060-444 (Russian)
Your Manufactured/Mobile Home
 F622-049-000 (English)
 F622-049-999 (Spanish)
Your Premium Dollars at Work (2014)
 F200-023-000 (English)
Your Premium Dollars at Work (2015)
 F200-025-000 (English)
Your Premium Dollars at Work (2016)
 F200-027-000 (English)
Your Premium Dollars at Work (2017)
 F200-028-000 (English)
Your Premium Dollars at Work (2018)
 F200-029-000 (English)
Your Privacy Is Important to Us
 F101-055-909 (English/Spanish)
Your Rights as a Worker
 F700-074-909 (English/Spanish)
 F700-074-220 (Chinese Simplified)
 F700-074-221 (Chinese Traditional)
 F700-074-214 (Cambodian)
 F700-074-255 (Korean)
 F700-074-294 (Russian)
 F700-074-303 (Somali)
 F700-074-319 (Vietnamese)
Your Workers' Compensation Rate Notice - SAMPLE ONLY
 F225-004-000 (English)
Youth in Construction
 F700-145-909 (English/Spanish)

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