
This service returns a list of submissions matching the filter criteria.

  • If the certificate has the "Standard AOR Certificate" role, then only submissions from this certificate or a linked certificate are returned.
  • If the certificate has the "Expanded AOR Certificate" role, then submissions for the entire Organization are returned.

This service is based on the Get Application List web service with the following changes:

  • Package ID replaces CFDA Number as a filter in the input parameters
  • Returns Package ID instead of CFDA and Competition ID

This services replaces the Get Application List web service.

Web Service Version(s)

  • V2.0

Input Parameters

This service contains the following parameter(s):

Input Parameter Description Required/Optional Business Rules V2.0 Web Service Schema

Filter can be: Funding Opportunity Number, Tracking Number, Package ID, Submission Title, and/or Status. Multiple filters may be specified.

Optional (Multiple Occurrences Allowed)   ApplicantCommonElements: SubmissionFilter
Type Submission Filter Type   Valid values:
  • FundingOpportunityNumber
  • GrantsGovTrackingNumber
  • PackageID
  • SubmissionTitle
  • Status
ApplicantCommonElements: SubmissionFilterType

Return Values

This service returns the following values:

Return Value Comment / Example Required/Optional V2.0 Web Service Schema
AvailableApplicationNumber The number of submissions returned /91    

Submission Details consists of the following values:

  • GrantsGovTrackingNumber
  • AgencyTrackingNumber
  • GrantsGovApplicationStatus
  • ReceivedDateTime
  • StatusDateTime
  • FundingOpportunityNumber
  • SubmissionTitle
  • PackageID
Optional (May have multiple occurrences) ApplicantCommonElements: SubmissionDetails