Family & Medical Leave

Direct Process through the Indiana State Employee Portal is now required for agencies served by the Indiana State Personnel Department's centralized FML-processing staff. 

Applying for Family Medical Leave

NEW - Recorded Webinar on FML Request Process

This webinar is available via PeopleSoft ELM

To apply for family medical leave, log-in to PeopleSoft®.

  • From the Main Menu choose Human Resources > Self-Service > Leave Administration > FMLA Leave Request.
  • Need help navigating in PeopleSoft to the request screen? View Quick Steps for Submitting an FML Request
  • Need more help? Scroll down to the Helpful Tools section on this page.

An e-mail address is needed to complete the application process.
No e-mail account? There are several sites on the internet that provide e-mail accounts at no charge. Yahoo | Hotmail | Gmail

  • Review the CERTIFICATION FORMS below and choose the one that applies to your reason for needing FML. The Certification forms are not interchangeable.  
  • Download the correct certification form, fill-in the identifying information, and submit the form to the  Health Care Provider (HCP) for completion. 
  • Within the time limit (15 days for initial certification / 7 days for clarification) retrieve the certification from the HCP and upload it to your request (See Quick Steps for Attaching Documents to Request). If there are extenuating circumstances making it impossible for you to submit the certification or clarification within the time limit, then you must call the FML Line at 317.234.7955 or 1.855.773.4647 and request an extension.  Deadlines cannot be extended after they have expired – call before the 15- or 7-day limit has passed.
  • Check your email account frequently for information about your request.

Certification Forms

Click to View forms and additional info View forms and additional information

Disability Forms

If there is a chance that a leave for the employee's own serious health condition may last more than 30 consecutive calendar days, then the employee must apply for the state's Short/Long Term Disability (S/LTD) Plan by completing and submitting these forms to the address/fax listed on the forms as soon as the need for leave becomes known. This is a separate process and must be completed in addition to the FML process in appropriate situations.

Click to View forms and additional info Application for S/LTD benefits

Learn more about these common FML events

Helpful tools related to the FML process

Click to View forms and additional info View quick step guides, presentations and tutorials for employees

Click to View forms and additional info View quick step guides and tutorials for Managers & HR staff

Click to View forms and additional info View available tools for tracking FML usage

Are you eligible for New Parent Leave?

To be eligible for New Parent Leave (NPL) employees must have:

  • Six (6) consecutive (without a break in service) months or more employment in a permanent position in state service
  • Birth or placement of a child for adoption occurring on or after January 1, 2018.

For additional information, visit INSPD's New Parent Leave page.  

Are you eligible for FML?

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, as amended in 2008, allows eligible employees of a covered employer to take job-protected, unpaid leave, or to substitute paid leave if earned or accrued.

Click to View forms and additional info Learn more about eligibility

Click to View forms and additional info Learn more about Qualifying Events

Click to View forms and additional info Deadlines and Consequences

Click to View forms and additional info Recording FML Usage

Click to View forms and additional info Frequently Asked Questions

State and Federal Policies on Family-Medical Leave

These documents explain how family-medical leave is administered by the State of Indiana for its state employees.  It does not apply to other employers.

US Department of Labor’s Notice to Employees of Rights under the FMLA
This document is required by the US DOL to be provided to employees of covered employers. The State of Indiana is a covered employer.

Training materials and opportunities