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Modernization of U.S. Airspace

The Next Generation Air Transportation System, or NextGen, is the FAA-led modernization of America's air transportation system to make flying even safer, more efficient, and more predictable.

Featured Story

Steve Johnson flying his MX2 aircraft.

ADS-B Keeps Aerobatic Pilots in the Loop

With lightweight ADS-B avionics available, more aerobatic aircraft owners are recognizing the value of equipping with ADS-B to enhance safety. Steve Johnson, an aerobatic competition pilot, said ADS-B can help pilots avoid unsafe situations.

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This is NextGen

NextGen is not one technology, product, or goal. The NextGen portfolio encompasses the planning and implementation of innovative new technologies and airspace procedures after thorough testing for safety. Through research, innovation, and collaboration, NextGen is setting standards around the world and further establishing the FAA's global leadership in aviation.

How NextGen Works

As the steward of America's airspace, the FAA is committed to ensuring that we have the safest, most efficient airspace system possible today and for generations of air travelers to come.

Learn how NextGen is working

Where We Are Now

NextGen is about halfway through a multi-year investment and implementation plan. The FAA plans to keep rolling out NextGen technologies, procedures, and policies that benefit passengers, the aviation industry, and the environment through 2025/2030 and beyond.

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NextGen Near You

Learn more about NextGen projects across the country and how you can get involved in discussions about the evolution of the U.S. air transportation system.

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