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FEMA Pitch is an online tool to expedite and channel private sector solutions of interest to the correct program office within FEMA. Focusing on fairness and transparency between FEMA, states, and suppliers.


FEMA's goal is to establishes strategic relationships with suppliers and stakeholders; serves as an information provider for suppliers seeking to do business with FEMA; and connects suppliers with program offices in support of FEMA’s mission.

If you are seeking to do business with FEMA in support of a disaster recovery effort, please be aware that in accordance with the Robert T. Stafford Act (specifically Section 307), FEMA’s goal is to seek local companies within the disaster area for goods and services related to a specific disaster when practical and feasible.


Navigate to the FEMA Pitch submission form. Fill in all the fields, please try and be as descriptive as possible. Choose one of the 7 lifelines that your submission aligns with so that we can ge your submission to the right office.


This platform does not constitute a Government Point of Entry as defined by Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Section 2.101, nor does it constitute FEMA publicizing contract opportunities as described in FAR Part 5; rather, this is a means by which you may submit information to streamline coordination between the public and private sectors during national disasters and emergencies.  Submission of information is strictly voluntary.  By doing so, no legally binding obligation, duty, commitment, or liability (contractual or otherwise) whatsoever shall be created, implied, or inferred; FEMA does not authorize you to work, start work, or bill FEMA for any work related to your submission(s).  If a submission constitutes an unsolicited proposal as defined by FAR Section 2.101, it must be submitted in accordance with FAR Subpart 15.6, and it will be processed in accordance with same (for more information on unsolicited proposals, please visit https://www.dhs.gov/unsolicited-proposals).  If you’re interested in doing business with FEMA, please contact FEMA’s Industry Liaison Program at FEMA-Industry@fema.dhs.gov or (202) 212-1042, for more information, please visit their website at https://www.fema.gov/industry-liaison-program.

Last Updated: 
12/19/2018 - 07:43