Commission Publications

The following 332 Commission Publications are listed chronologically by publication date. To sort by publication year, topic or alphabetical please use the filter options below.


Investigation No. 332-567
USITC Publication 4827
October 2018
Investigation No. 332-345
USITC Publication 4829
October 2018
USITC Publication 4817
August 2018
Investigation No. FTA 103-031
USITC Publication 4791
June 2018
Investigation No. 332-564
USITC Publication 4780
May 2018


Investigation No. 332-345
USITC Publication 4723
September 2017
Investigation No. 332-561
USITC Publication 4716
August 2017
USITC Publication 4711
July 2017
Investigation No. 332-557
USITC Publication 4703
July 2017
Investigation No. 332-501
USITC Publication 4698
June 2017
Investigation No. 332-560
USITC Publication 4692
June 2017
Investigation No. FTA-103-030
USITC Publication 4662
February 2017


Investigation No. 332-345
USITC Publication 4641
September 2016
Investigation No. FTA-103-029
USITC Publication 4632
September 2016
USITC Publication 4627
July 2016
Investigation No. CAFTA-DR-103-028
USITC Publication 4613
June 2016
Investigation No. 332-501
USITC Publication 4616
June 2016
* To view the publication by chapter, please click the Summary link below.
Investigation No. TPA-105-001
USITC Publication 4607
May 2016
Investigation No. 332-556
USITC Publication 4609
May 2016
Investigation No. 332-552
USITC Publication 4597
March 2016


Investigation No. 332-550
USITC Publication 4566
September 2015
Investigation No. 332-554
USITC Publication 4562
August 2015
Investigation No. 332-345
USITC Publication 4536
June 2015
Investigation No. 332-345
USITC Publication 4526
May 2015
Investigation No. 332-501
USITC Publication 4535
May 2015
Investigation No. 332-549
USITC Publication 4530
April 2015


Investigation No. 332-543
USITC Publication 4501
December 2014
Investigation No. 332-345
USITC Publication 4493
October 2014
Investigation No. 332-540
USITC Publication 4485
August 2014
