Emergency Medical Services

2019 Medic License Renewals

Effective October 1, 2018, all individuals EMS licensees with a license expiring on 3/31/2019 can begin renewing their license either online or by paper application. See our license renewal page for more details.

Guidance for Documenting Drug Overdose-related EMS Trips

The Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) uses a variety of data sources to track drug overdose trends across Georgia. Please see the attached guide for documenting drug overdose-related ED visits and/or EMS trips. 

Notice of Final Proposed Rulemaking to DPH Rule Chapter 511-9-2-.07

The Georgia Department of Public Health, Office of EMS and Trauma (Department) has decided to finalize Chapter 511-9-2-.07, entitled “Licensure of Ground Ambulance Services” as proposed on March 9, 2018. The amendment will become effective on May 14, 2018.

Please review the attached memo from DPH Commissioner, Dr. Pat O’Neal.

Georgia EMS Agencies Transition to NEMSIS V3.4.0

The deadline to transition to NEMSIS v3.4.0 for all agency licensees (ground ambulance services, neonatal transport services, air ambulance services, and medical first responder services) was March 31, 2018.  All active agency licensees must now be using GEMSIS Elite v3.4.0 system to be in compliance for data reporting.

For agency licensees that are not reporting data using GEMSIS Elite v3.4.0, please contact Dipti Patel at dipti.patel@dph.ga.gov.