A Look Inside OCSE

The Office of Child Support Enforcement provides more services than people generally see. We launched a new column in the Child Support Report newsletter called A Look Inside OCSE. These articles highlight tasks that federal child support staff handle. The column will run for several months so check back frequently as we add new stories.

Collaboration Improves New Hire Reporting

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A change to Form W-4 helps employers submit all federally required data at once.

Read about the new field on the W-4

Federal Partnerships and Collaboration

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Collaboration between federal agencies and other partners helps families across multiple programs.

See who OCSE partners with

Domestic Violence Technical Assistance

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Staff provide training and technical support to child support agencies increasing staff safety and helping improve their services.

Learn about this federal domestic violence program

Grants and Waivers Foster Program Innovation

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These grants and waiver projects must promote program objectives, and improve the financial well-being of children or program operations.

Find out more about grants and waivers

Veterans and Military Liaison Network

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We established our network to specifically support veteran and military families in the child support caseload.

Read more about VMLN

Federal Partnerships Help Dads

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At OCSE, we work with a variety of federal partners to conduct fatherhood outreach at the state and community level.

Learn more about our outreach

Passport Denial Program 101

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This program provides an effective tool to collect past-due support from delinquent parents who want to travel outside of the United States.

See how the program works
Last Reviewed: December 19, 2018

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