School Health

Healthy kids learn better and are more likely to graduate from high schools.  By focusing on the whole school, the whole community and the whole child, we can improve educational and health outcomes in Georgia.

With 95 percent of the nation’s children and adolescent enrolled in schools, spending 6 hours or more hours a day for up to 13 years of their life, schools are great partners in helping create healthy kids.  They also have many demands on their time and resources.   

The Georgia Department of Public Health supports youth, schools, and parents in creating opportunities to be healthy and learn lifelong health habits in—

  • Focusing on positive youth development as early as 1st grade
  • Creating tobacco-free environments
  • Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption
  • Increasing physical activity
  • Teen pregnancy prevention
  • Sexual violence prevention
  • Preventing bullying

Additional Resources

Alliance For A Healthier Generation

Effective School Health Advisory Councils: Moving from Policy to Action

Fitnessgram Assessment

Georgia Shape

Georgia Worksite Wellness Assessment Tool

Governor’s Office of Student Achievement

National Center for Education Statistics

Physical Activity and Nutrition Toolkit: For Georgia Public Schools and School Districts

USDA Healthier Schools Challenge