Community Health Workers

Welcome to the Georgia Community Health Worker information page! The purpose of this page is to provide updates and information regarding the role and work of CHWs in Georgia.
Check back frequently for updates and news around our progress in Georgia.

2017 Georgia Community Health Worker Forum- November 29, 2017, Atlanta, GA

Join us for the 2017 Georgia CHW Stakeholder Forum! This year, the focus will be on gaining stakeholder consensus on a standardized training and certification program and models for payment/reimbursement for CHW services. If you are interested in providing input on a set of recommendations for a statewide CHW program, please join the conversation.
Click on the link below to register. Registration will close by October 27, 2017.

If you have questions, please feel free to send an email to


CHW Advisory Board 

In May 2017, individuals were selected from across the state to serve on the Georgia Community Health Worker Advisory Board. The purpose of the Advisory Board is to help align our efforts statewide to define, train, and certify CHWs, and to provide recognition to this growing group of professionals.  

Individuals were selected based on nominations received by the Community Health Worker Steering Team and their experience or interest working with CHWs. The board members represent the following areas: health systems, health plans, academia, community based organizations, advocacy groups, rural health, government, physicians, nursing, public health, social work, legal, and most importantly, community health workers.

The initial task for the Advisory Board will be to determine an appropriate definition for CHWs in Georgia. Additionally, the board members will organize workgroups around training, certification, reimbursement, and advocacy for CHWs.

The first two board meetings will be held in Atlanta, GA July 13th and August 10th, 2017. A statewide forum is also being planned for the fall of 2017, which will serve as an opportunity for all partners and stakeholders to hear the progress that’s being made by the  Advisory Board and provide input for next steps.

Advisory Board Members

Amy Riedesel (Tanner Health System)
Bereket Beraki (State Office of Refugee Health)
Beth Stephens (Georgia Watch)
Christopher Ervin (Physician)
Joyce Essien (Physician)
Cindi Tillery (CHOA)
Debbie Okirie (Morehouse Choice ACO)
Earlie Rockette (Amerigroup Anthem)
Cassandra Cladd (Columbus State University)
Monica Nadan (Kennesaw State University)
Lisa Carhuff (State Office of Rural Health)
Olga Lucia Jimenez (American Cancer Society)
Rhonda Green (Horizon Community Solutions)
Thomasine Mungo (Mercy Care)
Bianca Barker (Oakhurst Medical Centers)
Shirley Borghi (Hispanic Health Coalition)
Donna Mariney (Peach State)
Seema Csukas (CareSource)


Pre-American Public Health Association (APHA) Community Health Worker Summit- November 4th, 2017, Atlanta, GA

Registration is now open to attendees for the Pre-American Public Health Association (APHA) Community Health Worker (CHW) Summit.  on Saturday, November 4th in Atlanta, GA at the Morehouse School of Medicine.  The event is sponsored by the Community Health Worker Section of APHA, as well as the Cross-RHEC CHW Coalition, Morehouse School of Medicine, and SW AHEC.

The Summit will be focused on the Southeastern Region of the U.S., but will include national issues and concerns as well.  Topics include: payment/sustainability, Return of Investment (ROI) of CHWs, innovative models of CHW programs, skill-building for CHWs, and training/certification. The Summit will be largely interactive through round-tables, work-shops, break-out sessions, and plenary presentations.  

The registration fee for CHWs is $15.00 and for CHW allies/stakeholders, it is $30.00. You do not have to register for APHA to attend.

Please find details and registration at the site below. If you have any questions, please let us know.

We look forward to meeting you at our Summit! 

Link for Pre-APHA CHW Summit Registration:


CHW Statewide Forum- November 17, 2016 Atlanta, GA
The first CHW  Forum took place on November 17, 2016 at Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center. Approximately 130 people were present representing health systems, community based organizations, academia, state and local government and other sectors. The Forum, which was facilitated by the Georgia Health Policy Center,  included presentations on CHW models used in other states; a presentation by Dr Jill Feldstein, Director of the Penn Center for Community Health Workers at the University of Pennsylvania, a discussion of proposed definitions for the term CHW in Georgia; information about the existing wide range of CHW programs, approaches, and policies in Georgia; baseline training needs for CHWs; and, networking opportunities. To find a summary of this event, please refer to the "Related Files" section.

Steering Team

The current Community Health Worker Steering Team is comprised of representatives from the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH), Kaiser Permanente, United Way of Atlanta, Morehouse School of Medicine, Grady Health System, Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC), Atlanta Regional Collaborative for Health Improvement, The Task Force for Global Health. 




Page last updated 09/20/2017