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Animal Experimentation and Animal Use Alternatives

Two ferrets

USDA. Animal Welfare Information Center.

Organizes information on the Animal Welfare Act. Includes the full-text of the 1966 Animal Welfare Act, the Animal Welfare Act and Regulations "Blue Book" (September 2013), amendments to the act, quick reference, and the background of the act.

National Institutes of Health. Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare.

Presents the text for the "U.S. Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research and Training" as well as the "Health Research Extension Act of 1985" (Public Law 99-158, "Animals in Research," November 20, 1985), which provides the statutory mandate for the PHS Policy. 2002 publication.

University of Missouri. Comparative Medicine Program.

Categorizes diseases and conditions affecting common research animals from most to least prevalent. Incidence, transmission, clinical signs, pathology, and augment descriptions are included to serve as a basic reference for veterinarians, veterinary students, and residents involved in the care of animal species used in research.

Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences.

Lists criteria for establishing codes of practice or legislation around the use of animals in scientific research.

American Veterinary Medical Association.

States the American Veterinary Medical Association's positions on the use of research animals including antimicrobial use, euthanasia, abuse, pain, and other important animal welfare concerns.

American Physiological Society.

Assembles links to internet resources on animals in research and education including government agencies.

American Psychological Association; Committee on Animal Research and Ethics.

Formulates guidelines for use by psychologists working with nonhuman animals. Discusses personnel, research justification, care and housing, acquisition of animals, experimental design, field research, and educational use of animals.